If anything that seems like worthwhile analytics for the dev team to have access to.
Most software lets you opt out of sending anonymous analytics data though.
Tried i3 a few years back. Never went back. Fucking love it. Would like to ditch X for Wayland soon though. Need to move to Sway but a bunch of scripts depend on X.. Probably wouldn't be too much of a nightmare to transition, but for some reason I've been putting it off for years.
Really? You had someone blaming Ukraine for Ukraine war and the best you could come up with was misoginy? You really got all the way down to their level there.
No, youre supposed to delete your account and leave. Nobody has time for your crappy take. Probs gonna blame jews for holocaust next.
Lol crypto did not "start" in San Francisco. And if that's so incredibly wrong, there is no point of even considering anything else you wrote.
3Easier said than done. Had a quick search. In 45km of my home there is not one reMarkable, PineNone or Bookeen. There is 2 kobos. And around 200 kindles. Kindes are starting at 5 bucks for ones that look a little beat up. Kobos are 80 bucks. You can still avoid buying most books from amazon. Obviously not all. Even owning Kobo there are some books you end up buying from Amazon. They have the largest foreign language library. There are thousands of popular books which you cannot get in a foreign language anywhere else these days. And you have to acknowledge that most people in the world are not reading books in English.
Sometimes you can get a solid deal. If youre super patient or lucky. But the 2nd hand market will generally always follow the market distribution of retail.
So long as kindle is domninating. 2nd hand users are gonna be heavily pressured into buying kindle.
I wholeheartedly agree that we shouldnt support amazon and i do think they are making kindles a pain.
But i dont think you can expect people to just find 2nd hand alternatives like what you listed. Especially when you consider the demographic of people shopping for eraders.
This is why i find these kinds of comment chains futile. We all love to vote with our money, but its not that simple for a lot of people. Maybe instead of this "you get what you deserve" attitude we could put more energy towards promoting the jailbreaks and trying to make those as accessible as possible for your chineese grandma to be able to do it herself on her Windows Vista. Not to mention that there is 0 value in telling anyone that bought a new kindle that they deserve whats comming. At best they sell their kindle when they buy a kobo perpetuating the cycle. At worst they trash it and contribute the already growing problems of ewaste.
Yeah that latter part of "it was easy for me" in particularly stinks of the elitist attitude i was mentioning. I think its a sign of someone thats not really trying to help but rather to make themselves seem smarter.
If you see lots of it here then I guess this post is fair. But i will standby my remark that if you're seeing a lot of this kind of mentality then you need to reasses where you are hanging out...
Maybe go to a local LUG instead. People are a bit more desperate to actually help others at those usually.
Pretty easy to come up with problems that chatGPT is useless at. You can test it pretty easily. Throw enough constraints at it and the transformer starts to loose attention and forget vital parts.
With a bit of effort you can make problems where chatGPT will actuallt give a misleading answer and candidates have to think critically.
Just like in the past it was pretty easy to come up with problems which werent easily found on SO.
Same landscape. If you put in the time and the effort to have a solid recruitment process, you get solid devs. If you have a lazy and shitty process, you get shitty devs.
Have you actually found that to be the case in anything complex though? I find it just forgets parts to generate something. Stuck in an infuriating loop of fucking up.
It took us around 2 hours to run our coding questions through chatgpt and see what it gives. And it gives complete shit for most of them. One or two questions we had to replace.
If a company cannot invest even a day to go through their hiring process and AI proof it, then they have a shitty hiring process. And with a shitty hiring process, you get shitty devs.
And then you get people like OP, blaming the generation while if anything its them and their company to blame... for falling behind. Got to keep up folks. Our field moves fast.
There is a whole community of people out there who will pretty much refuse to buy brand new electronics. And thats for very obvious and valid reasons.
Kindles can be found for dirt cheap if not free 2nd hand. And so many users have a kindle for this reason. Myself included. Id never throw out or discard an electronic device that continues to work. For the same obvious reasons as why i dont buy new ones.
And so this information is super relevant and important to users like me. Regardless of how much people like you might be convinced that "we had it coming" or whatever.
For those of us who will only buy electronics used, kindle is usually the only option. And far cheaper too. So its nice that the device can be opened up a bit.
Can this make Overdrive/Libby integration easier? Thats really the main thing pissing me off about Kindles.
People are recommending arch to beginners? This is genuinely the first time i hear of this trend and Ive been into linux for over 20 years now.
Not once have I heard arch pushed to beginners at my local LUG or any LUG ive attended in other cities or countries.
People usually recommended Ubuntu in the past or Mint. Occasionally Fedora. Then Elementary had some steam. Nowadays the landscape is much more diverse I think.
Maybe there is some folks on the internet who get a kick out of recommending hard things to people who need easy things. To gatekeep and create an exclusive feel. But i think if youre seeing that regularly then you need to reasses where youre spending time. Because core Linux culture has never been that since i can remember. We have always embraced that different distros are appropriate for different use cases. And that has always been our strength.
Trans kid who had to cut out family here.
While I 100% see the pain youre in and what you had to go through, I see some issues here.
Firstly, trans people are people. And people can be shitty and petty. And I think when you make someone being a shitty person about being trans you objectify us and take away our humanity. If your cis child behaved unfairly towards you, you would not make it about their gender, even if some of the fights were around gendered topics. And i know many many cis people who have fallen out of their families for things far pattier than what you have described. (And btw this is only in regards to just your last paragraph)
There are many times where i have been an jerk to innocent people in my life. All of those times is because im a human being who has flaws and insecurities. Not because I happen to be trans.
