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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Imagine you're a landless peasant, western leftist copypasta
  • While the majority of Russian capital isn't financial it is still developing it's financial institutions which requires imperialism.

    While I stand by my statement that this conflict is between imperialist powers it isn't necessary to agree that Russia is imperialist to realize it's actions aren't something to be supported.

    What would change if Russia won, what would improve? Would Ukraine be anaxed to Russia? Another late stage capitalist state without even a shroud of democracy. Would a pro Russian puppet replace the pro Nato one? How does this improve the lives of Ukrainians.

    Furthermore; even if Russia was sosialist and had genuinely anti imperialist and anti nazi intentions, their actions would still be condemnable. Moast Ukrainians fond want Russia, they want to join the EU.

    The better way to combat western imperialism is to build support among the masses, but instead of sharpening the contradictions between Ukrainians and western imperialism and local comprador beurocrats they have dulled it and maid the primary controdiction a military national defense one.

  • Imagine you're a landless peasant, western leftist copypasta
  • While I do agree with you that Russia is nowhere as big an imperialist as the US, NATO or China. This doesn't mean that Russia is not imperialist and certainly not anti imperialist. I must also critic you on your way of discussing, while I disagree with you it would be entirely wrong to call either of us liberals. This is nothing more than name calling.

    I have limited time to lay out my argument so if you're interested in why I want all imperialists out of Ukraine not just those who come from the west but also those who come from the east and why I define both as such I would recommend this article while I have my critiques of it, it is sufficient.

  • Imagine you're a landless peasant, western leftist copypasta
  • Imperialist conflict just works to redistribute the colonys among the different imperialist. Russia is in no way anti imperialist, they just fight to be to become the bigger imperialist.

    Just like a cop who arrests a fascist for stealing something isn't anti fascist.

  • Looking for unbiased sources on lives of famous communist leaders
  • I wouldn't expect un biased as this is impossible. I'd rather look for nuanced takes who say that they did something bad, but examine why they did it and if it was necessary.

    And you must always be critical of what anyone says and thinks even yourself. It's ruthless criticism of all that exists after all.

    As to spesific sources I don't have any that are available as E-books. I mostly have local pamphlets and papir books printet by my or other communist groups or partyes

  • This is an actual community
  • Marx called religion the opium of the masses. In my experience religion has often stood in the way of class consciousness. If there is a benevolent god safe gourding us there is less need to radically change the world.

    This is of course not always true. I have comerads who are inspired by their religion.