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janus2 janus2

paranoid linux sadgirl with impostor syndrome

Posts 14
Comments 199
It's how the magic happens
  • i majored in pipetting đź’€

  • What's the funniest WiFi network name you've seen?
  • my go-to is "net-twerk"

  • This is too real
  • to be fair engaging in biowarfare is just about all that mold does

  • The vanishing of the small high-end smartphone
  • It was that VoLTE wasn't supported for that particular model of phone. VoLTE is very much the norm here although I'm unsure if every phone uses it now. My flip phone probably doesn't, but it's hard to tell with how stripped down its manufacturer-customized Android is.

  • The vanishing of the small high-end smartphone
  • I held onto my Sony XZ2c for months after calls stopped working on it after the US 3G shutdown. I got a flip phone for making calls.

    The worst part? The XZ2c has VoLTE calling capability, but all the US phone companies refuse to support it on their networks.

    Now I'm begrudgingly using a OnePlus 6 and praying that I don't drop the massive thing >:[

    Basically, even if we want to use aging tech we're held hostage by telecom companies, who obviously would prefer to rope people into new devices on credit plans. ARGH

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • i mean compared to your average porn it's award-winning lol

  • When the natural gas industry used the playbook from Big Tobacco | As early as the 1970s, research showed that gas stoves produced indoor air pollution.
  • it brings me genuine glee to see a Technology a Connections link replied to a Climate Town link like those are two of my favorite things

  • When the natural gas industry used the playbook from Big Tobacco | As early as the 1970s, research showed that gas stoves produced indoor air pollution.
  • Mainly that they adopt popular writing and editing conventions and do them well, so that they're genuinely captivating in addition to being educational, thus making the info more accessible

  • What movie do you see too young, that still scares you today?
  • That's the first book I ever encountered with an ending that made me angry.

  • What movie do you see too young, that still scares you today?
  • i wonder how much of the Empathy for Cute Animals but Not Humans effect is due to not many people having bad experiences with cute animals but plenty of bad experiences with humans

    I, however, have the unique privilege of having had a sister who owned a deranged rabbit that she let roam the house. I once woke up from a nap to it biting me hard enough to draw blood. That thing was a furry asshole.

    What little unrepressed memories of Watership Down I have seem to corroborate that rabbits are surprisingly violent...

  • What short term ways to get money have you tried and how did they turn out?
  • I also had a low thyroid stimulating hormone test result after several weeks of biweekly donations

    If I hadn't found a job a few weeks later I would be in a really, really bad place. I got lucky.

  • What short term ways to get money have you tried and how did they turn out?
  • That's O- blood type, I don't think they're the same thing

  • Spirits, how can I get rid of this cold?
  • my diet has indeed been garbage lately and this is a likely source of many of my health issues

  • whats the story behind your profile picture
  • I'm mildly fascinated by diprosopus and found ye olde depictione of it on the wikipedia page

  • whats the story behind your profile picture
  • couldn't you argue that's the meddling sun and not the computer

  • whats the story behind your profile picture
  • oh god i'm so sorry guys i would have tried to tidy up a little if i knew you were coming over

  • whats the story behind your profile picture
  • i'd bet it's entirely possible Samos can yell loud enough to knock an eyeball askew

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • can we have good writing become commonplace in porn pls & thank

  • Who ate all the Halloween candy already?!


    Spirits, how can I get rid of this cold?


    What will the most famous Lemmy post ever be about?


    What's REALLY in Area 51?


    O Spirits, where can I find true love?

    New York City janus2

    Why helicopter?

    I'm in Brooklyn and these pig choppers are ominous

    Halloween janus2

    spooky rutabaga

    it's still September 30th in my timezone but I couldn't wait any longer


    How could SI units be derived from scratch without the use of modern technology?

    Think "you wake up in the woods naked," Dr. Stone-style tech reset. How could humans acquire a 1-gram weight, a centimeter ruler, an HH:MM:SS timekeeping device, etc. starting with natural resources?

    My best guess was something involving calibrating a mercury thermometer (after spending years developing glassblowing and finding mercury, lol) using boiling water at sea level to mark 100 ° C and then maybe Fahrenheit's dumb ice ammonium chloride brine to mark -17.7778 ° C, then figuring out how far apart they should be in millimeters on the thermometer (er, somehow). I can already think of several confounding variables with that though, most notably atmospheric pressure.

    I feel like the most important thing to get would be a length measurement since you can then get a 1 gram mass from a cubic centimeter of distilled water.

    That's as far as I got with this thought experiment before deciding to ask the internet. I actually asked on Reddit a while back but never got any responses.


    Beefing It — Hot Regards

    Beefing It – Hot Regards

    Invidious link

    (also the entire channel Hot Regards. fuckin good shit)


    Cyberchase (2002—)


    at least $69 for bunchies in good condition


    iDog and all its spin-offs (video by kkclue)

    Invidious link:

    kkclue's channel also has some other 00's-tastic videos on DDR, Webkinz, and 2nd-gen Tamagotchi.


    Tamagotchi Connection series (2004–2009)


    The Ultimate Showdown (of Ultimate Destiny)
