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lunarshot jay
Posts 3
Comments 67
How to Destroy Forever Chemicals
  • This is a really interesting topic and PFAS is a very large issue with our water that people are just starting to learn about.

    It’s great to see solutions starting to be created around mitigating these types of chemicals, even if they are experimental ideas now.

  • shut the rule up
  • 100%, I try to be nice to everything I encounter. Always a good please and thank you.

  • I haven't been on Reddit since the 11th... Anyone else?
  • Haven’t been back since June 1st. I am enjoying Lemmy and the Fediverse greatly. I am trying to contribute and comment as much as I can.

  • Help: I'm dealing with hundreds of ripe plums
  • I’m sorry but this response is cracking me up.

  • Is anyone else enjoying the slower pace of content?
  • I definitely find the content to be deeper and more meaningful. I like the slower pace but I find myself excited to see posts with lots of comments.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It is interesting to see all the responses here, I happen to agree with you. It seems like penmanship is almost the cursive of today.

    Handwriting is definitely a more fundamental skill but still in 100 years a lot can change! Think about all the other obsolete practices from 1923. Screens and machines are already ubiquitous in our daily lives.

  • Accurate
  • this is extremely accurate haha. they did a great job in TOTK with the different gear.

  • Lemmy is confusing
  • agreed! I want this be something new and to grow with it. I certainly don’t want lemmy to be reddit. I realized in the last month, my experience with reddit has truly degraded over the years. I’ve had better and more meaningful engagement here.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • congrats to the team, this is a very smooth iteration so far! The new community tab is clear and concise, love the direction this app is going.

  • What is the true purpose of life?
  • Leave it better than you found it!

  • [Community Update] - State of Affairs & Team Update - 2023-06-19
  • thank you for everything you do! I’ve been loving using the app daily

  • What is a good hobby/skill that most people should give a try, and why so?
  • FWIW, this was a new issue to me. I’ve only encountered mindfulness practices like you’ve described.

    Gratitude journaling, breathwork, meditation. Pulling yourself into the present to avoid things like lingering anxieties or future worries. I combine this with exercise and really prioritizing sleep to good effect for me.

    I think there’s always gurus trying to sell something but like most things there is no easy roads or short cuts. And it’s interesting to hear others perspectives.

    Good luck on your mindfulness journey. Do you have any practices that work for you?

  • What is a good hobby/skill that most people should give a try, and why so?
  • Interesting suggestion, I’ll have a look over the book. I mainly was referring to practicing meditation, doing things like gratitude lists, trying to maximize peace in my life on a daily basis versus maybe a lot of what other mindfulness practices teach. I will check out that book though, thanks for an alternate perspective.

  • What is a good hobby/skill that most people should give a try, and why so?
  • Mindfulness and Breathwork! Mindfulness is an incredibly valuable practice that can be a game changer for mental health and anxiety. Breathwork goes a long way as a fundamental technique.

    There are a variety of free tier apps like InsightTimer that have beginner courses in meditation. Working to create space in your life between things like work and family give you breathing room. Starting to live in the moment allows you to step out of the anxiety of the past and worry of the future.

  • Conked out out on Saturday Evening. Have a great weekend :)

    Great progress!
  • Yeah it’s awesome, way less crashes for me and the condensed front page is soo slick. Reddit, who??

  • My simple loaf fresh out of the oven
  • beautiful!!!!

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 3
  • I agree with everything you’ve said and that it is disappointing. I do think there is merit in continuing to protest and send a message.

    However, I don’t think there’s anything that can move the Reddit leadership team back. Because even if they went back on this API issue, the continued process of the degradation of reddit as a service has been a long term thing. It seems to me that the Fidelity downgrade of their evaluation has pushed them even further down this path.

    I truly am done with them. Even if they come back from all this, what’s left there? Somebody else pointed out that over the year, generally interactions became more unfriendly on reddit, spam and changes to the algorithm increasingly pushed away from the platform we all loved.

    I see this situation and how it was so exacerbated by Spez and the leaderships absolute failure as a blessing. There’s a lot of alternative ways to spend time on the internet, to connect and learn. Beehaw has been really good to me the last couple days, I am excited for a future here and ready to not contribute toward the mess that reddit has become anymore.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 3
  • This situation made very clear what writing is on the wall for reddit. I don’t care if people go back, it hasn’t been the reddit I knew and cared about for a long time.

    To all the people saying “oh well this won’t replace reddit,” I wouldn’t want it to. Reddit has changed.

    Here’s to new beginnings

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 3
  • I agree completely. I don’t care if people go back to reddit, I don’t care if they even reverse some of their decisions, the damage is done for me. I’ll look forward to a new future here and elsewhere on the internet.

  • Weekend Wind Down - Tips for a peaceful end to the weekend and banishing the Sunday Scaries

    Hello! Beehaw has been a wonderful new community that I joined this weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to connect with people all over the world.

    I thought I would share some of the tips and practices I do on Sunday night ahead of another work week to avoid anxiety of “Sunday Scaries,” as we approach the end of the day. While I wrote this with the a 8-5 P, Monday-Friday perspective, a lot of the practices can be applied to other schedules.

    I have found that on Sunday afternoon, getting the necessary things set up for the week ahead can really help me disconnect and enjoy my evening. Also, some mindfulness practices can always help ward off bad vibes.

    • 30-60 minutes of chores and cleaning your spaces can really a difference. I find that a clean space is always easier to relax in. Also, chores like laundry can remove something from the week ahead.

    • meal prep or planning out the week ahead in general is something that I will do on Sunday afternoons to make the week easier and can be a fun activity to do with a partner.

    • In general, if you struggle with disconnecting from work, one technique is to practice with to-do lists. Creating a list on Friday afternoon of everything left over from the week, and what things you have to do on Monday morning. Keeping a list like this allows you to mentally disconnect and if work thoughts creep in, you can know that you’ve already kept track of everything and are ready to go for Monday.

    • exercise is always a solid option, even something light like a walk can significantly improve your mental health. Only 3 hours of exercise a week is correlated with a significant impact on your physical health.

    • Making sure to take extra time for something relaxing like a long shower can go a long way.

    • Practices regarding mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for creating internal space to help stabilize us in this busy world. Keeping a simple gratitude journal (I like the app DayOne), speciality apps like Daylio for tracking moods, or use of meditation apps like Insight Timer (Try a 5 minute session with Linda Hall).

    • Even practices like setting out clothes, making lunch for the next day, anything where you can do a favor for your future morning self can go a long way on Monday morning.

    Just wanted to share on this topic and some things that have worked for me in the past. A little bit of preparation goes a long way and helps really bring some elements of peace into the Sunday night routine.


    Pepperoni says Happy Saturday :)
