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guillem guillem

Testing the waters.

Posts 4
Comments 73
_____ Rule
  • OMG I just learned that there are also bik, kazh, and gutch.

  • 2024 European Parliament election in Germany
  • No, no, you don't understand, I voted literal nazis because someone of the parties that are not literal nazis said "they" instead of "he".

  • Hetero pride, able people reserved parking, alive people graveyard.
  • You know what happens if you are not loud and active in making sure everyone knows and cares that you are LGBT+? That everybody will know and care that you are heterosexual. Because that's still society's default setting. What society expects you to be and projects upon you. When I was young(er) I felt more uncomfortable when everyfuckingbody asked me when was I going to get a girlfriend than I was when I started drawing attention on my being gay at the pride demonstrations. If you don't like the pride you are free to not go, of course. But pride is necessary for a lot of people. Critisising it as a non-participant comes accross as demobilising because the criticism of pride is exactly the same every year since it started, and people lose a lot of energy jumping back a couple of decades to address an already addressed issue.

  • - software that adjusts sewing patterns to your exact measurements
  • For all those people so abundant on Lemmy that love plush sharks, they have a pattern to sew that.

  • Hetero pride, able people reserved parking, alive people graveyard.
  • Pride as opposite to shame, which is one of the drivers of living in the closet. If that word doesn't do it anymore for you that's good because that means your circumstances are more benevolent towards queer people than the ones that prompted pride to be named like that. In that case you can choose another word, like "liberation" or any other that addresses the issues queer people face in your context.

    Edit. And I mistaked the reply to post for the reply to comment button. Again. This meant to answer to @[email protected]

  • KleverNotes Version 1.0 official release
  • If I understood it well, zettlr and trilium haves this too: you start a line with pound signs and it changes its appearance to that of a header.

  • Awesome Android Apps - my curated list of ~250 apps
  • Thanks for the list!

    Öffi (transport) shows up under the podcasts heading.

  • A Cool Guide to American Hand Gestures That Can Get You in Trouble Abroad
  • Starting a line with one or more hash symbols translates to a header format in certain apps.

  • Gina Rinehart portrait: Gallery faces growing pressure to remove unflattering painting of billionaire
  • Imagine if Namatjira's CreativeCommons-ed the painting ._.

  • Head of nursing body sacked following financial investigation
  • It's not in the text of the article but in one of the images showing a screenshot of a post of hers regarding the issue.

  • Head of nursing body sacked following financial investigation
  • Independently from the whole story, how can someone with responsibility in a health related governing body, in a public professional statement, give any kind of credit to Mercury retrograde?

  • Visa requirements for Brazilian citizens
  • Isn't the problem of colourblind people with different hues, not different shades?

  • Alien | The birth and curious death of HR Giger’s Space Jockey
  • I don't know but, if he was, it would be good to phrase it as an affirmation with maybe a reason or a source. If he wasn't, we are here "just asking questions" and maybe perpetuating a smear.

  • I think I broke a HuggingFace chat with Nous

    I just told it to

    >Make a cheatsheet with two columns: on the left, Markdown syntax; on the right, the ReStructured Text equivalent.

    and it started well but after a minute it seemed to enter a loop outputting the same thing over and over again.

    Is this something one should report, or is it something that sometimes happens with ai chats?

    Australian Tech guillem

    Can you recommend me an .au registrar?


    I used to have a domain with Gandi because they had a reputation of doing things right and doing the right thing.

    My problem now is getting an .au domain because it's an extra $96 with them, apart from the domain fees.

    Can you recommend me a good alternative that is also less-shady-than-the-average-big-company? Domain only, I already have hosting somewhere else.



    Just got The SMS, did I get the memo right?

    My second hand device could have worked perfectly fine for another couple of years :(


    What was this bug?

    Or plant? Sorry if only tangentially related! Second time I don't notice any bites, just itching and after a day or two the monstrosity pictured appears and stays for like a week :( Tropical North Queensland.
