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fallaciousreasoning fallaciousreasoning

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Climbing fallaciousreasoning

Temple Buttress

In Arthur's Pass, New Zealand

Climbing fallaciousreasoning

The Annette Ice Plateau

Can the Green Party’s holy mission survive its fallible disciples?
  • Yeah definitely a different standard, but as the article points out, they try and hold their own MPs to that standard.

  • Can the Green Party’s holy mission survive its fallible disciples?

    First Kerekere, then Ghahraman, then Tana and now Genter. The Greens' uncompromising posture creates an awful pressure, one that recent events suggest is untenable.

    Can the Green Party’s holy mission survive its fallible disciples?
    Someone tried to steal our Subaru in Christchurch
  • Actually, yes. Looked like they ate quite a bit. There were half eaten chocolates all over the car.

  • Someone tried to steal our Subaru in Christchurch
  • Yeah, they left quite a mess - it was pretty clean before. Don't know what they were eating but they left it everywhere. Admittedly the mud is from me :D

  • Someone tried to steal our Subaru in Christchurch

    We were away for a week and left it on the side of the road. Doesn't look like they were particularly competent, as they ruined the ignition but didn't manage to start it.

    They left quite a mess, bit annoyed to be honest.

    Bombs Away
  • Also, if you tap with two fingers you jump

  • Bombs Away
  • To see how far down you can get.

  • Mountain Report: Current snow/ice conditions in our National Parks

    Not involved at all (apart from some posts) but thought it was a pretty cool idea.

    Users submit recent snow/ice/river/track observations so you can have a rough idea what you're in for.

    Gertrude Saddle, Fiordland
  • Yeah, it's a tent :D Just a corner of it

  • If anybody is doubting that this administration is inspired by and is going to be similar to the Trump administration in the US watch this video.
  • He's always been a pretty controversial figure, but I feel like he used to be a bit wittier and more coherent. Definitely seems like he's gone off the rails the last few years.

  • New Zealand Gear Search Filter
  • Already there! Good suggestions though

  • New Zealand Gear Search Filter
  • Also added Small Planet, which I'd somehow forgotten about :D

  • New Zealand Gear Search Filter
  • Sweet, added! I hadn't seen Aarn packs before, seems like they make some cool stuff!

  • New Zealand Gear Search Filter
  • I wanted results which would prioritise things like, and As you can see, it was only partially successful but I feel like it's still useful.

    The source for the filter is - let me know if you think there are some NZ based sites I should include.

  • New Zealand Gear Search Filter Brave Search

    Search the web privately ...

    Brave Search

    Brave Search released a feature a which lets you customize search results. It's always a bit of a hassle searching for gear which is either made in NZ or ships to NZ, so I had a go at making one which prioritises outdoors gear which is made here (or failing that, is sold here).

    You can test it here

    Disclaimer: I work at Brave, though not on the search team

    My mates first trad lead
  • To be honest, not heaps of gear on the pitch - it's pretty cruisy climbing though (maybe 15, in Ewbanks)

  • Climbing fallaciousreasoning

    My mates first trad lead

    The traversey third pitch of Indian Summer (18), up at the Remarkables, Queenstown, New Zealand

    3 Christchurch Port Hills fire: Firefighters responding to large blaze

    Buildings are under threat, Te Whatu Ora has issued a health warning, and a witness says they can see flames higher than billowing smoke. Follow RNZ's liveblog for updates.

    Christchurch Port Hills fire: Firefighters responding to large blaze
    1 The second report on the future of Wellington’s housing is out, and it’s even shittier than the first

    Another whistle-stop tour through even more bizarre and regressive decisions that allow a lot less housing in Wellington.

    The second report on the future of Wellington’s housing is out, and it’s even shittier than the first
    Queenstown Lakes property values pass $2 million average for the first time
  • Just not consistently full - definitely people in them, just not all the time. Only time everything is full is the school holidays...

  • Queenstown Lakes property values pass $2 million average for the first time
  • Oh yeah, the only empty houses are all the AirBnBs (at my weekly rent every night) or lock'n'leaves. Probably 2/3rds of my street is empty most of the time. Rentals can't be had for love or money, we got lucky with ours at the end of covid.

  • Queenstown Lakes property values pass $2 million average for the first time

    Data released by property valuation company Valocity and reported by NZME's One Roof shows that Queenstown Lakes district recorded value growth of 4% quarter-on-quarter, and 6. 3% year-on-year.

    Queenstown Lakes property values pass $2 million average for the first time

    Property market is pretty crazy down here

  • Hope it's all good - did mine (pretty mildly) this time last year and it was easily 4 or 5 months before it felt back to normal.

    Take it easy!

  • Opps
  • How'd you pull that off?

  • New $23m Remarkables chairlift on track for 2024 opening
  • Presumably this is funded by the $15 they charge me every time I drive up the road :D

  • Todd Muller: My friend James Shaw embodies the best of NZ politics

    The former National Party leader pays tribute to his great pal from the Greens.

    Todd Muller: My friend James Shaw embodies the best of NZ politics

    James Shaw was great! I really like Chloe Swarbrick too, but I feel like Todd Mueller makes some good points about Shaw striving for consensus and working across the aisle. Hope the Greens can keep it after he's gone.

    3 If reversing the ban on live exports is a good idea, why spend $1 million to persuade us?

    Live exports are coming back, says the government – but the industry is clearly worried about something.

    If reversing the ban on live exports is a good idea, why spend $1 million to persuade us?

    Infamous America's Cup boat hauled from Queenstown Bay Stoush continues as infamous America's Cup boat hauled from Queenstown Bay

    The infamous America's Cup boat NZL 14 has been removed from Lake Wakatipu's waters by council after years of legal battles regarding its right to be parked in Queenstown Bay.

    Stoush continues as infamous America's Cup boat hauled from Queenstown Bay