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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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The Arctic ocean photographed in the same place, 107 years ago vs today.
  • Or an Earth with Harsher winters and Massive Winterstorms followed by Scorching HeatWaves. Only cockaroaches will survive.

    Unless you are evolving into roaches, no human being will survive the Earth's mighty global climate swings.

  • Triggered
  • Truly, dinosaurs with guns ! Glocks to stave off the extinction of the species ! What a wonderful idea, I would have never thought of that, somehow I must have heard about it somewhere before, surely !

  • Study hack
  • If you use Google Meet or Zoom or some kind of Desktop recording software, you can record yourself talking between blank or paused video while taking the online course and have the transcript + your own voiced notes with the recording as review material + courseware.

    If you take the trouble of revisiting , revising, re-note-taking you might end up with better understanding and even self-generated workbook + answers too ( including your mistakes and what is a false trail or false path and the correct approach ) .

  • Let me at 'em!!
  • Won't this cause nicks and dulling as sudden heating and impact lead to both knives becoming extremely useless ?

    Also replacing one of the knives with a sharpening rod, I can sort of suspend disbelief enough to believe it "possible".

  • Ubisofts stock tanked this morning ahead of the markets opening
  • they made a japanese game that insulted Japan and japanese people and japanese culture and wasn't even close to historical accuracy blending too many disjointed japanese eras including marketing Nuclear-bombing of Nagasaki ....

    :smh: Ubisoft is a "good" gamestudio from top-to-bottom.

    Im in favour of execution. The entire Ubisoft should be executed. i.e. fired from their jobs and company closed so that other game studios get the money to make better games than Ubisoft.

    Edit: <-- Truth that I have stated in this post confirmed.

    Edit2: <-- From a Japanese person's perspective.

    Edit3: Even Ubisoft Announcement states that they do poor "execution" of releasing their "products". My comment seems very prophetic since I wrote it without even knowing Ubisoft were cancelling/delaying AC:S. Sad but I told y'all so :'D

  • Assassin's Creed Shadows delayed to February 14, 2025, abandoning season pass strategy, Steam launch day 1, and more
  • In xenophobic Japan, a foreigner especially an African is allowed to massacre Japanese people with zero consequences. The same problem will exist if a westerner enters Japan and massacres Japanese citizenry with zero consequence.

    It was a very anti-Japanese ( replace Japanese with Jewish or any other ethnic or cultural or minority group ) game centered in Japan. ( Butsu buddha statue is expressly forbidden in Japan from pictorial / digital / non-real-life representations but Ubisoft decided to make a digital 3d model and place it in AC:S) with blatant disrespect and cultural-dissonance.

    If it was Yagyu Juubei and Naoe or some similar Japanese main-characters there would be almost no backlash . Edit2: complete rejection as non-immersive and non-Japanese behaviour.

    Edit: Listen to gamers and sensible people who actually care for a good Ubisoft game.

    Edit2: Listen to a Japanese perspective to the problems Ubisoft has caused Japan. An entire country offended for greedy corpos and fake DEI messaging.

  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • Putin is paranoid and insane.

    If he ever pushes the button and the Russian soldier "following orders" all of them will stand trial at the ICC for war-crimes against humanity and the entire-planet earth.

    The first nation that attempts at launching nukes success-or-failure will get crushed by the rest of the world.

    Nuclear-Mutually-Assured-Total-Destruction is not a joke. It is reality we live in everyday.

  • Is driving a car this awful all the time?
  • Driving manual takes BOTH Theory and Practice.

    1. Replay potential scenarios in your head and try to predict how you will react.

    2. Re-examine your realtime reactions on the road.

    3. Learn both rules of the road and real-life motorists reactions to rules.

    4. Safety - Safety - Safety. If it feels unsafe, get off the road safely and wait it out.

    Manual driving tips.

    Use the emergency-parking-hand-brake for hill-assists.

    Practice dual-brake-accelerator press/release.

