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ilex ilex
Posts 93
Comments 236
*Permanently Deleted*
  • Dude. You told me to shove things in my asshole and tried quoting Fez. Is that you telling me you have a good faith interest?

    We're not on Reddit?

    The problem solved itself. They guy said in the main chat that he enjoyed hanging with us in person, but he got a job a dozen states over.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • So 20 years old, son?

    I'm just kidding around. (It's ok even though you said no because I get two strikes for free.) E: According to some guy in this thread.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It was a prank, bro.

    Don't you believe me?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
    1. No but really. What is the difference between intentional and unintentional harassment? How do you ask him that? What kind of question would you use? How do you detect lies?

    2-4 aren't super interesting. I'm not agreeing, but it's just not useful to continue.

    Lastly, I think it's obvious you're a little bit younger than the other commenters. That's no sin. Young people don't always think through their actions, especially how they might be received. Case in point, edge lord humor, which often uses deadpan sex and racial references; someone who faces sexual and racial threats frequently is more likely to be bothered by those kinds of "jokes" and might not understand it's supposed to be a joke. Since we don't carry forms detailing what topics bother us, it's often best to avoid those kinds of jokes. It's not censorship, but instead a courtesy we can extend to others. Caring about others is not a failing.

    I would urge you to keep in mind who your audience is, that there are jokes you can make to friends that are different than those you make to acquaintances, and remember inflection and tone don't transfer well in text. Mistakes do happen, and so do consequences.

    The reason most of us are on high alert, is there are countless instances of women being raped, beaten, and/or murdered by men with "a strange sense of humor." Where the women reported concerning behavior and the instigator was given a stern warning, and then the woman is found a week later in a field. I keep pressing the intent question because this method doesn't work at identifying bad intent.

    When you make someone uncomfortable with your words, you might not have thought the knife was sharp, but someone did get cut. Your intent doesn't change the fact you hurt someone. We might not call the cops, but we might ask that you stop showing off your proverbial knife or not come around any more.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah that's fair.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
    1. Who admits to intentional harassment? How do you test for that? Especially when being questioned by a third party.

    2. How many strikes?

    3. Losing other members out of fear is a concern on our minds. How many women would stay after we enact a 'boys will be boys' policy? Letting them know that men can say whatever to them as long as they say it was just a prank afterwards.

    E: 4. When it isn't sexual, and it's someone saying "fucking n--gers, we don't like your kind around here" should we allow the instigator the benefit of the doubt that it's just a prank?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I explained to someone outside the group and social circle why I was dragging ass typing on my phone, and the strangeness really hit.

    Some guy messaged one of our female members saying he thought she was really pretty and he was having inappropriate thoughts about her. After she told him she wasn't interested, he said he was just joking and offered to make it up to her by taking her out for drinks.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I feel ya. That seems like it could be overly broad; there are many reasons to message someone that aren't creepy. Reminding users that being creepy (I know, I'm shorthanding it) is not allowed seems more to the point. I appreciate the suggestion though.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's against the current rules. We just didn't explicitly state not to sexually harass other members.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is my first foray with this as a mod, and a first for the group.

    Would you change anything about this message?

    Hello _______,

    We hope this message finds you well. After carefully reviewing recent interactions, we want to address some concerning behavior that has raised significant issues within our community.

    In your recent messages, you mentioned having inappropriate thoughts about a female member after checking out her social media. This kind of commentary goes against our community principles, which emphasize respect, inclusivity, and maintaining a positive atmosphere.

    Furthermore, we noticed that after the female member expressed discomfort, you continued by suggesting a drink and a potential meetup. This persistence, despite clear signs of discomfort, is not in line with our community values.

    Considering the seriousness of these actions and their impact on the well-being of the community, we've made the decision to remove you from our server and ask that you no longer attend our events. Our goal is to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all members, and unfortunately, your actions have compromised this atmosphere.

    If you have any questions or concerns about this decision, please feel free to reach out.

    Best regards,

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • They expressed a concern that a warning means that it's ok to sexually harass members once, but not twice.

  • It's like St. George slaying the Dragon, but with cartoons so it's safe for children.
  • From my perspective, it seems like you wanted to make a rendition of this until you found out it was ai-generated. Either that, or that it carried the CC license which is a non-commercial license, or both.

