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kreynen kreynen
Posts 15
Comments 34
What is the practical difference between the main instances of kbin and mbin, from a users perspective?
  • I'm not directly involved in either project beyond reporting bugs and suggesting features yet, but I follow both projects closely. My sense is that the Mbin community is prioritizing collaboration around UX improvements while Kbin is focusing on scaling/performance issues... which makes sense as is more than 10x the size of ( vs I opened a bug about the UI for altering link images at When I tested the same steps in Mbin, the issue i was seeing in Kbin had already been solved in Mbin.

    Kbin is a great PHP implementation of ActivityPub for reddit-like communities, but requiring all major changes to be made/reviewed by a single person is a real bottle neck.

    It would be great if Kbin could figure out some form of goverance/delegation that would allow more contributors, but there doesn't seem to be much interest in that type of change so for now we have 2 project with different priorities and governance models... and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

  • Webform Protected Downloads

    I recently produced the first release of the Webform Protected Downloads module that is compatible with Drupal 10. It provides the ability for sites to have 'gated' content which users can download once they have filled out a form for their details. This can convert engaged visitors into leads, set ...

    Webform Protected Downloads

    I recently produced the first release of the Webform Protected Downloads module that is compatible with Drupal 10. It provides the ability for sites to have 'gated' content which users can download once they have filled out a form for their details. This can convert engaged visitors into leads, set up licenses for customers, or simply validate a user for access to a file. Put simply, as the project's description says, this module could be useful to you if:

    • You want to offer some files for download to either anonymous or registered users
    • You don't want those files to be publicly accessible
    • You want to collect some data before granting access to the files
    • You want to be sure that the user gives a valid email address
    0 Webform Protected Downloads

    I recently produced the first release of the Webform Protected Downloads module that is compatible with Drupal 10. It provides the ability for sites to have 'gated' content which users can download once they have filled out a form for their details. This can convert engaged visitors into leads, set ...

    Webform Protected Downloads

    I recently produced the first release of the Webform Protected Downloads module that is compatible with Drupal 10. It provides the ability for sites to have 'gated' content which users can download once they have filled out a form for their details. This can convert engaged visitors into leads, set up licenses for customers, or simply validate a user for access to a file. Put simply, as the project's description says, this module could be useful to you if:

    • You want to offer some files for download to either anonymous or registered users
    • You don't want those files to be publicly accessible
    • You want to collect some data before granting access to the files
    • You want to be sure that the user gives a valid email address
    Global City Website Trends: Analysis of CMS Usage on Official City Websites
  • I opened an issue about the fact that users cannot select images when creating a link... or rather the UI appears to allow it, but the user uploaded image is ignored. I just tested the same process on an MBin instance and the image I wanted to use overrode the default from the URL as expected in I've been watching the MBin fork and the way that developer community is approaching the project in a very transparent way seems like it would be more compatible with what the Drupal community expects.

    This is the image I wanted to include with the post.

  • Global City Website Trends: Analysis of CMS Usage on Official City Websites

    Explore the trends of Content Management System (CMS) usage on official city websites with a comprehensive study spanning 466 cities worldwide. The research delves into the prevalence of open-source solutions, highlighting the dominance of WordPress, Drupal, and other platforms. The report categoriz...

    Global City Website Trends: Analysis of CMS Usage on Official City Websites
    1 The Essential Drupal Commerce Modules for building Online Stores

    If you're crafting an e-commerce experience where storytelling and customer connection come first, Drupal with Drupal Commerce is your solution. Unlike catalogue-driven platforms, Drupal lets you seamlessly merge your brand story with the shopper's journey, building loyalty and driving sales. Here's...

    The Essential Drupal Commerce Modules for building Online Stores
    How do you deal with colleagues that argue 45 minutes on a call about a variable name?
  • Beware of the "whatever" aproach.

    Many years ago I was brought into a project where many variables where named after cars. Before I got there, if the team couldn't agree on a name, they'd use a car and move on. There was also a module in the code call "bucket". Didn't have a logical place to put a function? Add it to the bucket.

    I'm sure they saved a lot of time not discussing what to name things up front, but by the time there was enough turnover on the team to change the variables and rewrite, it took months to fix.

    Another, more product approach is to ask the "variable naming guy" to write up a naming policy document that would result in the names he has been suggesting. If there is logic associated his side of the "argument" it should be easy to document.

