average. like this -------------------. I'm working on the intersection of consciousness and space. Deepening my experience with the mundane. Currently fascinated with time and infrared energy.
Currently studying: Permacomputing
Absgender anarchist transhumanist. I only see the future and feel helpless to the present.
I recently had a really bad dream that it was going to be 153℉ on Thursday and I prepared my dwelling and subtle and systemic forces tried to stop me; it was horrifying.
@elxeno @kde
Chocolatey. https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/GoogleChrome
Firefox, preferably. Also done via Chocolatey. Web browsers for getting a software install is so stringy.
@shved @[email protected] @[email protected] @radioactiveradio
I can't think of a single project that is concerned with directly user-facing elements that doesn't gather data about its users needs. Gnome uses telemetry, too. Otherwise, we end up with KDE 2007 again.
@shved @[email protected] @[email protected]
It's open source, too. You can delete the whole module with a single click and a sudo if it bothers you. Try that on MacOS or Windows.
@shved @[email protected] @[email protected]
You mean the completely opt-in thing that is off by default and enables people to anonymously contribute user information so the developers know they're on the right track for new features, support, and updates?
There's even a slider after you opt in to determine how much information you want to share. I'm concerned about software that develops with no user input.