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EarthTeam gorgori


{"Location": {"Latitude": 4.5693754, "Longitude": 102.2656823}, "Category": "Partners", "Tags": {"projectStatus": "Ongoing", "projectType": "Counter-trafficking"}, "title": "Trafficking of wildlife is perhaps the 4th largest form of black market trade int the world. Once wild animals are captured, dead or alive, from their natural environments (or released illegally fro", "ImageLinks": ["", "", ""], "BasicData": {"Name_Of_Org": "Freeland", "Country": "Kenya, Uganda, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, China, India, Brazil", "Region": "Malaysia", "Primary_Conservation_Action": "STOP Trade & Trafficking ", "Secondary_Conservation_Action": "PROTECT Nature & Wild Habitat", "Solution_Website": "", "Support_Link": "", "Organization_Website": ""}, "AdditionalInfo": {"Species_Focus": null, "Project_Start_Date": 2010.0, "Project_Value": "rolling", "Job_Opportunity_Link": " jobs available", "Impact_Tracks": "Frontline Communities", "Impact_Numbers": "More than 10 DETECT trainings conducted", "Lessons_Learned": "Data sharing is key. Data on wildlife traffickers is held by various government officers and NGOs, but rarely are those pieces of the puzzle brought together because people do not know their data is a missing link, or are not allowed, or not incentivized to share data. "}, "Description": {"Organization_Mission_Statement": "Protect vulnerable wild animals, communities and ecosystems from trafficking and over-exploitation. Our Vision is a world of pristine ecosystems that is free of wildlife trafficking and human slavery", "Problem_Statement": "Trafficking of wildlife is perhaps the 4th largest form of black market trade int the world. Once wild animals are captured, dead or alive, from their natural environments (or released illegally from zoos for commercial trade) they are professional smuggled to urban areas or across borders en route to storage facilities or markets. As this crime trail moves beyond the jurisdiction of protected areas, every part of the enforcement chain must be trained to detect wildlife crime in order to find the culprits and prevent them from striking again. ", "Support_Needed": null, "Activities_To_Solve_The_Problem": null, "Description_Of_Solution": "DETECT is a comprehensive guide to securing crime scenes before collecting and analyzing evidence. The program mixes the theoretical and the practical with on-the-job training, forensics, and intelligence sharing. ", "Result_And_Outcome": "1. Freeland DETECT-trained officers in the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) of Thailand identified Jay Daoreung Chaiyamat as a major tiger and rosewood trafficker, and seized $37 million worth of her ill-gotten assets, which AMLO has frozen. \n2. Freeland DETECT-trained officers identified and arrested Boonchai Bach as a Kingpin in the international syndicate, \"Hydra\", which is thought to be one of the world's most destructive wildlife trafficking rings.\n3. "}, "ContactInfo": {"Contact_Person": "Steven Galster", "Email": "[email protected]"}}

EarthTeam gorgori

C-TOC (Counter Transnational Organized Crime)