    Practice clutch-release-hold with no brake-accelerator ( fully depressed clutch, quarter-release, half-release, no-clutch .... does the vehicle jump forward, at what point does it start creeping forward, what noise is the engine making, how does the gear-stick/shaft feel smooth or vibrating or extremely-stuck, etc etc )

    Practice a reliable gear-stick-shift-shaft action. Turn your wrist outward and push horizontal, and up for 1st-gear. Neutral with a downward wrist and wiggle along the central neutral line. Turn wrist upward and firmly push straight forward for 3rd-gear, and tap gear-knob down and wiggle along central neutral line to confirm gear-stick is in the neutral, etc etc.

    So by judging how traffic behaves and by establishing clear personal good gear/manual habits, you can improve your reactions.

    Look forward of the vehicle for less than 10 meters ( 30 feet ) and drive below 60 kmph ( 40 mph ) if you can't smoothly handle the manual transmission. Increase by 5 feet look distance as you get more comfortable over several months.

    Don't drive in traffic, park if you feel unsafe without causing problems.

    Avoid steep shopping mall parking lots and narrow spaces until you are comfortable handling the manual vehicle.

    Add wing mirrors and antenna at the edges of the vehicle corners to help visually identify the area around the vehicle.

    Best of Luck and Have Fun once you are good at it. If after 2 years you aren't getting any results, then manual may not be the best choice for you and you may need to give it up. Automatic transmissions are now making amazing progress and reliability.

    No shame driving automatic transmission vehicles.

  • Is Pine64 dead?
  • It is the same/similar problem that Nokia/Maemo and Sailfish/merOS have all had.

    Some things are binary-blobs + NDAs and many things are still locked, the OSS community can only do so much before they hit the commercial roadblocks.

    We need a complete CoreBoot + OSS silicon-chips + OSS firmware + all-community / all-commercial dual production lines.

    The open-source-based company should be able to sell both the commercial locked-version and the oss-all-unlocked-version with the ability to switch infinitely between the two models.

    But the world of electronics rarely will ever work or reach that level of interoperability , repairability or recycling this way. Not for a long time maybe in some distant future.

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • Any sanitation worker, sewage diver, drain block remover, in most of the third-world countries.

    We need city drainages to be repaired, cleaned, maintained, and managed with draconian safety, extremely well-compensated, hazardpay up the wazoo workers comp and complete-healthcare all covered for life. So many workers are just abused for the lifeline work that keep a city's arteries from getting clogged and flowing smoothly.

    I saw how Korean drain-workers do it with high-pressure water jets and incredible efficiency and knowhow talent of their vital job. I wish we didnt have the corruption that prevents this type of training, trained worker, worker pride in the essential labour that they do.

    Same goes for recycling and reducing waste. We humans don't do nearly enough and the Top-20 major corporations that cause 80% of worldwide pollutants go unchecked and unpunished.

  • Are they.... you know...?
  • Nobody is going to actually care about this except as a gossip item.

    Did he use Campaign finances to pay for things ? Did he break the law by misusing and mis-appropriating funds ? Has he done money laundering ?

    And most important of all, IS HE GOING TO SPEND TIME IN JAIL FOR ALL HIS CRIMES ?

    If its "Rules for thee and not for me" most people are not going to care. They will want to set the world on fire and watch it all burn to the ground.

    I hope no one wants to know the private going on of these kinds of deranged people. If they do the crime, they must do the time. Sadly it is rich-get-out-of-jail-free card at play.

  • :: Spoiler discussion on DragonSteel Prime and also Way Of Kings Prime

    Has anyone read thoroughly DragonSteel and WayOfKings both as Prime-versions as well as the normal canonical versions?


    Spoiler WayOfKings Prime seems to be better than DragonSteel Prime.

    I found DragonSteel Prime kind of not a very good or even cohesive storyline compared to the WayOfKings Prime.

    WayOfKings-Prime reads almost like if someone tried to "Hollywood"-ify BrandoSando's WoK without really reading anything about Cosmere.

    But DragonSteel-Prime reads like some crazy drunk person tried to combine Pug/Magician and BelGarion/Belgariad(David Eddings ) and some more fantasy settings.

    I want more of these stories, the first drafts and the final editions ! It is very very fascinating how each story got revised, cut, re-written, re-arranged, etc.


    How to use Steamtricks or Winetricks

    Im on openSuse 15.4 and DX12 doesnt seem to have any workaround. How do I fix ? Can i install DX12 somehow ? Will Proton fix it with winetricks or steamtricks ?
