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iridaniotter Bloops

I'm a communist 😈


Posts 25
Comments 406
Israeli minister: 'We are fighting human animals'
  • Incorrect. Hamas, in accordance with the Quran, believes it is possible for Muslims, Jews, and Christians to live in harmony. Furthermore, in their updated charter they explicitly reject targeting Jews for simply being Jewish:

    Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

    Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds. Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage.

  • Yanks just love to show off but really they hate indigenous people.
  • Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

    -Jean-Paul Sartre

  • youtube on modern phones sucks
  • Firefox on Android with U Block Origin. Can watch in 720p and even listen to audio while in another tab. Stop using apps folks!

  • Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish
  • Fuck Google, I'm not paying them shit.

    However, when Google and Amazon are nationalized then I'll agree. Everyone should pay taxes which go into the government owned server farms.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • No, it is not OK to support Israel. They're a genocidal state. You should support Palestine or at least be a coward and stay out of talking about it.

  • German woman's body paraded naked, spit on by Hamas fighters in Israel
  • What about all the atrocities Israel just did in Gaza? Leveled a bunch of apartments, displaced a ton of families, and killed hundreds.

  • Korea's Birthrate Hits Another Record Low
  • 2050 is gonna be crazy

  • Korea's Birthrate Hits Another Record Low
  • The esteemed Mr. Malthus wrote about it. The admirable J. Swift has also written a wonderful proposal for how we may deal with it.

  • Zelenskyy joins Canadian Parliament's ovation to 98-year-old veteran who fought with Nazis
  • My hot take is that if you sell your soul to the Nazis to fight for independence, you should be dealt with like a Nazi.

  • Folks on Wikipedia discussing on the 'CPC/CCP Acronym' issue
  • Just compromise and call it the ZGGCD

  • What’s up with China’s disappearing senior military officers?
  • If Xi piloted a flying saucer to kidnap military officers, I'd have no choice but to support him.

  • What’s up with China’s disappearing senior military officers?
  • China’s National Defense Minister Li Shangfu has been missing for weeks. Now, he’s under investigation for corruption and out of a job

    Probably getting fired and/or arrested for corruption if I had to guess. Just a thought though.

  • Lemmycraft Weekly Discussion #9

    Discussion for Monday September 11th to an undetermined date.

    Link to last thread.

    China Decides iPhones Pose a National Security Risk
  • China isn't exactly happy with the US government right now due to the sanctions imposed over advanced chip technology, and this move could be viewed as part of a an ongoing reaction to that. So far, Micron has been the main target for retaliation. The US government already imposes its own restrictions on Chinese hardware and services. Notable, Huawei equipment is banned and TikTok can't be installed on government devices.

    Already did. This is the tit-for-tat regulation. America did cause, and China did effect.

  • Cuba uncovers network trafficking Cubans to fight for Russia in Ukraine
  • Another human trafficking ring down. Great work, communists. 🫑

  • Two people detained in China for allegedly damaging Great Wall with excavator
  • Incorrect, they've never been about that.

  • Chinese Nationals Posing as Tourists Have Accessed US Military Bases and Other Sensitive Sites: Report
  • It's right in the article. They're either taking pictures from outside, or going in and saying they got lost.

  • Chinese Nationals Posing as Tourists Have Accessed US Military Bases and Other Sensitive Sites: Report
  • First you treat all foreigners of a specific nationality as a spy, then you treat everyone of a specific nationality as a spy, and then you round them up. The progression is quite simple, so let's not start with step one. Military bases should just fix their security and end it at that.

  • Chinese Nationals Posing as Tourists Have Accessed US Military Bases and Other Sensitive Sites: Report
  • In other words, every Chinese tourist is expected to act as a spy.

    Mask off with the fifth column accusations.

  • Many Mobile Rice Threshers to Be Sent to Farms in DPRK

    Hello, everyone. I felt we could all use a bit of mundane news. Today, North Korea finished producing dozens of rice threshing machines. πŸ‘


    Lemmycraft Weekly Discussion #8

    Discussion for the weeks of Monday August 28th to Sunday September 10th.

    Link to last week's thread.

    Sorry everyone, I've been taking a bit of a break... I'll be back on soon! :)


    International Chess Federation (FIDE) to ban and punish transgender players International Chess Org: Trans Women Have "No Right To Participate" In Women's Chess

    International Chess Federation, FIDE, has released new guidelines targeting transgender players. The guidelines would strip trans men's titles, and potentially bar trans women from playing.

    International Chess Org: Trans Women Have "No Right To Participate" In Women's Chess

    With these new rules, FIDE has managed to

    1. Imply the mental inferiority of women
    2. Validate the existence of transgender men
    3. Destroy the integrity of awards record-keeping
    4. Call transgender women men

    Very nice, FIDE, incredible mental gymnastics performance! πŸ‘ Add them to the ever lengthening sports federation shitlist.


    KCNA Report on Interim Findings of Investigation into American Solider

    Here is an update to Travis King, the US soldier who crossed the DMZ. As this is KCNA, it's about the most official statement you'll get from the DPRK. It's also where a lot of other newspapers are getting their info from.


    Lemmycraft Weekly Discussion #7

    Discussion for the weeks of Monday August 14th to Sunday August 27th.

    Link to last week’s thread.

    The server will probably be down for a few more days. Sorry everyone for the inconvenience!


    Lemmycraft Weekly Discussion #6

    Discussion for the week of Monday August 7th to Sunday August 13th.

    Link to last week’s thread.


    Fifty-seven swimmers fall sick and get diarrhea at world triathlon championship in Sunderland Fifty-seven swimmers fall sick and get diarrhoea at world triathlon championship in Sunderland

    Athletes competing on stretch of UK coastline where reduced water quality at centre of dispute over sewage discharges

    Fifty-seven swimmers fall sick and get diarrhoea at world triathlon championship in Sunderland

    They found extremely high levels of E coli in the waters due to sewage being released, but it wasn't published until after the event.


    Which non-Lemmygrad communities do you subscribe to?

    When I browse the all section, it's overwhelmingly !reddit logo and Facebook humor. I haven't really seen any niche hobby communities either. Do good communities all block lemmygrad or are they nonexistent?


    Lemmycraft Weekly Discussion #2

    Discussion for the week of Monday July 10th to Sunday July 16th.

    Link to last week's thread.


    Could we get a weekly or monthly pinned thread?

    It would be helpful to plan things across days and post periodic updates without having to make dedicated threads or looking for old ones


    Fresh off the SLAMMER press

    Qin-aligned cetacean patriots have taken control of a billionaire submersible. AtlantiSS will fall.



    How many of us are ACTUALLY tankies?

    Raise your hand if you support giving Ukraine tanks. Yeah, that's what I thought. 😀


    Native HawaiΚ»ian navigators to begin four-year voyage around the Pacific by canoe β€˜The Oceans Have Always Connected Us’

    A dozen Native Hawaiʻian navigators will set sail this month from Juneau, Alaska, on The Moananuiākea Voyage, a four-year trip around the Pacific Ocean by canoe.

    β€˜The Oceans Have Always Connected Us’

    They'll be stopping at dozens of locations and will have a rotating crew. The journey will be made by both a double-hulled canoe and another canoe with an engine. The entire route will be 43,000 nautical miles. Very cool!


    Major development in Philadelphia regarding the war on cars

    Many American netizens on the right-wing social media website Twitter are calling foul play. Could this have been done by the radical terrorist organization known as the "Tyre Extinguishers"? Only time will tell...


    Don't go outside if you're in NYC guys

    They're saying it's smoke from wildfires, but you never know...
