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  • What are our standards? Letting an unlimited number of people into the country per day without any sort of legal process or system? I genuinely don't understand what people here are arguing for...

    The ACLU has no legal leg to stand on here and are just doing performative politics to raise donations. Despite what libertarian "sovereign citizens" would tell you, last time I checked civil liberties don't include being allowed to travel and live wherever you want without any sort of legal process. Putting a rather generous upper limit of 2,500/day for asylum claims (from non-port border crosses only) isn't a violation of anybody's rights.

  • WTF Joe
  • I would ask ozma the same thing I asked about marijuana policy

    Your mistake is thinking that return2ozma is a regular person looking for a nuanced policy debate within the parameters of reality, and not just (at best) some guy who spends every waking hour posting bullshit on lemmy or (at worst) a sock puppet knowingly posting bad-faith arguments as a form of political propaganda.

    I don't know for sure, but I do know that someone who has posted 2550 threads in 11 months (~8 threads/day on average) lives online and should be generally disregarded by any normal, rational person. Ask yourself what kind of person has that much free time to post on reddit/lemmy/social media...

  • WTF Joe
  • Today's executive order doesn't conflict with any of those things.

    In fact, all it does it put a temporary limit on extralegal border-crossing asylum claims to 2,500 people per day. So it does not, in fact, "shut down" asylum claims, nor does it increase deportations of people who have been living here.

    President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed an executive order that will temporarily shut down asylum requests once the average number of daily encounters tops 2,500 between official ports of entry

    Is the United States supposed to take in an unlimited number of unauthorized border-crossers every day?

    Is that the way it's going to go down? The right falsely accuses the left of being for "open borders", and the left's response is to actually just take the bait and make that their stance?

    Because if that's the new progressive litmus test (it's hard to keep up since there seems to be a new one every day) then we have well and truly jumped the shark. Even progressive hero FDR turned away tens of thousands of Jewish Holocaust refugees:

    In 1933, and again in 1937, the Roosevelt administration modified the “likely to become a public charge” restriction, but kept it in place. German Jews attempting to immigrate to the United States in the 1930s were still often rejected for economic reasons.

    As a result of these legal and administrative obstacles to immigration, less than 20% of the German quota was filled during FDR’s first term. The Roosevelt administration focused on domestic problems, chiefly combatting the Great Depression. Though Americans certainly had information about the threat Nazism posed to German Jews, few could have imagined the persecution would escalate to mass murder. FDR did not take significant action to aid German Jews, either by ordering a diplomatic protest or by publicly supporting increased immigration.

    Some people on this website who claim to be "on the left" are now just inventing shit to be mad at Biden for, I guess either because they are really sockpuppet Trump supporters trying to incite division amongst Democrats, or maybe because they simply don't give a fuck if fascism takes over the US.

  • He could run from prison, so there's no deus ex machina here.

    When November comes around Americans are either going to be smart enough to reelect Biden or stupid enough to let a convicted felon, serial rapist, election denying, wannabe dictator slob take over the most powerful nation on Earth.

    I know what I'm doing. Let's see if everyone else can pass the basic intelligence test known as "election 2024".

  • I'm not so sure...

    I went into this trial knowing that it was the least of Trump's crimes and thinking that some brainwashed cultist would turn it into a hung jury. I was wrong, and instead we ended up with 34 consecutive guilty verdicts in less than 12 hours.

    Now Trump is going to be sentenced by a judge who he has repeatedly called disgraceful and corrupt after weeks of sleep shitting through the trial. He has shown zero remorse and zero respect for the law. So other than the mythology of Teflon Don, why should the judge sentence him with anything less than he deserves?

  • Trump campaign donation page crashes after guilty verdict
  • Who cares? Anybody who still supports Trump even knowing he's a wannabe dictator, convicted felon, serial rapist, and buddy of Epstein, need their fucking head checked. At this point I really hope these bozos give Trump all of their money. Knock yourselves out, dumb fucks.

  • This is only the tip of the iceberg. Trump is a fucking convicted felon and a serial rapist. Fuck him. Now on to sentencing.