{"Location": {"Latitude": 1.4419683, "Longitude": 38.4313975}, "Category": "Partners", "Tags": {"projectStatus": "Ongoing", "projectType": "Counter-trafficking"}, "title": "Criminal rings and syndicates targeting wild animals and their habitats for commercial sale operate across provincial/state and national borders to move the stolen \"goods\" to from source to buyer. T", "ImageLinks": ["", "", "", ""], "BasicData": {"Name_Of_Org": "Freeland", "Country": "Kenya, Uganda, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, China, India, Brazil", "Region": "Kenya", "Primary_Conservation_Action": "STOP Trade & Trafficking ", "Secondary_Conservation_Action": "PROTECT Nature & Wild Habitat", "Solution_Website": "", "Support_Link": "", "Organization_Website": ""}, "AdditionalInfo": {"Species_Focus": null, "Project_Start_Date": 2020.0, "Project_Value": "rolling", "Job_Opportunity_Link": " jobs available", "Impact_Tracks": "Other", "Impact_Numbers": "More than 500 officers trained in CTOC globally", "Lessons_Learned": "1. Some donors and governments place heavy bureaucratic restrictions on international enforcement meetings, including lengthy vetting processes. 2. Governments will send the wrong people to enforcement gatherings unless they are carefully selected through precise TORs. 3. Supervisors or senior officers of the enforcement agencies must be included in the process, or else the officer who has been trained or equipped with new information may not be enabled to put his/her benefits to use once back home. 4. NGOs should be given a space at CTOCs to present their insights, and then can be asked to leave the room once sensitive law enforcement discussions take place. "}, "Description": {"Organization_Mission_Statement": "Protect vulnerable wild animals, communities and ecosystems from trafficking and over-exploitation. Our Vision is a world of pristine ecosystems that is free of wildlife trafficking and human slavery", "Problem_Statement": "Criminal rings and syndicates targeting wild animals and their habitats for commercial sale operate across provincial/state and national borders to move the stolen \"goods\" to from source to buyer. This means that their illicit supply chains cross multiple agency and national jurisdictions. However, most agencies and countries do not share data on these illicit supply chains because they do not know they have data or access to data that can fill an important part of a criminal investigation puzzle. Or they are not empowered to share that data across agency or national lines. ", "Support_Needed": null, "Activities_To_Solve_The_Problem": null, "Description_Of_Solution": "C-TOC convenes and empowers enforcement agencies to illuminate, analyze, and disrupt illicit supply chains involved in trafficking. Agencies and trusted officers straddling the illicit supply chain are selected and brought together to form an enforcement chain, and are trained using conventional and AI and ML techniques. ", "Result_And_Outcome": "1. Freeland delivered CTOC training course to African and Asian enforcement officers, including the use of i2. Utilizing new data and new link analysis skills, the officers tracked down and arrested 5 men (3 Nigerians, 1 Congolese, and 1 Chinese) who are part of a major cross-continental syndicate that has been sponsoring the killing of thousands of elephants and pangolins for years. \n2. CTOC-trained officers have opened a cross-border money laundering and racketeering case against a syndicate whose criminal activities straddle 9 countries. "}, "ContactInfo": {"Contact_Person": "Steven Galster", "Email": "[email protected]"}}

EarthTeam gorgori

Trafficking Free Enterprises

{"Location": {"Latitude": 15.9266657, "Longitude": 107.9650855}, "Category": "Partners", "Tags": {"projectStatus": "Ongoing", "projectType": "Counter-trafficking"}, "title": "Wild animals (dead and alive) are transported along their supply chains the same way legal commodities are, and are in fact often mixed with legal cargo on trucks, commercial airlines, ships, etc. O", "ImageLinks": [""], "BasicData": {"Name_Of_Org": "Freeland", "Country": "Kenya, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Turkey, Laos ", "Region": "Vietnam", "Primary_Conservation_Action": "STOP Trade & Trafficking ", "Secondary_Conservation_Action": "REDUCE Demand for Wildlife", "Solution_Website": "", "Support_Link": "", "Organization_Website": ""}, "AdditionalInfo": {"Species_Focus": null, "Project_Start_Date": 2014.0, "Project_Value": "rolling", "Job_Opportunity_Link": " jobs available", "Impact_Tracks": "Business Practices", "Impact_Numbers": null, "Lessons_Learned": "What works: 1. Keep the training and meetings short and simple. Work around the schedules of your target audience (they are busy and usually can only spare half-day). 2. Make target audience owners of the project (affix their logo and institutionalize the training into their policy and their own training curriculum like we did with Turkish Airlines). \nWhat to do better next time: 1. Minimize controls of large donor agencies and large conservation organizations that can bring heavy restrictions and conditions that slow the process down, and/or make the trainings too long or academic. Private sector engagement requires listening to the company and keeping things on time, professional, and adaptable. "}, "Description": {"Organization_Mission_Statement": "Protect vulnerable wild animals, communities and ecosystems from trafficking and over-exploitation. Our Vision is a world of pristine ecosystems that is free of wildlife trafficking and human slavery", "Problem_Statement": "Wild animals (dead and alive) are transported along their supply chains the same way legal commodities are, and are in fact often mixed with legal cargo on trucks, commercial airlines, ships, etc. Owners ands staff working in airports, seaports, and shipping companies do not know they are unwittingly facilitating trafficking, as they do not know what to look, what is illegal, and who to report to. ", "Support_Needed": null, "Activities_To_Solve_The_Problem": null, "Description_Of_Solution": "Freeland trains corporate staff to be aware of, and help prevent wildlife or human trafficking in their business area of responsibility. Staff working for airlines and airports, freight forwarders and seaports, as well as banks, hotels, and other companies are participating in Freeland training and awareness programs that create trafficking free zones. Here is one sample toolkit for the aviation industry developed by Freeland:", "Result_And_Outcome": "1. Airport-based staff trained by this program reported more incidences of wildlife trafficking that led to seizures. \n2. Airlines adopted new policies to monitor cargo and passengers for wildlife trafficking, and to announce their policy to passengers. "}, "ContactInfo": {"Contact_Person": "Steven Galster", "Email": "[email protected]"}}