    Have everyone on the team discuss and approve the policy. Hopefully you never spend time in a meeting arguing about this again.

  • Following Kbin communities from Mastodon is as easy as searching for the Kbin community as a user

    If you are already using Mastodon, you can follow @drupal by searching for that user. users will find the search under #Explore.

    Blockchain: the wave of the future
  • actual, verifiable digital ownership... using a distributed database technology that is designed to require a massive amount of computing resources to update.

    I think where some of us who work in spaces using databases to verify something in critical business processes get stuck in accepting that blockchain has value is that our jobs have always been to verify "ownership" as quickly and efficiently as possible. We typically do this by defining a canonical source of truth and our success is judged on how many milliseconds transactions take and the datacener or cloud costs.

    Saying that everything about blockchain is "dumb" isn't a very nuanced analysis... but it's a understandable reaction to hearing the hype that blockchain is going to change everything for years.

    I've never seen anyone argue that the massively distributed nature or the public read access of blockchain technologies aren't interesting. It's the tradeoff that has to be made in speed and costs that make it hard for many of us to see any value in the approach for most applications.

  • How can you drive off a gas station with the hose still connected?
  • So are Europeans just more honest and ethical than Americans? Or do all gas stations have better theft prevention systems? In the US, there is often 1 cashier managing 12 pumps AND ringing up vice sales (cigarettes, lottery tickets, junk food). In some states there a pumps with no human on site at all.

    What's to stop someone from driving off after filling up in the EU?

  • Bill to be introduced in Colorado would increase property taxes on short-term rentals by 4x the value

    The co-sponsor of the bill spoke about what it would mean for tourism-based economies in Colorado.

    Bill to be introduced in Colorado would increase property taxes on short-term rentals by 4x the value
    Palm Springs capped Airbnb rentals. Now some home prices are in free-fall
  • Read without the paywall at

    The good news is that there are plenty of great deals to be found for those in the market, as long as you’re only looking to live there yourself. In the Gene Autry neighborhood, one listing warns potential buyers: “Property can not be short term rented as there is a STR permit cap in the neighborhood.”

    While the article explains how some investors will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, the fact that these policies make homes more affordable for people who want to live in them is why more cities should implement caps.

  • Palm Springs capped Airbnb rentals. Now some home prices are in free-fall

    Palm Springs curbed short-term rentals in some neighborhoods. Now homeowners are watching their property values drop, sometimes drastically.

    Palm Springs capped Airbnb rentals. Now some home prices are in free-fall
    About Google and Degoogling in schools
  • is used to handle single sign on and providing a dashboard for hundreds of other education apps/services. It can be used to build a solution with FAR more functionality than what Google offers, but it's $$$ to do that and requires someone with some technical skill and UX experience to do well.

  • why are left leaning groups still using reddit?
  • They prefer a more polished UI? I know there are several mobile apps that improve on the default browser experience of visiting, but you have to admit that the initial UX of Lemmy leaves room for improvement. This is the same reason many open-source projects gave up on IRC. The die-hard FOSS advocates raised the "but Slack isn't an open standard" argument only to be shouted down by a larger part of the community with "IRC's UX sucks and is a barrier to new contributors". has a lot of issues (like calling communities magazines and general performance/stability), but the UI/UX is so much better than Lemmy.

  • Russian election candidate calls Ukraine war a ‘big mistake’ by Putin
  • which shouldn't be difficult as the "rest of his life" will likely be just a few days

  • This best-selling personal finance author of 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' Robert Kiyosaki, says he’s racked up more than $1 billion in debt
  • The 13 Rules of a Roman Emperor: How to Stop Giving a Shit and Live a Fucking Good Life

    Why bother with a book? What you've described was the structure of a dozen "documentaries" created for Netflix last year.

  • Gaza refugees bombed in tented ‘safe zone’
  • I appreciate the effort, but this version ends with...

    took his children to protect them from the occupation’s missiles, but

    But what?

  • Airbnb Super Scammer Allegedly Made $7M Listing Fake Properties, Running Bait-and-Switch Schemes: Indictment
  • The guest who booked at the highest price was able to actually stay at the property, and Goel would cancel all other reservations using a “false excuse” as to why the property suddenly became unavailable, according to the indictment.

    Goel was FAR from the only host using this approach to scam AirBnB customers out of $$ and ruin vacation plans. I hope the discovery includes the attempts people made to get the platforms to actually do something about the increasingly common behavior from hosts.

