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Data-Hungry Dating Apps Are Worse Than Ever for Your Privacy | Mozilla privacynotincluded
  • I know that, and I hate it. Yet, I do not know any other way to meet hot singles in my area (or not in my area).

  • In your country, what "common" animals are tourists most excited to see?
  • Bears ☠️

    They actually get dangerously close to them, to pet them and take photos of them and feed them, then these tourists wonder why are they being attacked...

  • I think we should slightly rethink how login works on most Fediverse apps (Mastodon, Lemmy, but not only)
  • To do so, there would need to be a centralized or federated list of all accounts

    Why would there be? The app would just search for the domain name first (let's say "") and then your username (in your case "hitmyspot"). That's kinda how email works as well. What centralized database would you need to interrogate a server on login? It's no different than the current implementation, only that you do not need to remember the website first, just enter the whole username in one go.

  • I think we should slightly rethink how login works on most Fediverse apps (Mastodon, Lemmy, but not only)
  • It's not really hard to type a website, it's rather hard to remember it. You remember your username. Okay. But where were you? mastodon dot what?

    When you use your full address, it's not that hard to remember it.

  • I think we should slightly rethink how login works on most Fediverse apps (Mastodon, Lemmy, but not only)

    A while ago I posted a thread back on the


    spez ::: website, with a personal opinion on why the Fediverse seems a bit complicated. It basically goes like this: Mastodon (and pretty much every Fediverse project out there) is based on the idea of using multiple websites.

    This is not really a problem on the desktop, as you're using the browser to log in to the Fediverse. You go to or, maybe bookmark these, and you log in as normal (if you do not check the remember me option at login). Same goes with Facebook, with Xitter, with the


    spez ::: website etc.

    Alright, but the newer generations (not everyone, but many folks part of them) rather use apps instead. And what do these apps do? Present a login screen with fields only for the username and the password (at most).

    What are the Fediverse apps doing? They are also asking for the website where they would log you in. So you go open e.g. the Mastodon app, then type the website that you need to access (which in many cases it might not contain the word Mastodon in it), and only then you can enter the credentials.

    What am I asking now (especially app developers): Wouldn't it be better (if doable) to take some cues on how actually email (and XMPP for that matter) works, and ask the user for the username and the password instead in one go?

    Like, everyone knows how to use email, everyone is familiar with that. And as I mentioned, XMPP is also doing it as well:

    Gajim account login screen

    Wouldn't it be doable?

    Ajutorul de 60,8 miliarde de dolari pentru Ucraina a trecut de Congresul american, după luni de blocaj, într-un moment crucial pentru Kiev
  • În sfârșit. Ce bine ar fi fost să își fi păstrat toată Europa de Est industria de armament ca să nu depindem de americani în situații de genul...

  • Astăzi este ziua oficială a comemorării victimelor foametii din Basarabia anilor 1946-1947
  • Multe chestii or să iasă la iveală după ce pică și ce a mai rămas din influența rusească din zona asta cu adevărat.

  • Android 15 will free you from using Google Wallet as your default wallet app
  • There are not, and probably will never be, as they require proprietary blobs (e.g. see this issue in Catima)

  • What does a post-piracy world look like?
  • No, I don't think it will go like that.

    But if piracy would go away, then it would mean we live in a great world:

    • Software: FOSS/Freeware/Donationware software prevails. People want to use this kind of software, and this is the go-to for any appliance. People would be deeply affected if they could not use free (as both in freedom and/or money, as mentioned before) software - gone will be the days of everyone needing Adobe products or MS Office for their professional work, and the year of the Linux desktop would be in the history books.
    • Movies and TV shows: They would be available anywhere, on demand, in any format. Or there would be this website where you would go to and watch whatever you would, without ads. It would kinda be the same with music.
    • p0rn: I don't have enough knowledge in this field, I just go to certain websites when I need. Guess it would be like on the previous point? idk.

    As long as those points are not achieved, there will always be a need for piracy, and people will always find new ways to get their content. So far, I do not see us being somewhere even close to that ideal world, so there are plenty of reasons for piracy to exist.

    I personally try to pirate things more ethically, for example I try to buy music and games whenever I can, but I know several people that pirate stuff just because they can.

