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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Board
  • That is a valid criticism of Trump that is not true for biden. What op said was that any valid criticism of biden would also be true for trump, not the other way around. So trump has all the bad stuff that biden has plus the whole traitor, convicted criminal, narcissistic cult leader thing

  • All U.S. Presidents Are Related -12 Year Old Girl Discovers That All But One US President Are Directly Related To Each Other
  • it doesn't seem to be that uncommon to have some ancestry that was part of royalty:

    Many of us will have shared ancestors. And if someone has ancestry in Britain going back to the Middle Ages, Prof King says it's actually more likely than not they will be related to a branch of one of the royals.

  • What are the most evil media corporations in the world?
  • there is a lot to criticize Disney for, but at least they are not pushing hateful and harmful content like Fox News (which is the only part of Fox that Disney doesn't own), the Sinclair Group or some state-owned media like Russia Today does

  • Why do teeth don't regenerate?
  • The diet that we evolved to consume (fruits, lean meats and fibrous plants) was much less damaging to our teeth than the current high-sugar, high-fat, highly processed foods. And human lifespans was shorter, so less time for teeth to damage. So there wasn’t a strong evolutionary need to regenerate them (unlike an animal like sharks)

  • Seriously, why aren't most people using adblock these days
  • google (and other ad companies) keep a digital profile (or footprint) of all your clicks. so, for example, if you click on an ad for a fantasy book, they will save that you are at least interested on fantasy books, giving you more ads for that. in theory that might not sound so bad ("hey, at least the ads will be more relevant") but in reality the amount of data that they store is incredibly invasive.

    by clicking random ads, the quality of that profile would go down, as it will no longer be your true interests, thus "messing with digital footprint"

  • There must be some other word for a tiny human, but I can't place it...
  • yeah, regardless of the actual intent of ancient Babilonians, thinking that an ancient drawing represents a mythological encounter between giants and humans is definitely a valid idea. it might be incorrect, i don't know enough about babilonian mythology, but it is not an insane take

  • ‘I am starting to panic about my child’s future’: climate scientists wary of starting families
  • i agree with your general idea, but not with all the reasons. war, crappy economic conditions and inflation have all happened multiple times before (and much worse that the current situation), but I've never heard that there were large portion of people choosing not to have kids before (please, correct me if I am wrong)

    i think that the current mental health crisis (which is caused by all those problems + the housing crisis, destruction of middle class, climate change concerns + social media) makes it different this time

  • Imagination rule
  • there is a lot of nuance in the discussion, but a lot of people just want a quick black and white answer. you can use AI to supplement other artistic projects (like using AI to create images for a comic you wrote), so i don't agree with the premise of the post

    but i also don't agree with people who say that AI is just another tool. i think that it is a paradigm changing tool, that is going to make us have to rethink how we interact with art.

  • What is Reddit doing
  • the thing is, the one and only purpose of this dialog is to increase metrics of engagement, like how many users download the app. they don't need to convert every mobile web user to an app user immediately. as long as that dialog is driving the engagement metrics apps, it is doing its work correctly. obviously at some point there will stop increasing engagement, so the middle managers will turn and try to squeeze a bit more by removing the loopholes, but it is not an urgent problem. it even might be intentional so they can squeeze a bit more later

    the one that i am surprised at how bad it is is Twitter, that is still hosted at . even going to just redirects to . i assume that there's some major engineering problem that is preventing them from switching, but still, it has been almost 10 months and the clown at chief really pushed for the rebranding

  • Smoko rule
  • Maybe smoking more? I would say that smoking (tabaco) is more common for my European friends, than my American friends. But most of my European friends are French, and most of my American friends are from the Bay Area, so it is more probable a California vs France than American vs Europe

  • Spare some change?
  • I was just criticizing that using “worth” for saying how much money someone has is problematic language to begin with, making it sound like billionaires lives are more worthy than poor people lives. I am strongly anti-billionaires

    Clearly i communicated badly, but well, that happens sometimes

  • Map of Ava-Lodise

    Hi! This is the map for the island country of Ava-Lodise. It is a modern country, with similar levels of technology to our world. The largest cities are Avalí (the capital), Suhr, Senadi and Hirrea. There are several different ethnic groups in the country, from Avalonian (from Ava, the smaller island where Avalí is), East Lodisean (the east coast of the large island), Flahrian (south west of Lodise), Veeker (west of the desert) and Senmi (north of the desert).

    I made it for a project that I am really proud of how it looks, but I can't share it here because for that one I used a lot of AI generated images: A Travel Guide to Ava-Lodise.

    here is one example page of that project (i removed the AI-generated images): !