  • Trump takes stage to 'thunderous boos' at Libertarian convention event
  • Well, kudos to the libertarians for actually showing that some of them actually believe in the things that their party stands for.

    Even they are smart enough to understand that Trump is a fucking wannabe fascist dictator.

  • Trump Demands Biden Take a Drug Test Before Debating and Claims the President Was ‘High as a Kite’ During the State of the Union
  • To think that this pathetic sack of shit is the best the Republicans could come up with, for 3 consecutive elections, blows my mind.

  • ABC News: DOJ releases proposed rule to reclassify marijuana
  • Oh, don't worry, I'm with you. I'm from Oregon, and I can tell you that the people who represent my interests in the House and Senate are specifically not the problem here. (We do have some bad ones in the east, but not in my district.)

  • Justice Department formally moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in historic shift
  • a president elected on hope and change

    Here's a little middle school social studies lesson for you: there is a lot more to the government than the President.

    Bernie Sanders could be sitting in the Oval Office right now and he'd still be struggling with the political realities that Biden is dealing with today. There would still be multiple wars raging, there would still be Republican obstructionism, there would still be a Republican controlled House and a tied Senate, etc. And I'm willing to bet you would be sitting here commenting on how "disappointing" he ended up being as a progressive....

    If you want big, sweeping FDR-style changes, then elect a big sweeping congressional supermajority like FDR had. It's not rocket science, people like you would rather just shy away from the political reality of getting bills passed in favor of complaining online, and it's getting boring.

  • Justice Department formally moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in historic shift
  • Ok, so... What big, sweeping things are YOU doing to make society better? Where's your list of accomplishments?

    The Democrats don't have a perfect track record, not even close. But being part of the online peanut gallery of whiners doesn't get us anywhere. I'm so tired of people who are all commentary and no action, people who aren't going to be part of progress (big or small) are part of the problem no matter how smug you act about it.

  • Justice Department formally moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in historic shift
  • Man I hope you're the dumbest motherfucker on this website. I don't think I can take anything worse.

  • US Justice Department formally moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in historic shift
  • There is a "public comment period" that can last up to 60 days.

    So at the latest by the end of the summer. Biden obviously wants to get this done before the election, as he should, because it'll help him.

  • ABC News: DOJ releases proposed rule to reclassify marijuana
  • It's crazy that you actually think that's what this is about.

    Brb, going to the dispensary.

  • ABC News: DOJ releases proposed rule to reclassify marijuana
  • We need a better congress, that's for damn sure.

  • Single Issue Voters will save the world!
  • You engaged with a grand total of 0 of the points that I made. So A+ dodging I guess. Congratulations on being a classic bad faith actor.

    Hamas are a terrorist organization that openly advocates for genocide and commits war crimes, murdering civilians in cold blood, taking hostages, operating out of hospitals and aide organizations, and using innocent people as human shields. They have a PR department, and they don't need any new hires right now, sorry.

    The only peaceful, non-genocidal solution to the Israeli-Palestinian war is a two-state solution. Fuck Hamas, fuck Netenyahu, and also to a much lesser extent, fuck you. I didn't "make a case for genocide", you did. If you think Hamas are going to go down in history as heroes or freedom fighters, you're as dumb as you are ignorant of history.

  • Single Issue Voters will save the world!
  • Stopping gun violence is what the Gaza protestor is trying to to do.

    Because Palestinians don't fucking shoot and kill people...? Way to jump the shark.
    Hamas murdered more people in 1 day than every American school shooting combined.
    Do you listen to yourself? What the fuck are you even talking about?

    Banning bigotry? Yep, same

    Hamas is an Islamic terrorist group founded on an explicit call for genocide against Israeli Jews.
    They aren't flying rainbow flags or celebrating pride month this year, either.

    Save democracy? How?

    By voting against a self-described "dictator" who happens to also be an authoritarian kleptocrat who calls every election he's ever been in "rigged", pressured Secretaries of States to just make up votes, coordinated false electors to overthrow the election, pressured his VP to call the certification process into question and who generally doesn't believe in the peaceful transition of power.