  • In your area/country, did you have a word or phrase to describe the static white noise on a television set not tuned to a channel?
  • Something like that. I always heard it from my parents and grandparents that "it's with fleas" or "you can see with fleas" when that happened. I never knew what was the link between those, but it sounds funny all the time, lol.

  • What other parts of the fediverse are you using?
  • Friendica is really versatile. To get started, I'd suggest you watch @anubis2814a's videos (on the tagged PeerTube account or on YouTube) in order to get used to all the functions on the platform. There's also a Wiki on their website (and likely on the node you may choose) or you can post any question on !helpers

  • Interstellar update: Feed action customizations, Flathub support, settings page updates, and multiple fixes
  • Cool app indeed. Sadly, I cannot log in on Is there anything you can do to fix this one? :D

  • What is something that 2020s kids will never get to experience?
  • I cannot reply to a previous comment, due to it not federating here, but the children of 2020s will literally be online from day one!

    There are countless parents that are posting pictures of their newborns on social media, on Instagram or Facebook, straight to a server in California, so imagine that every single person whose parents are like oh, I don't care about privacy, I got nothing to hide bro will have at least one photo there.

    And it's not only that. They'll just never get to experience how life goes with no computer in sight, with no smartphones, not even cellphones at all. No computer, and more importantly, no internet, just cartoons on TV such as Life with Louie or Courage the Cowardly Dog or the Looney Tunes series. And even more importantly, no social media. None at all. Nothing to distract you from actually living.

  • Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative
  • US-controlled and domiciled site - yes, but I do not see it having a monopoly on information at all. Sure is big, has lots of info, pages, it is a rather good resource in linking stuff to the various concepts that you want to explain others e.g. in an argument.

    But the very fact that anyone can edit information makes it not recommendable in academia, for example (really, when I was a student, all my professors were generally not recommending it for information because, as one of them said, even grandma could edit it). So I don't think I would trust ibis on scientific articles either, at least not in the fields I'm directly interested in - maybe for some random trivia/did you know stuff, idk.

    limited / niche wikis

    But this is where I think it would really shine, indeed, as one could make a wiki about a game or software more easily, probably link pages from different instances, etc. (as others said already).

    Don't know what else to say, it just seems like an interesting project. Congrats to anyone involved on this first release and looking forward to see what this project will bring.

  • For those that lived under a repressive regime and now no longer do, which are the funniest jokes that would have risked your freedom or life?

    Mine goes like that:

    In a classroom, the teacher asks every kid to bring up a 10 lei note to donate for helping people against the poverty in Burundi. The next day everyone brings the money, except for Bulă.

    • Bulă, why did you not bring the money? Asked the teacher
    • Dad said there is no poverty in Burundi.

    The following week, the teacher asks everyone to bring 10 lei to donate for helping people against the famine in Burundi. The next day, everyone brings the money, except for Bulă.

    • Bulă, why did you not bring the money? Asked the teacher
    • Dad said there is no famine in Burundi.

    The following week, the teacher asks children to bring 10 lei in order to support the Communist Party in Burundi. The next day, everyone brings 10 lei each, but Bulă brings 30 lei. When asked why, Bulă said:

    • Dad told me that if there is a Communist Party in Burundi, there might also be famine and poverty as well.

    For those that lived under a repressive regime and now no longer do, which are the funniest jokes that would have risked your freedom (that you heard at least)?

    Mine goes like that:

    In a classroom, the teacher asks every kid to bring up a 10 lei note to donate for helping people against the poverty in Burundi. The next day everyone brings the money, except for Bulă.

    • Bulă, why did you not bring the money? Asked the teacher
    • Dad said there is no poverty in Burundi.

    The following week, the teacher asks everyone to bring 10 lei to donate for helping people against the famine in Burundi. The next day, everyone brings the money, except for Bulă.

    • Bulă, why did you not bring the money? Asked the teacher
    • Dad said there is no famine in Burundi.

    The following week, the teacher asks children to bring 10 lei in order to support the Communist Party in Burundi. The next day, everyone brings 10 lei each, but Bulă brings 30 lei. When asked why, Bulă said:

    • Dad told me that if there is a Communist Party in Burundi, there might also be famine and poverty as well.
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