How young can you be when you irrevocably mess up your life? and How? 7 2
About -9 months, you did not let others pass.
What is the first graphics card you got? 3 0
Some 3dfx card, can't remember name. Was only for 3D (games), Matrox(?) card was for desktop.
Navy officer lost job for secretly installing internet on warship to check social media 8 1
How she did get it from Big Ben?
I visualised all of my attempts to win the final fight against Isshin. How many attempts did it take you on your first run? 1 0
Full playthrought took little over 120h acording to Steam. Isshin fight for me was like hitting my head to wall, and eventually smarter gave up. 🤷
Kahvilan pitäjä työntekijäpulassa: "...lähdetään töihin vain, jos saa riittävän hyvää palkkaa. Aina on kuitenkin parempi tehdä jotain työtä kuin norkoilla kotona" 28 0
"Aina on kuitenkin parempi tehdä jotain työtä kuin norkoilla kotona"
Ei ole, työ ei ole mikään itseisarvo.
Upgraded to version 0.19.0 / Päivitetty versioon 0.19.0 2 0
"Open links in a new tab" setting do not seem to work.
Piratoinnin piti kuolla, mutta toisin kävi – tästä on kyse pomppauksessa, josta ihmiskauppiaat saattavat hyötyä 18 0
AITA: My Starfield wife wants a divorce and all I did was chuck one grenade into a crowd of bystanders 49 2
AITA: My Starfield wife wants a divorce and all I did was chuck one grenade into a crowd of bystanders 1 0