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New cryptee update Document templates, massive performance improvements & more!

Document templates, massive performance improvements, and tons of small new features in Cryptee Docs!

Document templates, massive performance improvements & more!

I just share it cause I like how cryptee becomes better and better with each update :) Document templates, massive performance improvements and more.


Best bitcoin wallet when samourai is gone?

And when to buy xbt or xmr without kyc in EU when both localmonero and localbitcoin are closed?

Privacy services and non privacy payments options
  • So in your opinion is not worth to use any these online services and better go offline?

  • Privacy services and non privacy payments options
  • In my country it isn't an option. I can only use virtual revolut prepaid or gift cards.

  • Privacy services and non privacy payments options

    Why most services that want to protect user privacy. Also those on privacyguides, don't have anonymous payment methods like cryptocurrencies? I pay for a few such services like email or cloud etc. but I don't know if it makes sense if my bank knows I'm using it anyway so they can sell that info to advertisers, gov, etc. In EU services like mysudo or are unavailabe so I can't use masked cards. What is then the profit of using such services if I don't pay for them with cryptocurrencies and they can be easily linked to me?


    Privacy services and non privacy payments options

    Why most services that want to protect user privacy. Also those on privacyguides, don't have anonymous payment methods like cryptocurrencies? I pay for a few such services like email or cloud etc. but I don't know if it makes sense if my bank knows I'm using it anyway so they can sell that info to advertisers, gov, etc. In EU services like mysudo or are unavailabe so I can't use masked cards. What is then the profit of using such services if I don't pay for them with cryptocurrencies and they can be easily linked to me?

    Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?
  • You wrote that if the activists used proton VPN to register their mail account, proton would not have the information he needed to pass on. It's not true cause they would probably have the same metadata about them.

  • Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?
  • Yes, you had me cause I write only about keys, but I thought also about backdoors on gov demand.

  • Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?
  • Had the activist been using proton vpn to create and access their email, Proton would not have had the info they were forced to give up.

    What? If protonmail collects any metadata, why do you assume protonVPN doesn't?

  • Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?
  • Idk, maybe I'm wrong. Notesnook is recommended by privacyguides at all. All my mistrust comes from the fact that such countries are not famous for respecting human rights. What if the government forces the owners to give up the keys? Maybe it's an unrealistic scenario cause data is encrypted.

  • Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?
  • No, I'm not saying that I don't trust proton at all. I think that they have great services but as I wrote in the title - don't put all eggs in one basket.

    I think I won't trust any company with holding ALL my data.

  • Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?
  • I know these apps but none of them is as good as standard notes in my opinion. Notesnook seems fine but I don't like fact that it is based in Pakistan. I used Joplin before buying a sub for standard notes so I know it.

    Currently I have also subscription on for photos but there is also a notes app integrated. Maybe I'll start using it. Developer of cryptee was very active on reddit and he seems like a man who values privacy and security.

    But I hope that simply proton will not force the migration of standard notes accounts to proton accounts and for old users everything will be as before.

  • Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?

    If the owner of the standard notes will now be a proton, doesn't that contradict this principle? I have a proton email account but I don't want it linked to my standard notes account. I don't strongly trust companies that offer packaged services like google or Microsoft. I prefer to have one service from one company. I am afraid that now I will have to change where I save my notes. What do you guys think about this?

    Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?
  • Ok, but what does it mean, is that, when proton will be compromised, all of your data also can be compromised. When we have our data divided between different independent services, compromising one does not mean violating the others.

  • Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?

    If the owner of the standard notes will now be a proton, doesn't that contradict this principle? I have a proton email account but I don't want it linked to my standard notes account. I don't strongly trust companies that offer packaged services like google or Microsoft. I prefer to have one service from one company. I am afraid that now I will have to change where I save my notes. What do you guys think about this?

    Is it too late to date for me?
  • Where did you meet people? I try only online because I don't have the idea or friends to meet in other places.

  • Subreddit alternatives

    Where do you find alternatives for your subreddits? I found most of them but for these I can't find any alternatives so I'm still using old.reddit and redreader.

    r/noncredibledefense r/amoledbackgrounds r/europrivacy r/gog r/linux4noobs r/lowendgaming r/midlyinteresting r/minimalwallpaper r/nintendoswitch r/wtf r/switchhacks or r/switchhaxing

  • Is that what you meant?

    Yes. An abstract question to start a conversation. Possible answers: "use a ladder or something"

    abstract, like "ordering dessert" or "the >sound my cat makes when I pet it" or >"comfy sweaters" or "food that's just a little >bit too spicy* or something).

    Pizza with pineapple, night drive, Singing in the shower, a bit too much sweetness (but I'm thin) poor comedy or something like that?

    ... nope. I understand the joke. You do not want to make a joke that takes people to a negative place. Also, this particular joke is a cliche, so it's not even funny anymore.

    Thanks. So I'm deleting this part

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  • I'm studying finance and accounting, my personality is INFP-T. I like to travel from time to time but for know I have limited budget so I only visit locally, my country rather than expensive trips abroad. I'm also a bit of tech geek. I'm learning languages, recently started learning German. My aspirations are more of a quiet but also well-paid job, I do not plan a great career. I also plan to start learning to draw but so far it is in the planning zone. My favorite band? Five finger death punch.

  • Deleted
  • Sad but it's true. I'm a loser

  • thinking to hire services
  • They add a RAW support and a few more features recently, so I believe adding support for HDR and more is a matter of time. But good to know that is now approved by privacyguides.

  • Best file menager on android?

    I use material files but i don't know if it is still maintained? Last update is from may 2022. Any newer recommendations?

    Edit. I forgot to add that I prefer open source apps