As for your specitic case it's gonna be super hard for you to see things from the perspective of the child but here we go.
I dont talk to my parents because there is no way (so far) for me to get over their past bigotry and hatred. Sure once i came out, they came around and started being very tolerant. But i still see this as them doing mental gymnastics to keep me in their life. Did they truly change their mind? Or are they just so weak that they will believe whatever suits them? But i guess thats at the rational level. And lets face it. Cutting contact is hardly ever a rational issue when people truly care about each other.
At an emotional level, all i hear is my dads numerous rants about how trans people are sick and need conversion therapy. And the number of times my mum told me she was glad im not "fucked up" like the rest of my generation. And i do believe they are both ashamed and embarased about those things now.
And so i want to stress that as a parent you have a terrible burden. You are supervising the development of someones entire personality. The developing brain absorbs things like a sponge. And when it comes to childhood trauma, its just so incredibly hard to heal. And so changing who you are in adulthood is fine for the people you hurt in adulthood. But for kids you have raised its just not that simple. They dont see you right now. They also see who you have been for the past 20 years because thats largely how they built who they are.
So while i guess now and then a trans person that might be a little volatile will cut someone off for being misgenedered, id say this is really really uncommon. What can happen, is a "tip of the iceberg" kind of thing. Where your slip up brings up an overwhelming amount of past hurt you've done and we have to retreat to keep ourselves safe.
Is it fair... I dont think so. I think people always deserve to be seen for their progress rather than their past. But as a trans person i can tell you that it is a battle to keep this body alive. And our suicide rates show its not just me. And it is often that we have to prioritise ourselves at the cost of doing what we would like to. Maybe once there is just a hint of feeling safe out there in the world, there will be time to reflect on life more and rebuild some of these burning bridges. But we are at war currently. All energy is going to keeping us alive. Entire days and weeks are spent in fight or flight.
I cant afford any social interactions that arent in "a safe and affirming space" right now. And so i cant have my parents in my life. No matter what they say and do right now; I still have nightmares about what they used to say and do. I did try to explain it but im not sure if it even makes sense without being in my shoes. Id love to be strong enough one day to rebuild something with them. Unfortunately the current situation is being painted as me being unfair and ungrateful (and to some extent thats true, even if its not the full story) and so it often feels like its making things worse.
And i think the key thing here is that none of this is specific to transness. People go through hardship like this all the time. Its just a lot less consistently the case than it is for trans folks.
Hurt people, hurt people. Its just how it goes. And chances of feeling safe and doing some healing or processing are few and far between. Meanwhile terrible interactions just keep on happening.
Nobody knows his identity or whereabouts. Nobody knows what happened to the soldiers who stopped either.
And thats probably intentionally so, to avoid martyrdom if hes dead. Or to protect his life if he's not.
And that in itself is a very powerful part of the story.
even tried to drive around Tank Man without success.
That didnt happen. Tank man climbed on top of the first tank and talked to the soldiers. Some people run up and talked to tank man. And then the protestors let the tanks go.
And tank man wasnt the only person blocking tanks that day. Its just a very poweful photograph so people make up stories.
EDIT: Also this was an incredibly brutal past in Chinas history. And its not like the Chineese government wasnt slaughtering hundreds of students and protesters at will. By some estimates more than 300 people were slaughtered right after this occured. Nobody knows what happened to Tank man or the soldiers in the first tank.
So maybe thats why liberals arent asking why in regards to these things. Becuse they didn't happen.
But I dont disagree with your take otherwise. Though puzzled as to why you didnt fact check what happened before posting. Im sure you can see that masses of people twisting facts is how we got in this mess.
Yeah can't argue with that. That's pretty compelling. Thanks for sharing!
You're right. Everybody is just being dramatic and pretending they can't afford to own a home. Especially the people having their homes repossessed. They are the biggest fakers of all.
Lol. So hard to keep up with the trends these days. It's a mine field. First the n-word, then blackface and now this... What's next?! /s
Something like Sonarr but for Youtube?
I need something and hopefully i dont have to invent the wheel.
I want to subscribe to youtube channels and have new videos automatically detected and downloaded to local storage. Bonus points for jellyfin intergration but i can live without.
I know not too hard to rig something like this uo with youtube-dl but if there is an existing solution that would be amazing.
Anybody know?
Dopamine levels on HRT
I'm an enby and soon to start HRT.
I just had a strange conversation with a friend is saying that estrogen is messing up their dopamine levels.
They said on the pills, they felt ok, but the dose was too low. And then switching to weekly injections, they get a high for 4 days and then they have like a depressive crash on the last 3 days.
It's started a little bit of a spiral for me as god knows I've struggled with brain chemicals all my life. From drepression to anxiety and back and forth, but I've been doing much better the past year.
And so I'm kind of freaking out that estrogen will make me spin out.
Has anyone else had issues like this with the injections. I know its very subjective what people feel.
I've been sleeping on decaf
Always thought I wouldn't like it and didn't see the point.
And then I got some nice decaf beans and holy shit. This is great. I can have coffee in the evening now as a beverage to enjoy.
I know this is obvious. But if you like speciality coffee, and you wish you could drink more without a panic attack, then I think trying some decaf roasts is a big brain move.
Now whipping out the Aeropress in the evening is my highlight.
I think when I last looked at decaf it was basically just the supermarket brands and the coffee sucked (cause it was supermarket coffee). Now that I'm looking around there is a decaf roast at almost all local roasters.