    I'm not gonna ask you to suck Biden's cock or anything, feel free to dislike his handling of the Israeli-Palestinian war (a war he neither started nor wanted to happen in the first place) if you want. It's my view that America's actions so far have actually saved thousands of lives in the region, and it's an objective fact that Biden has delivered more aide to Gazan civilians than anyone else. (Don't let that stop you from being pissed off at the wrong guy.)

    But, seeing everything we've seen over the last 10 years, are you seriously going to deny that Trump and the Republicans are an existential threat to American democracy?

    Supporting genocide is wrong, period

    The Palestinians aren't innocent in this either--they (and the Arab League) threw the first punch back in 1948, and they (Hamas) threw the first punch on October 7th of last year. It takes 2 to tango. Both sides of this fight have been complicit in doing evil shit building up to the conflict we have today. When people say things like "Palestine should be free from the river to the sea", how can you read that as anything other than a call for genocide against Israeli jews? Hamas surrendered any facade of legitimacy when they conducted a terrorist attack on Israel last year (intentionally killing more people in a single day than Israel has been killing in Gaza on average). Hamas has fired something like 10,000 rockets at Israel (and that's not counting the attacks from Iran, Hezbollah, etc.), so how many thousands more people do you think would be dead today if Israel didn't have the capability to defend against those kinds of attacks?

    The only peaceful, non-genocidal solution to this ~80 year war is a two-state solution in which Israelis and Palestinians learn to put aside their mutual hatred, dis-empower the extremists who run their societies, and coexist. Neither Hamas nor Netenyahu are capable of delivering this. Hamas will soon pay the ultimate price for their cowardice and terrorism (as they should), and hopefully the Israeli people will see that Netenyahu has failed to protect them and democratically remove him from power.

  • Biden issues executive order targeting Israeli settlers who attack Palestinians

    > > > President Biden on Thursday signed an executive order allowing the U.S. to impose new sanctions on Israeli settlers — and potentially Israeli politicians and government officials — involved in violent attacks against Palestinians. > > > > Why it matters: The unprecedented executive order is the most significant step any U.S. administration has ever taken in response to violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank. > >

    0 Trump must pay E. Jean Carroll over $83 million in defamation damages, jury rules

    The verdict comes after a dramatic day in court that included the former president storming out of the courtroom during Carroll's closing argument.

    Trump must pay E. Jean Carroll over $83 million in defamation damages, jury rules
    Gaming donuts The Pokémon Company Announces It Will ‘Investigate’ Palworld IP And Assets

    The Pokémon Company, partially owned by Nintendo, announced it will investigate Palworld for potentially using its IP and assets.

    The Pokémon Company Announces It Will ‘Investigate’ Palworld IP And Assets

    Donald Trump has won the New Hampshire GOP primary

    Donald Trump has won the New Hampshire GOP primary, a commanding victory that would make a November rematch with President Joe Biden look more likely than ever.

    2 Many hostages released by Hamas still being treated for trauma

    Head of psychiatry at Tel Aviv medical centre says hostages have undergone worst abuse she has witnessed

    Many hostages released by Hamas still being treated for trauma

    Head of psychiatry at Tel Aviv medical centre says hostages have undergone worst abuse she has witnessed.

    FPGA Gaming donuts

    SummerCart64 - A fully open source Nintendo 64 flashcart. (Github) GitHub - Polprzewodnikowy/SummerCart64: SummerCart64 - a fully open source Nintendo 64 flashcart

    SummerCart64 - a fully open source Nintendo 64 flashcart - GitHub - Polprzewodnikowy/SummerCart64: SummerCart64 - a fully open source Nintendo 64 flashcart

    GitHub - Polprzewodnikowy/SummerCart64: SummerCart64 - a fully open source Nintendo 64 flashcart

    SummerCart64 - a fully open source Nintendo 64 flashcart

    FPGA Gaming donuts

    Analogue Duo Review - is this $250 TurboGrafx-16 clone worth it?! | MetalJesusRocks

    Review of the Analogue Duo, a TurboGrafx-16 / PC Engine FPGA based clone system. But is it worth the $250? Info: https://www.analogue.coPatreon: http://www.P...