    I gave you options to slightly modify the design that would produce another awesome looking Zelda.

    That was the thought process.

  • It's like St. George slaying the Dragon, but with cartoons so it's safe for children.
  • The phrase "it's ai generated" sucks the fun out of most images. Almost as much as "it has a CC license."

    So that image is from a universe where Zelda and Peach are roommates. AI understands both of those characters really well. I've got full image-story arcs of them being in lesbians and kicking ass.

    AI is still shit for brains at some prompts, might I suggest Zelda as the Witch Queen of Angmar?

    Or there's this actual painting of Perseus and Andromeda where I don't understand how to tell AI that Zelda in power armor is in a full commit dive straight down, preparing to slash tf outta Bowser.

  • It's like St. George slaying the Dragon, but with cartoons so it's safe for children.
  • From Bing originally. It carries a CC license.

    I prompted, edited (like extra ears, strange helmet accessories, logos being off), printed, assembled, and added/changed details once it was glued to a board.

    I've given up on trying to decide if AI images are mine. Otherwise, have at it.

  • It's like St. George slaying the Dragon, but with cartoons so it's safe for children.

    I think the scene is from Breath of the Wild, but don't quote me on that; I haven't played all the way through yet.

    [Bing] I love alternate timeline Zelda. I want to play this game.
  • Is it how I got this prompt past the filter? No. I'm obliquely describing what I want. If you type in "I wanna see Princess Zelda in futuristic battle armor thrusting her mistress sword through the skull of Bowser and as he bleeds out oozing blood everywhere I want his eyes fade to black as his life force leaves his body and he dies a bitch," it's not gonna work and you should feel bad.

    Hyphens seem to work like modifiers of sorts in Dalle, but only in some specific instances. The adj and noun will each be screened for content policy, but sometimes to combination of the adj and noun will yield unusual results. Like 10% of the time.

    I got banned shortly after I started interacting with the sub, so I'm going to hold on to a few concepts for getting strange images.

    Sometimes things happen for no reason. Like this beauty. I've never been able to replicate it.


  • AI Image Prompting Game from Google
  • I too want to complete captchas in my spare time.

  • [DALLE-3] Speak Friend and Enter (Unedited image included within)
  • Oh my god. I wish I made that connection. Literally. I wish I connected the tail.

  • [Bing] I love alternate timeline Zelda. I want to play this game.
  • Hyphens are strange in Dalle3.

  • [DALLE-3] Speak Friend and Enter (Unedited image included within)
  • It's worse than that. It's the rest of the dragonborn's tail. It got confused.

  • [Music Notation] What does "D M F# m/5+" mean?

    I'm fooling around with notation software that will label chords. I input a D major chord, and it offers to also label it also as F# m/5+. F# minor but then /5+?


    [GDAE tunings] A Major Scale in various staffs

    I'm familiarizing myself with TablEdit. Might as well make content for the comm.


    [Octave Mandolin] A different take on notation for octave mandolin.

    There's probably a reason this isn't done.

    E: Apparently grand staffs don't butt against each other like this. Separated allows for Left and Right hand designations on instruments like piano.

    I'll think on changing it.

    E2: Updated Image to include a normal grand staff. Since the notes have to be within 7 frets of each other, it might be able to imply which string to use in the event of chords or tapping. If nothing else, it'll make tabbing from piano easier.


    ELI5: What is scat? The internet one.

    I have a feeling it isn't related to a fun musical style or animal poo. I also get the feeling I don't want to Google it. Can I get an explanation fit for a 5 year old, in tone and verbiage.

    E: Answered. Gross.


    Please don't post this on your campus.

    I started making generic library signs instead of visiting Reddit. I’m trusting you to not post them IRL.

    There is an odd question that goes along with this one.

    Edit: In the interest of not spamming the comm, here's "an otter one".

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    Edit: Whoops, missed a few.

    ! ! !


    [Bing] [Question] Am I teaching Bing the kind of image I want with successive generations based on saves and downloads?

    Case in point - archery. Bing is horseshit at bows and arrows - the first few times, but as I go, it gets better.

    What's with that?

    E: Maybe marginally. Thematically. It is still shit at faces and hands where you would expect it.