  • Airbnb Super Scammer Allegedly Made $7M Listing Fake Properties, Running Bait-and-Switch Schemes: Indictment

    According to an indictment attached to the arrest warrant obtained by PEOPLE, Shray Goel accepted 10,000 reservations for 100 properties — some of which never existed

    Airbnb Super Scammer Allegedly Made $7M Listing Fake Properties, Running Bait-and-Switch Schemes: Indictment
    Those who chose "never" in a "now or never" moment. How is it going for you?
  • I don't own a timeshare. Feel pretty good about that decision.

    The numbers they were showing us seemed to make sense. If we spent an average of X on vacations for Y years compared to the cost of the timeshare and fees, the timeshare was cheaper AND we could trade our week in a ski area for timeshares anywhere in the world. How could we not buy into this? Might have signed, but when they told us we couldn't take any of the information with us and had to decide NOW, I knew something wasn't right. Had to say no for almost an hour, but but we were eventually allowed to leave the "no obligation presentation" required for our "free" weekend.

    When I did more research, I found dozens of people trying to unload their purchases for far less than the company was selling weeks to new members.

    I'll NEVER own anything using that kind of sales strategy.

  • Vancouver passes Short-Term Rental ordinance; Starting Jan. 2024, STR need $50 license and $250 permit Vancouver passes Short-Term Rental ordinance; Goes into effect Jan. 2024

    The Vancouver City Council voted unanimously Monday after a public hearing to adopt a Short-Term Rental Ordinance, the city announced Wednesday.

    Vancouver passes Short-Term Rental ordinance; Goes into effect Jan. 2024

    STR regulations that strike a balance between community housing needs and housing affordability with individual property rights, as well as creating a permit process to enable tracking of STRs and for individual complaints to be responded to

    The Most Dangerous Canadian Internet Bill You’ve Never Heard Of Is a Step Closer to Becoming Law - Michael Geist
  • I think the best way to deal with the issue includes education, digital skills, and parental oversight of Internet use including the use of personal filters or blocking tools if desired.

    As a someone who works in technology and is a parent to 2 kids < 10, I'm already aware of what a niave statement that is.

    I keep my kids' iPad locked down and have a router with some basic parental control features, but as the number devices in our lives that are able to browse the web increases along with the number of wireless networks my kids can connect to, trying to police this myself is futile.

    And I'm not even concerned about them occasionally seeing "normal" porn. As a former Reddit user, I've seen some things I wish I hadn't. Things I'm not able to fully process as an adult.

    I can handle the conversation about...

    "you know how people drive in Fast and Furious isn't how people drive in real life? That's what porn sex is like compared to the sex you are going to have."

    I cannot explain some of the darker corners of Reddit.

    If you applied Geist's logic to alcohol, it would be up to parents to keep kids from going to liquor stores. Sure I can stop my kids from drinking the alcohol I have in my own home, but I rely on laws to make it very difficult for them to do something as a community we've agreed they aren't mature enough to make good decisions about.

    Why can't we apply the same policies on to internet services?

  • Want to keep Gen Z off vaping? Teach them about the industry's marketing tactics, study says
  • The fact that teaching media/marketing literacy reduces its effectiveness is not new.

    The medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium - that is, of any extension of ourselves - result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology. - Marshall McLuhan 1964

    It isn't just vaping that would be effected by teaching kids to be more aware of marketing. I work in marketing on the marketing automation or marketing ops side of things in higher ed. If teenagers were more aware of the techniques we use to influence them to borrow tens or even hundreads of thousand of $$$ to enroll in a 4 year degree, fewer would... and that would probably be a good thing.

  • Want to keep Gen Z off vaping? Teach them about the industry's marketing tactics, study says
  • Bacon doesn't need marketing. A marketing campaign using facts to change consumer behavior is just marketing. Not really the same as and effort to educate kids to recognize marketing.

    I work in marketing so I recognize it in all its forms. I am very concerned about the amount of influcing my kids are exposed to through "safe", "ad free" channels like YouTube Kids.

    I also consider myself well informed about environmental issues. I consciously eat less meat for both environmental and health reasons, but bacon doesn't need marketing. I want bacon because I REALLY enjoy bacon.

  • If you were to give feedback to the Devs of "Life", what would you say?
  • Enjoyed the begining of the game, but the cancer story line was way to depressing. Not fun at all. If I could give it 0 stars I would. Would not recommend.