    FPGA Gaming donuts
    FPGA Gaming donuts

    A Cycle-Accurate Sega Genesis with FPGA A Cycle-Accurate Sega Genesis With FPGA

    The Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a powerful tool that is becoming more common across all kinds of different projects. They are effectively programmable hardware devices, capable of creat…

    A Cycle-Accurate Sega Genesis With FPGA
    FPGA Gaming donuts

    Introducing GoLEm FPGA (Alternative MiSTer firmware) | GoLEm Introducing GoLEm FPGA | GoLEm

    Get more from GoLEm on Patreon

    Introducing GoLEm FPGA | GoLEm

    > > > GoLEm FPGA project. This is my personal attempt to create a drop-in replacement for the current MiSTer FPGA firmware. The aim of GoLEm is to create a more accessible and less complicated gaming experience that anyone can easily use and enjoy. > > > > I've spent the last five months working non-stop on this project since July 2023 while on sabbatical. My personal objective is to garner sufficient interest to make this my full-time job. I've completely rewritten the application logic, FPGA logic, input system(s), startup, menus, OSD, and more in Rust. > >

    2 Arizona voting officials charged for refusing to certify 2022 election results

    Republican county supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd initially refused to certify their county’s election results

    Arizona voting officials charged for refusing to certify 2022 election results

    Republican county supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd initially refused to certify their county’s election results...

    FPGA Gaming donuts

    OSSC Pro Now Available | RetroRGB OSSC Pro Now Available The OSSC Pro is now in stock and available to purchase.  The price came to about $360 including shipping, as well as the remote & international PSU.  I'll be doing a livestream later today with creator Markus around 3PM NYC time - Come check it out live! P...

    OSSC Pro Now Available

    RetroRGB OSSC Pro Overview Video

    \~$360 (including shipping, remote and power supply) Open source video upscaler. Out now.

    FPGA Gaming donuts RetroTINK-4K | RetroTINK

    We will accept orders in early December once units are in inventory. No preorders needed. Units will begin shipping immediately, but it may take up to 6 weeks to fufill the entire batch. Subscribe to the stock notification, follow us on Twitter or join the TINK Discord to be notified once the sale ...

    RetroTINK-4K | RetroTINK

    $750. Early December.

    The RetroTINK-4K is the latest evolution of the RetroTINK line of video line doublers and upscalers. Below is a list of a few standout features. Outputs HDMI (TM) 2.0 up to 4K60. Flexible output modes including 480p, 1080p, 1440p at various refresh rates (60/120/etc.) Custom modelines possible via a text file on the SD card HDR10 output with full color correction to Rec. 2020 High frame rate output modes: 1440p120, 1080p120 Up to 8-ch LPCM audio Inputs Wide array of inputs that support virtually every single format out of the box HD15/VGA: RGBHV RGBS RGsB YPbPr S-Video Composite SCART RGBS RGsB YPbPr S-Video Composite Rear RCA YPbPr RGsB Composite Front Composite Front S-Video Analog audio input up to 96 kHz/24-bit Optical TOSLINK audio input supporting 2-Ch LPCM or compressed surround HDMI (TM) 1.4 Input supporting up to 1080p60 and 8-Ch LPCM or compressed surround Analog Video Automatic gain calibration Automatic phase calibration Automatic input cropping to trim borders Full control of gain, offset and sample rate Console specific automatic sample rate detection (experimental feature, SNES, PS1, PS2 and Genesis profiles for both NTSC and PAL) Support for a wide variety of off-spec arcade and PC boards (may require custom profiles to properly trim and center the image) Scaling Fully flexible, custom cropping and zooming in the horizontal and vertical space independent of other settings Automatic aspect ratio correction to 4:3 or 16:9 Motion adaptive deinterlacing including film modes for 3:2 and 2:2 inverse telecine (experimental feature) RoTATE 90 deg clockwise or counterclockwise (for 240p, 288p and 360p inputs) Image Processing End to end RGB pipeline with 12-bit precision (truncated to 8 or 10 bits for final output) Advanced CRT simulation modes with multiple scanline beam patterns and masks Advanced color gamut transforms to simulate different display technologies Black frame insertion engine with customizable pattern and intensity Linear light processing User Interface Advanced OSD menu based system SD Card for saving profiles, custom modelines and firmware updates Custom premium remote control

    FPGA Gaming donuts
    FPGA Gaming donuts

    Game Boy Advance schematics now available thanks to Reverse Engineering

    Reversed GBA PCBs on github!

