Dragonsteel 2024 Swag Quality
I was so impressed by the quality of merchandise Dragonsteel put out for the convention this year. The Bridge Four blanket is huge, warm, and so soft and well made.
Curious about fan reactions
I am curious what is the feeling so far about this book.
Personally, I think it is run-of-the-mill Sanderson writing. The book is quite different but same style.
The story though is "meh" to me. I enjoyed it. Lot of reveals of the mystery in all the previous books.
Im sure the 17th-Shard folks are going to be busy for the next 2 to 4 years trying to get through this one :-D
Wind and Truth Spoiler
Book is not at all about grand battles and finales, does it have a Sanderlanche ? For a mid-way point to the entire Stormlight Archive series of 10-books does it really deliver?
Secret Project now availablr on Kindle and Audible
Good ol BrandoSando has screwed the community again. First, he announces the secret project and promises us new stories. Then, he "boycotts" amazon with JUST THESE COMMUNITY FUNDED STORIES. Now, he's making money on books we bought without letting us utilize the accessibility features we've come to expect from his other work unless we pay him again.
Tl;Dr Brandon Sanderson is an exploitative greed monster that swallowed 43 million dollars and is hungry for more. Do not buy Brandon Sanderson products until this betrayal is addressed.
:: Spoiler discussion on DragonSteel Prime and also Way Of Kings Prime
Has anyone read thoroughly DragonSteel and WayOfKings both as Prime-versions as well as the normal canonical versions?
Spoiler WayOfKings Prime seems to be better than DragonSteel Prime.
I found DragonSteel Prime kind of not a very good or even cohesive storyline compared to the WayOfKings Prime.
WayOfKings-Prime reads almost like if someone tried to "Hollywood"-ify BrandoSando's WoK without really reading anything about Cosmere.
But DragonSteel-Prime reads like some crazy drunk person tried to combine Pug/Magician and BelGarion/Belgariad(David Eddings ) and some more fantasy settings.
I want more of these stories, the first drafts and the final editions ! It is very very fascinating how each story got revised, cut, re-written, re-arranged, etc.
Words Of Radiance Pricing
Someone managed to grab a screenshot of the pricing before Backerkit imploded
Words of Radiance - Leatherbound edition launches nowish
It looks like the website is being crushed to death by all of us currently though =/
oh look. im so glad the $43 million dollar secret project the fans funded will now spawn AI generated garbage while still not being available on audible. isnt that just the greatest? /s
storyfair.net Spotify Modifies Terms for Audiobook Rightsholders, Changes May Put Authors in Legal Peril With NarratorsStoryFair Audiobooks launches a better, fairer way to to buy audiobooks. On StoryFair, authors now receive the highest royalty anywhere.
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12029451
> Spotify just changed their TOS, giving them unprecedented rights to create "derivative works" from audiobooks > > They frame it as though it's for user content, more likely it's to train AI, but in fact it gives them the right to do almost anything they want - up to (but not including) stealing the content outright.
(Re-upload) Spoiler Livestream With Brandon | Koloss Head Munching Day
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Cosmere bibliography by series?
Is there such a thing as a list of the Cosmere books by series? Everything I’ve found so far either lists them book by book, with pictures and other bumf, or is just a chronological B list with all the non-Cosmere books jumbled in.
Essentially, I like to compile a bullet-pointed list in my notes app for my favourite authors and for a universe as complex as this, I’d like to have all the Mistborn listed under one subheading, Stormlight under another, etc, etc. I’m a bit anal about these things, and I like to be able to check them off and know I’ve got them all.
I’m sure it’s out there somewhere, just itching for me to come along and copy and paste it! Thanks in advance
Christmas Food Tier List — Intentionally Blank Ep. 133
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SpoilerLivestream With Brandon on Koloss Head Munching Day
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Our First Book Signings — Intentionally Blank Ep. 131 (Recorded Live at Dragonsteel 2023!)
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Unintentionally Not Delaying "Superhero Movies Before They Were Cool" Part 2 l Intentionally Blank
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Superhero Movies Before They Were Cool — Ep. 129 of Intentionally Blank
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Cosmere Connections | Brandon's Book Club | The Sunlit Man - Part 2 w/ Host @DanielGreeneReviews
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The Burger Ranking Throwdown — Ep. 128 of Intentionally Blank
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The Meditation of Power | Brandon's Book Club | The Sunlit Man - Part 1 w/ Host @DanielGreeneReviews
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Dan's Fan Mail Revenge — Ep. 127 of Intentionally Blank
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Defiant samples + audiobook
www.penguinrandomhouse.com Defiant by Brandon Sanderson: 9780593309711 | PenguinRandomHouse.com: BooksFrom the #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson comes the final book in an epic series about a girl who will travel beyond the stars to save the world she loves from destruction. Spensa...
Prologue + first eight chapters are now available on Penguin Random House's website! Click "Look Inside" on the desktop site—NOT "Read an Excerpt", which is only Chapter 1.
As for the audiobook, it's now available for preorder on Audible in the US and the UK.
Brandons Kaiju Quiz for Dan — Ep. 126 of Intentionally Blank
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Live Action "One Piece" — Ep. 125 of Intentionally Blank
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- m.youtube.com New Products Showcase + Warbreaker Box Now For Sale
On todays weekly update, Brandon discusses the audio book of Defiant and will have more news on where you can find it on next weeks Weekly Update, (make sure...