EarthTeam gorgori

Media Campaign to Eliminate Commercial Trade in Wild Animals and Introduce One Health Policy

{"Location": {"Latitude": 12.5433216, "Longitude": 104.8144914}, "Category": "Partners", "Tags": {"projectStatus": "Closed", "projectType": "Demand Reduction"}, "title": "An overwhelming majority of the world remains unaware how large and detrimental the business of commercial trade in wild animals is, not only to the animals, but also to people due to the risk of zoo", "ImageLinks": ["", ""], "BasicData": {"Name_Of_Org": "Freeland", "Country": "Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, West Africa, Brazil", "Region": "Cambodia", "Primary_Conservation_Action": "REDUCE Demand for Wildlife ", "Secondary_Conservation_Action": "STOP Trade & Trafficking", "Solution_Website": null, "Support_Link": "", "Organization_Website": ""}, "AdditionalInfo": {"Species_Focus": null, "Project_Start_Date": null, "Project_Value": "closed", "Job_Opportunity_Link": " jobs available", "Impact_Tracks": "Public Policies, Consumer Behaviors", "Impact_Numbers": "More than 7 trainings conducted for airports", "Lessons_Learned": "1. Journalists are keen on COVID stories. Spend quality time with them and show them the link to commercial trade in wild animals and destruction of wild habitats. 2. Visuals are key (good photos and video increase the chance that media organizations will carry a story. 3. Give the journalist a view of the problem. They want to be frontline so they can verify the information and experience what you are talking about. They became journalists in part for their hunger for facts and adventure. 4. Use the EndPanemics.Earth alliance to refer journalists to other experts. They need multiple sources. \nHere are some examples of the media campaign (I could not attach this to supporting material):"}, "Description": {"Organization_Mission_Statement": "Protect vulnerable wild animals, communities and ecosystems from trafficking and over-exploitation. Our Vision is a world of pristine ecosystems that is free of wildlife trafficking and human slavery", "Problem_Statement": "An overwhelming majority of the world remains unaware how large and detrimental the business of commercial trade in wild animals is, not only to the animals, but also to people due to the risk of zoonotic outbreaks. Those who may have some level of awareness may not know that the legal trade in wild animals is equally capable of transmitting zoonotic diseases as illegally traded animals. The viruses do not discriminate. Furthermore, much of the public and government decision makers (not to mention senior level inter-governmental bodies) may mistakenly think that a ban on commercial trade in wild animals means banning subsistence hunting (commercial and subsistence are by definition vastly different).", "Support_Needed": null, "Activities_To_Solve_The_Problem": null, "Description_Of_Solution": "To tell the convenient truth: that the recurrence and severity of pandemics can be drastically reduced through the strokes of pens by lawmakers who have it in their power to ban commercial trade in wild animals. And to clarify what such bans would look like (for example, that they would not include a ban on subsistence hunting). This campaign clearly illuminates the connection between wildlife poaching and trade to zoonotic outbreaks. Animals that are taken from, or pushed out of their natural environments, can carry a pathogen with them into human populations which have no immune response to that pathogen. This message is delivered via newsprint stories, TV stories, Opinion Editorials, and social media. ", "Result_And_Outcome": "Over 100 stories placed in at least 10 languages in every market in the world, reaching at least 700 million people. "}, "ContactInfo": {"Contact_Person": "Steven Galster", "Email": "[email protected]"}}

How ‘Zionist’ became a slur on the US left
  • Not too complicated. Zionism basically boils down to "Israel is Jew home country (for mythical reasons)" therefore "Jews should strive to achieve it". It may have other connotations but I don't think a lot of people are confused about this.