    FPGA Gaming donuts

    MARS: Multi Arcade & Retro System (RetroRGB) MARS: Multi Arcade & Retro System

    Over the past few months the MARS team has been teasing a new FPGA-based system:  Multi Arcade & Retro System.  The concept is similar to the MiSTer, but running on its own custom, more powerful hardware.  They're expecting to launch it early next year at a $700 price point, with ...

    MARS: Multi Arcade & Retro System

    > > > Over the past few months the MARS team has been teasing a new FPGA-based system: Multi Arcade & Retro System. The concept is similar to the MiSTer, but running on its own custom, more powerful hardware. They're expecting to launch it early next year at a $700 price point... > >

    FPGA Gaming donuts

    Analogue 3D announced: a 4K FPGA N64 clone.

    Analogue is making an FPGA N64!

    Coming in 2024 (tm), price comparable to their other consoles (tm), etc.

    FPGA Gaming donuts Legacy Pixels' MIDI Interface Adds Low-Latency MIDI Ports to Your MiSTer Emulation Station

    Compatible with Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Sharp X68000, and IBM PC cores, this compact MIDI in-and-out box is a neat accessory.

    Legacy Pixels' MIDI Interface Adds Low-Latency MIDI Ports to Your MiSTer Emulation Station

    > > > Ohio-based vintage computing specialist Legacy Pixels has launched a slick add-on which offers a true hardware MIDI interface for MiSTer FPGA-based emulation systems, compatible with a selection of cores and hardware. > > > > "[This is a] hardware MIDI interface for your MiSTer setup," the company writes of its creation, which comes housed in a neat 3D-printed casing exposing a micro-USB port at the rear and a pair of MIDI DIN connectors at the frotn. "[It] plugs into the I/O Board User Port and provides a direct interface to the FPGA core. The ultimate in low-latency MIDI connectivity!" > >

    • MiSTer I/O Board v5.5 or Digital I/O Board v1.2 or newer
    • Tested with cores designed to emulate the Atari ST, the Commodore Amiga, the Sharp X68000, and IBM Compatibles using the ao486 core
    • Should theoretically work with any hardware or DAW that does general MIDI I/O.
    • As of the time of this post, $32 from Legacy Pixels
    FPGA Gaming donuts

    MiSTer: Latest version of the MiSTer Extensions suite (by wizzomafizzo and co.) brings a NFC tag management frontend. GitHub - wizzomafizzo/mrext: Collection of extensions and utilities for the MiSTer system.

    Collection of extensions and utilities for the MiSTer system. - GitHub - wizzomafizzo/mrext: Collection of extensions and utilities for the MiSTer system.

    GitHub - wizzomafizzo/mrext: Collection of extensions and utilities for the MiSTer system.

    "Very happy to announce a new frontend for the #MiSTerFPGA NFC script by Ziggurat (sigboe)! Browse and write games to NFC tags from your MiSTer, craft custom commands, manage the mappings. Now included as "nfcui" in the Scripts menu, available now through downloader and update\_all" - @wizzomafizzo on your favorite billionaire-owned everything platform,

    FPGA Gaming donuts

    MiSTer: Sega Saturn core now generally available! Eric Nelson (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image #Sega #Saturn core now available for #MiSTer #MiSTerFPGA. Run Update_All script to grab it!

    Eric Nelson (

    > > > "#Sega #Saturn core now available for #MiSTer #MiSTerFPGA. Run Update\_All script to grab it!" > >

    Of course a huge shout out to srg320, who has put a lot of work into this core over the years despite being caught up in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
