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I can see your rule from space
  • What are you? ruleSA?

  • G'sudert wird!
  • Hot wer mei Wochenende gsehn? I vermiss es

  • Tidal has found the right way to share music with friends.
  • That's easy, get better taste

  • would anyone join an unoffical matrix space rule
  • Yeah right, is it them? It's hilarious, I love that meme

  • X accused of taking payments from terrorists
  • That's how a subscription works, people pay money for benefits. Not surprised that X isn't looking into paying accounts since they are short staffed (AFAIK) and low on money. No surprise at all, clickbait title here.

  • was für Nebenleistungen habt ihr am Arbeitsplatz?
  • Kantine, Betriebssani, Gutscheine zu Weihnachten und manchmal werde ich vom Chef angeschrien.

  • NSFW
    do you like it?
  • Are you kidding me? My bestie is in her 40s and she's got a hell of a well formed ass.

  • F-18
  • X AE F18 or what it's called

  • Sideloading won't be enabled where I live
  • Open in external app

  • Bob Ross Inspired
  • Also love the chest hair necklace in the last one

  • NSFW
    A woman in stockings and stockings is laying on a bed
  • With sets like these I always like to zoom in on the faces. Most often the models don't look horny, it's a mixture of a few emotions.

  • Don't want the barber to judge
  • Thicc spiky anime hair

  • The teaser trailer for my Exploding Kittens Netflix series just dropped! - The Oatmeal
  • Looks dope. Netflix bringing some interesting shows currently. One Piece, Scott Pilgrim and now this. Might want to sub Netflix again soon.

  • Donald Trump says he wants his election fraud trial televised; it probably won't happen
  • Thanks for getting back, I can't keep up with all these news and the American gov

  • Donald Trump says he wants his election fraud trial televised; it probably won't happen
  • Wasn't it the other way around at first? The trial should have been televised and he was not happy about it?

  • Rinse and Repeat
  • Kinda feels like "I'm waiting"

  • Pokémon GO Fashion Week 2023 infographic
  • Haven't played in years and now that I'm seeing this, I'm glad. This is just poor.

  • G'sudert wird!
  • Das is das schlimmste. Die potentiellen Käufer probieren auch alle Tricks und so viel Zeit umsonst verschissen.

  • My void 🧡🧡
  • Pumpkin spice eyed

  • Chongqing, China
  • Oh my god I love it