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CERN to expel 500 Russian scientists from November 30
  • I'm not saying they have easy choices. Or good choices. But they do choose. We all do. I'd even say life is all about making small, imperfect choices.

  • CERN to expel 500 Russian scientists from November 30
  • Around 100 have joined non-Russian institutes in order to continue their physics research work with Europe’s particle-physics laboratory.

    Not exactly "completely out of your control", I'd say.

  • sanctions work
  • In the other hand, if digging good and settling oil to India were enough, they would not need to raid their savings this hard.

    So maybe it's not that critical to demotivate India from Russian oil...

  • sanctions work
  • My impression is that it's exactly what Ukraine is doing by attacking oil refineries and reserves - make russia decide wether to sell or use themselves for the war.

  • sanctions work

    2.5 years to halve the reserves, the spend cannot be linear and I also don't think they need to get to zero to have a collapse.

    > ... The economy is being funded by the cash reserves, which increases inflation, which leads to another round of interest rate hikes to combat inflation, which makes it harder to borrow money, which is necessary for economic growth. Eventually, the cash reserves will run out. It took 2.5 years to deplete half the Russian reserves. Russia withdrew $37 billion to cover deficits in December 2022. It withdrew $20 billion to cover deficits in December 2023. It only has $54 billion left.

    Russian wealth fund down to $53.236 billion
  • I do hope that the industry taking it will just slightly delay devaluation and boom! more inflation.

  • Russian wealth fund down to $53.236 billion
  • You mean they will go for printer go brr?

    Yes, please!

  • Russian wealth fund down to $53.236 billion
  • They also held 293.189 tonnes of unallocated gold, compared with 298.84 tonnes on August 1, 303.579 tonnes on July 1 and 329.795 tonnes on June 1.

    So they sold almost 40 tonnes of gold in 4 months? I approve that trend.

  • Russian wealth fund down to $53.236 billion
  • It's good that they can just print more rubels to fill the gap! /S

  • Is Telegram, Ukraine’s most popular messenger app, a Russian Trojan horse?
  • The facts are:

    • russia spent a lot of effort trying to ban it
    • eventually they "convinced" durov to cooperate to fight terrorism and removed the ban
    • in russia fighting terrorism is applied to anything

    Yes, I don't have evidence that the messages are accessed, only that the access is given and that all of that is happening in a country with a blatant disregard to law from the government.

  • Is Telegram, Ukraine’s most popular messenger app, a Russian Trojan horse?
  • I would be surprised if it's not.

    russia tried to take control over it for a while, until

    On 18 June 2020, the Russian government lifted its ban on Telegram after it agreed to "help with extremism investigations".

    Which means they have access to all messages.

  • Is Telegram, Ukraine’s most popular messenger app, a Russian Trojan horse?
  • Yes.

    On 18 June 2020, the Russian government lifted its ban on Telegram after it agreed to "help with extremism investigations".

    Which means KGB has full access to all messages.

  • The oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region, has been burning for 9 days.
  • They didn't say which exactly human health is not threatened, so all is good and correct as I'm sure there's at least one senile psychopath who's safe from that smoke.

  • Putin’s warlords and oligarchs threaten coup as Ruble craters | My Times Ukraine Podcast | Diane Francis
  • I think the main factor to the collapse as well as to why it was taking this long was the speed of communication. Those vassals had the luxury of 10 messages a year from the boss.

    Interestingly, when it comes to (hopefully soon) collapse of russia, there are two parts to it. First are the instant communication channels that are useful to the crash and second is the human hierarchy that pootin uses (and has to) to get information. So he's at the Ottoman speeds of processing information, but at the modern speed of attack.

  • Hungary's foreign minister accuses EU of disrupting oil supplies from Russia
  • As a protest, Hungary should sever all relations with the terrible totalitarian EU.

    Also I think they should consider moving into russia - there should be enough vacant space.

  • ‘We were sure the Russian army would protect us’: fury after Ukrainian incursion into Kursk
  • No, I meant an accessory as in:

    An accessory is a person who assists, but does not actually participate, in the commission of a crime.

  • ‘We were sure the Russian army would protect us’: fury after Ukrainian incursion into Kursk
  • Of course we cannot. I agree with you that nobody is born evil or a criminal (even psychopaths are not guaranteed to become serial killers).

    By all means, if not for propaganda, we would live in a very different world.

    But the unfortunate fact is that they did consume enough of that propaganda to do nothing, or worse, follow the orders.

    Yes, they are not criminals by nature, but what they do is crime or at least they are an accessory.

  • ‘We were sure the Russian army would protect us’: fury after Ukrainian incursion into Kursk
  • the answer is - it doesn't matter. the biggest learning from the nazi germany was that you don't need the entire population of a country to be homicidal psychopaths. all you need is a small group of those psychopaths, control or media, propaganda and you get a perfectly functioning system where normal everyday folks go to their normal everyday jobs.

    just those jobs are in gestapo. or in maintenance of gas chambers. or making food for the equally confused soldiers.

    of course, we should avoid civilian casualties as much as we can (but apparently russian army is not required) but the system needs to be stopped.

    russia has cancer. chemoterapy is not a pleasant procedure that affects both ill and healthy cells. the alternative is, unfortunately, to allow that cancer to spread to the entire planet.

