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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 3
Comments 108
What are you boycotting right now and why? Are there any Boycotts you've ended?
  • No offense but this is a bad take. They didn't normalize DRM. DRM was a thing before steam was around. And DRM companies like Denuvo are going to Game Devs and Publishers to sell them their DRM, not steam.

    You're mad at the wrong company.

  • Increase size of font and window size in this Lua script

    This script renders a window with stats to the player as they play. Can someone help me increase the size of the window slightly and the font size? I have attempted a few parameters with no luck

    ``` local messages = {} local glitter = {} local glitterCount = 0

    function addMessage(text, mood) for i = math.min(#messages + 1, 4), 2, -1 do messages[i] = messages[i - 1] messages[i].targetPos = i end messages[1] = { text = text, age = 0, targetPos = 1, currentPos = 1, mood = mood } if mood == 1 then for i = 1, 60 do local dir = vec2(math.random() - 0.5, math.random() - 0.5) glitterCount = glitterCount + 1 glitter[glitterCount] = { color = * 360, 1, 1):rgb(), 1), pos = vec2(80, 140) + dir * vec2(40, 20), velocity = dir:normalize():scale(0.2 + math.random()), life = 0.5 + 0.5 * math.random() } end end end

    local function updateMessages(dt) comboColor = comboColor + dt * 10 * comboMeter if comboColor > 360 then comboColor = comboColor - 360 end for i = 1, #messages do local m = messages[i] m.age = m.age + dt m.currentPos = math.applyLag(m.currentPos, m.targetPos, 0.8, dt) end for i = glitterCount, 1, -1 do local g = glitter[i] g.pos:add(g.velocity) g.velocity.y = g.velocity.y + 0.02 = - dt g.color.mult = math.saturate( * 4) if < 0 then if i < glitterCount then glitter[i] = glitter[glitterCount] end glitterCount = glitterCount - 1 end end if comboMeter > 10 and math.random() > 0.98 then for i = 1, math.floor(comboMeter) do local dir = vec2(math.random() - 0.5, math.random() - 0.5) glitterCount = glitterCount + 1 glitter[glitterCount] = { color = * 360, 1, 1):rgb(), 1), pos = vec2(195, 75) + dir * vec2(40, 20), velocity = dir:normalize():scale(0.2 + math.random()), life = 0.5 + 0.5 * math.random() } end end end

    local speedWarning = 0 function script.drawUI() local uiState = ac.getUiState() updateMessages(uiState.dt)

    local speedRelative = math.saturate(math.floor(ac.getCarState(1).speedKmh) / requiredSpeed) speedWarning = math.applyLag(speedWarning, speedRelative < 1 and 1 or 0, 0.5, uiState.dt)

    local colorDark = rgbm(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1) local colorGrey = rgbm(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1) local colorAccent = * 120, 1, 1):rgb(), 1) local colorCombo =, math.saturate(comboMeter / 10), 1):rgb(), math.saturate(comboMeter / 4))

    local function speedMeter(ref) ui.drawRectFilled(ref + vec2(0, -4), ref + vec2(180, 5), colorDark, 1) ui.drawLine(ref + vec2(0, -4), ref + vec2(0, 4), colorGrey, 1) ui.drawLine(ref + vec2(requiredSpeed, -4), ref + vec2(requiredSpeed, 4), colorGrey, 1)

    local speed = math.min(ac.getCarState(1).speedKmh, 180) if speed > 1 then ui.drawLine(ref + vec2(0, 0), ref + vec2(speed, 0), colorAccent, 4) end end

    ui.beginTransparentWindow('overtakeScore', vec2(uiState.windowSize.x * 0.5 - 600, 100), vec2(400, 400)) ui.beginOutline()

    ui.pushStyleVar(ui.StyleVar.Alpha, 1 - speedWarning) ui.pushFont(ui.Font.Title) ui.text('Overtake Run') ui.popFont() ui.popStyleVar() ui.TextScaled(5) ui.TextSize(30)

    ui.pushFont(ui.Font.Huge) ui.text(totalScore .. ' pts') ui.sameLine(0, 40) ui.beginRotation() ui.textColored(math.ceil(comboMeter * 10) / 10 .. 'x', colorCombo) if comboMeter > 20 then ui.endRotation(math.sin(comboMeter / 180 * 3141.5) * 3 * math.lerpInvSat(comboMeter, 20, 30) + 90) end ui.popFont() ui.endOutline(rgbm(0, 0, 0, 0.3))

    ui.offsetCursorY(20) ui.pushFont(ui.Font.Title) local startPos = ui.getCursor() for i = 1, #messages do local m = messages[i] local f = math.saturate(4 - m.currentPos) * math.saturate(8 - m.age) ui.setCursor(startPos + vec2(20 + math.saturate(1 - m.age * 10) ^ 2 * 100, (m.currentPos - 1) * 30)) ui.textColored(m.text, m.mood == 1 and rgbm(0, 1, 0, f) or m.mood == -1 and rgbm(1, 0, 0, f) or rgbm(1, 1, 1, f)) end for i = 1, glitterCount do local g = glitter[i] if g ~= nil then ui.drawLine(g.pos, g.pos + g.velocity * 4, g.color, 2) end end ui.popFont() ui.setCursor(startPos + vec2(0, 4 * 30))

    ui.pushStyleVar(ui.StyleVar.Alpha, speedWarning) ui.setCursorY(0) ui.pushFont(ui.Font.Main) ui.textColored('Keep speed above '..requiredSpeed..' km/h:', colorAccent) speedMeter(ui.getCursor() + vec2(-9, 4)) ui.popFont() ui.popStyleVar()

    ui.endTransparentWindow() end ```

    PowerShell ech0

    Get-AzureADUser : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'ObjectId' because it is null.

    ``` #Install-Module -Name AzureADPreview #Install-Module -Name ActiveDirectory Import-Module ActiveDirectory Import-Module AzureADPreview

    $cred = Get-Credential

    Connect-AzureAD -Credential $cred

    $users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase ‘OU=Test Users, OU=CO Users, DC=CO ,DC=domain, DC=org’ -filter *

    foreach ($user in $users) { $email = $user.samaccountname + '' $UserPrincipalName = $email

    $newemail = "SMTP:"+$email $mailattribute = $email #$DisplayName = $user.displayName #$sam = $_SamAccountName

    $account = Get-AzureADUser | Where-Object {$_.UserPrincipalName -eq $UserPrincipalName} Write-Host "UserPrincipalName: $UserPrincipalName" Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $account.ObjectId | select Account } Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId (Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString "OfficeUsersTest").ObjectId -RefObjectId $account.ObjectId ```

    This is going to be a script that runs nightly to double checkthat certain atributes have been created for new User accounts.