  • The Downfall of Amazon: Dangerous Products, Fake Reviews & Vanishing Brands - Louis Rossman
  • I used eBay for years buying everything from computers to expensive bikes. I even helped a friend who bought a car from eBay.

    Now? Full of knock offs and scams. My last transactions were garbage designed to last long enough for a product photo shoot. Using any of these products for their intended purpose is a real safety risk and returns require a back and forth with automated systems designed to try to make you give up before you get any $$ back.

    I haven't used eBay in ~8 and likely never will again. The thing about critical mass and network effect is it has as much (if not more) of an impact during a service's decline.

  • Texas power plants have no responsibility to provide electricity in emergencies, judges rule
  • The free market solution would allow communities to negotiate contracts that DID hold the provider liable and allow competitors to emerge that would focus on different aspects like reliability, renewable production or integration with other grids.

    If you aren't aware of the story of Central and Southwest Corporation (a Texas power company) and thr "midnight connection", it's the type of story that I'm sure is nearing the top of Netflix's documentary todo list.

    On May 4, 1976, a power company based in Texas sent electricity from a substation in Vernon, Texas, to Altus, Okla. By doing so, they were breaking a deal among power companies in Texas to keep electricity within state borders.

    If what Texas has with ERCOT is neither free market nor a public utility, what is it?

  • Mickey Mouse's 'Steamboat Willie' will become public domain in 2024, along with Minnie and Tigger
  • This YouTube video show some screenplay from Mouse, an upcoming noir based FPS game. The game will take full advantage of the public's right to reuse1920s era cartoons, particularly Steam Boat Willy, in new and innovative ways.

  • Philadelphia is cracking down on Airbnb and Vrbo. Locals are torn over whether it's a good thing.

    The city plans to remove unlicensed properties from the platform. The reaction of locals makes it clear the issue isn't black and white.

    Philadelphia is cracking down on Airbnb and Vrbo. Locals are torn over whether it's a good thing.
    0 New Colorado tax credit includes boon for game developers

    Developers making games in Colorado can now apply for a 20 percent tax credit.


    A recent report shows Airbnb bookings are down as much as 48% year over year in certain cities. Vacation Rental Revenue Is Down Big -- Is Airbnb in Trouble? | The Motley Fool

    A recent report shows Airbnb bookings are down as much as 48% year over year in certain cities.

    According to a recent report, revenue per available listing (RevPAL) from Airbnb (ABNB -2.68%)-listed properties is down by 35% or more in 15 major U.S. cities. In this video, Certified Financial Planner® Matt Frankel and contributor Tyler Crowe discuss whether this could be trouble for the vacation rental disruptor or if there's nothing to worry about.


    Do Moscow Mules taste different if they are served in a pure copper mug or a copper mug with a stainless steel lining?

    Do Moscow Mules taste different if they are served in a pure copper mug or a copper mug with a stainless steel lining?


    1 Colorado Resort town introduces short-term rental registration fee to fund affordable housing

    At the town council’s June 6 regular meeting, assistant town manager, Alisha Janes, introduced ordinance 605, which imposes a $400 yearly per bedroom registration fee on owners of short-term rentals. The $400 per bedroom fee...

    /kbin meta kreynen

    Questions about policies and options

    I started yesterday after discovering that Kbin is also a PHP/Symfony based project. There is a lot of ActivityPub work being done in Drupal right now including I'm not an ActivityPub or Fediverse expert, but I did get excited about the possibility of the Drupal community replacing some of our corporately owned channels like Stack Overflow and Slack with a Kbin instance that replaces the That site is still running on Drupal 7. Drupal 7 just got its fourth (and final?) EoL extension until January 2025. This is a great time to look at an "off the island" solution like Kbin.

    I have a few questions, but I'm not even sure where to ask them.

    I found m/kbin and m/kbinDevlog, m/kbinDesign, but I think my questions are more about policy on this specific kbin instance. If I'm asking these questions in the wrong place, please feel free to redirect me.

    1. Drupal currently maintains a feed of Drupal related blog posts that is aggregated at I've been manually posting these to m/drupal, but I'd like to automate this. After looking at, it's my understanding is that doesn't support posting through a API, but there are other ways to post with a bot. Is that allowed?

    2. Are there any examples of a Magazine or Kbin instance being run as a Stack Exchange-like QA site?