  • Russia has likely diverted thousands of soldiers to counter Ukraine offensive, US officials say
  • I believe the trick to avoid getting encircled is withdrawing before one gets encircled

  • Russia has likely diverted thousands of soldiers to counter Ukraine offensive, US officials say
  • Ukraine doesn't need that land. russia cannot afford not defending that land. The moment it gets too "expensive" for Ukraine, they withdraw. But that will only happen after russia invests heavily into actually recovering their territory.

    It's like in chess when a knight is attacking two pieces at the same time. The one on defense can only choose a smaller loss.

    Which is a win for Ukraine.

  • No, time is not on Russia‘s side

    HR/VP Blog – Russian authorities regularly claim that the Russian economy would not really suffer from Western sanctions and that time would be on Russia's side in its war of aggression against Ukraine. However, these ideas do not stand up to scrutiny. Our sanctions have already significantly weaken...

    No, time is not on Russia‘s side
    11 Ukraine Update: Russia is not winning the war

    On Friday, Russian state media reported that�dictator Vladimir Putin had ordered the size of the Russian military to increase by 170,000 active members. This is the second time in a year that Putin ...

    Ukraine Update: Russia is not winning the war

    If anything, russia is showing clear signs of sunk-cost fallacy

    19 Ukraine War, 26 September 2023: The right Stuff....erm...Metrics

    Good morning everybody! Going through a myriad of reports from the frontlines in southern Zaporizhzhya of the last few days, even weeks, and some analysis…. well, at least two thingies are now sure: - 1.) at the pace the super-brains between the Keystone Cops in Moscow are squandering the VDV in the...

    Ukraine War, 26 September 2023: The right Stuff....erm...Metrics
    Ukraine doo Ukraine Update: Ukraine's war of attrition can break Russia—and it won't take years

    Attritional strategies get a bad rap. When someone mentions a battle of attrition, many people think of the years-long-stalemate of World War I, or the endless and strategically pointless body count battles that characterized the American involvement...

    Ukraine Update: Ukraine's war of attrition can break Russia—and it won't take years
    Ukraine doo

    several examples of tactics used by Russians to reshape the population on occupied territories Thread by @Tatarigami_UA on Thread Reader App

    @Tatarigami_UA: Recently, I mentioned the issue of Russian colonists replacing Ukrainians, who either fell victim to violence, was forcibly displaced, or had to flee. Today, I will provide several examples of tactic...…

    Thread by @Tatarigami_UA on Thread Reader App
    Ukraine doo

    Russian Nazis and Russian neo-Nazi movements. Thread by @P_Kallioniemi on Thread Reader App

    @P_Kallioniemi: In today's #vatniksoup I'll talk about Russian Nazis and introduce Russian neo-Nazi movements and paramilitary groups like Rusich and PMC Wagner. They're best-known for being funded by the Kremlin an...…

    Thread by @P_Kallioniemi on Thread Reader App

    In today's #vatniksoup I'll talk about Russian Nazis and introduce Russian neo-Nazi movements and paramilitary groups like Rusich and PMC Wagner. They're best-known for being funded by the Kremlin and being responsible for the "denazification" in Ukraine.

    Ukraine doo Ukraine Update: One town south of Bakhmut is liberated, and another is almost there

    No one is particularly happy about the pace of events in the Ukraine counteroffensive. President Volodomyr Zelenskyy isn’t happy. Ukraine’s military leadership isn’t happy. Those participating ...

    Ukraine Update: One town south of Bakhmut is liberated, and another is almost there
    Ukraine doo

    Ukraine Update: Russia doesn't have a backup plan when it runs out of artillery

    So basically, we're waiting for a (hopefully very soon) systemic collapse of moscovite army since they bet both their attack and defence on artillery

    Ukraine doo

    Making the case why the Ukrainian counteroffensive is exactly going according to plan.

    Ukraine doo

    Russia's losses 30.06.2023

    Ukraine doo

    Ukraine Update: A Russian self-decapitation?

    Ukraine doo

    Russia's losses 29.06.2023

    what's crazy is that Ukraine already neutralised (killed and wounded) 100% of what was the entire pre-war army of the moscovites (around 900K), 100% of non-reserve tanks and now getting close to 75% of artillery.

    Ukraine doo

    Russia's losses 28.06.2023

    Ukraine doo

    Ukraine Update: Normandy, maple syrup, and counteroffensive optimism

    Ukraine doo

    Ukraine Update: Pyatykhatky and Pickett’s Charge

    Ukraine doo

    Russia's losses 23.06.2023

    +44 artillery is very very good news. for moscovia the artillery is the main offensive and defensive tool.

    Ukraine doo

    Ukraine Update: The one war stat that tells us what’s happening with Ukraine’s counteroffensive

    Ukraine doo

    Russia's losses 22.06.2023