  • EarthTeam gorgori

    Solution Title

    {"Location":{"Latitude":"34","Longitude":"98"},"Category":"Partners","Basic_Data":{"Name_Of_Org":"Name of Organization","Country":"India","Region":"Middle Eastern Region","City":"Kolkata","Primary_Conservation_Action":"Primary Conservation Action\n","Secondary_Conservation_Action":"Secondary Conservation Action\n","Solution_Website":"Solution Website","Support_Link":"Support link"},"Description":{"Problem_Statement":"Problem Statement","Support_Needed":"Support Needed","Activities_To_Solve_The_Problem":"Activities to solve the problem","Description_Of_Solution":"Description of Solution","Result_And_Outcome":"Result and Outcome"}}

    EarthTeam gorgori

    Green Guardians: Fighting Eco Destruction & Trafficking

    { "Location": { "Latitude": -23.930910, "Longitude": 118.286315 }, "Category": "Demand Reduction Wildlife Protection", "Text": "As Green Guardians, we stand firm in our commitment to fight against eco destruction and wildlife trafficking, safeguarding our planet's fragile ecosystems and the diverse species within them. Through proactive conservation initiatives and partnerships with local communities, we work tirelessly to mitigate the impacts of illegal activities that threaten our natural world. By advocating for sustainable practices and implementing innovative solutions, we empower individuals and organizations to join us in the fight against environmental degradation and wildlife crime, ensuring a greener, healthier future for all." }

    EarthTeam gorgori

    Wildlife Warriors: Combatting Eco Destruction & Trafficking

    { "Location": { "Latitude": 10.496914, "Longitude": 76.227060 }, "Category": "Demand Reduction Wildlife Protection", "Text": "In the battle against eco destruction and wildlife trafficking, our dedicated Wildlife Warriors are at the forefront, protecting our precious natural habitats and the diverse species that call them home. Through vigilant monitoring and enforcement efforts, we combat illegal activities that threaten our environment and wildlife populations. By raising public awareness and advocating for stronger conservation measures, we're mobilizing a global community of Wildlife Warriors committed to preserving our planet's biodiversity for future generations." }

    EarthTeam gorgori

    Protecting Our Planet: Combating Eco Destruction & Trafficking

    { "Location": { "Latitude": 12.247361, "Longitude": 77.763000 }, "Category": "Habitat Protection", "Text": "Lorem Ipsum3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dictum urna sed nisi sagittis ultrices. Nam euismod ipsum nec urna lobortis, sed vehicula arcu lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque ut massa vel eros interdum viverra. Donec eget dolor ligula. Integer feugiat tortor nec nisl aliquet, id tristique odio ultricies. Nullam euismod neque nec est fringilla, ut consequat nisl blandit. Sed viverra viverra dolor, at venenatis lectus ullamcorper vel. Proin id lorem eu lectus volutpat rhoncus." }

    EarthTeam gorgori

    Earth Guardians: Combatting Eco Destruction & Animal Trafficking

    { "Location": { "Latitude": 14.038222, "Longitude": 78.698250 }, "Category": "Demand Reduction Wildlife Protection", "Text": "In the lush forests of our protected reserve, efforts to reduce the demand for wildlife products are making a significant impact. Through community education programs and targeted outreach, we're fostering a culture of conservation and respect for our natural heritage. Local artisans are empowered to pursue sustainable livelihoods, crafting beautiful goods that celebrate our rich biodiversity without harming it. By promoting ethical consumption and supporting alternative livelihoods, we're safeguarding endangered species and preserving their habitats for generations to come." }

    EarthTeam gorgori

    Nature's Protectors: Fighting Eco Destruction & Wildlife Trafficking

    { "Location": { "Latitude": 11.579639, "Longitude": 92.699167 }, "Category": "Regeneration Agriculture", "Text": "Lorem Ipsum1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dictum urna sed nisi sagittis ultrices. Nam euismod ipsum nec urna lobortis, sed vehicula arcu lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque ut massa vel eros interdum viverra. Donec eget dolor ligula. Integer feugiat tortor nec nisl aliquet, id tristique odio ultricies. Nullam euismod neque nec est fringilla, ut consequat nisl blandit. Sed viverra viverra dolor, at venenatis lectus ullamcorper vel. Proin id lorem eu lectus volutpat rhoncus." }

    It's that easy!
  • Well you can only do so much, and a denier will come and fuck everything up. Oil and coal companies will pay billions to keep the propaganda going - that the earth is just fine.

    So tired of all that. Remember the CFC issue. World got together to fight it and it worked. I don't know if we will ever see such cooperation again. If we do, maybe we have a chance.

    Other than a uniform collective action as a species we have no hope to turn this around. And since I don't see that happening anytime soon I would rather stick to my "Doomerism".

  • It's that easy!
  • To be honest, we are fucking up the planet at an exponentially faster rate, so it is natural that mitigation solutions seems exponentially crazier.

    There are people that believe that doing these crazy things will actually reverse the damage.

    Then there are people like me who not only believe we are fucked but also believe that anything we do now is completely pointless as we are fucked either way so why bother.

  • ‘Even stronger’ than imagined: DOJ’s sweeping Apple lawsuit draws expert praise
  • You missed the entire point. Typical Apple fanboy.

    The iphone isn't at all important to humanity and that's why it should be regulated. Especially when something so unimportant gets such a large market dominance.

    Anyone should be able to buy anything and expect things to be interoperable.

    I like the airpods. They don't work properly on android. Why?

    They could easily license out the tech and other companies will pay billions for it. and Apple will get their ROI.

    Intel was forced to license x86.

    Face it. Apple's behavior is visibly monopolistic. It wouldn't have landed on DOJ's desk if there were no good reason.

  • ‘Even stronger’ than imagined: DOJ’s sweeping Apple lawsuit draws expert praise
  • All fine and dandy. Kudos to Apple for the innovation! But then they decided to keep it strictly inside Apple.

    That's not how communication works. Imagine if Bell kept the telephone to themselves... Oh wait... They tried... Got sued for it... Company broke up and the whole world got interoperable telephone system that is alive to this day.

    Innovation is great, capitalizing on innovation is also great. But eventually it needs to reach everyone and the answer cannot be "then everyone should buy Apple".

    Imagine if DARPA kept the Internet as "Americans only"

  • Boeing whistleblower found dead in US
  • Completely on point. I am an engineer. If I were to self inflict gunshots, I would 100% design a contraption that would shooot multiple times. Need to make sure.

    Also need to hide this contraption while I am in the dying process. To make sure people know it was self inflicted.

  • A New Era for the Chinese Semiconductor Industry: Beijing Responds to Export Controls
  • Eventually maybe. But it will be super tough to get to the leading edge, because by the the time they reach where the rest of the world currently is, the rest of the world will go a couple more steps ahead.

    What companies like ASML have achieved are half a century of R&D that even if china just copy, paying no attention to IP, there are so many things to perfect. Things like the specialized mirrors and optics that are needed.

    China can probably one day get to where the rest are currently in a few years, but to both manufacture and keep per unit costs down at the same time is not an easy hurdle to cross.

  • Brazil’s Lula compares Israel’s war on Gaza with the Holocaust
  • Israel cannot let Palestinians live as human beings because they out-number the Israelis. Giving then rights would give the Palestinians a majority in voting etc. So the Israeli's opted to treat the Palestinians like sub humans. Treating an entire country as subhumans... For decades... has consequences.

  • An advertising industry worker's take on adblockers
  • Is this sarcasm? I don't understand why they don't need to get paid. I mean sure the hobbyist creator isn't thinking about getting paid. But the people with the best content aren't hobbyist, they are good because that's all they do.

  • Open India gorgori

    twes activitypub-express

    Modular ActivityPub implementation as Express middleware to easily add decentralization and federation to Node apps. Latest version: 4.4.1, last published: 7 months ago. Start using activitypub-express in your project by running `npm i activitypub-express`. There is 1 other project in the npm regist...


