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A real headache to argue over
  • If anything, i think a giant human would impy evolution. People don't grt that big anymore, so like they evolved to a smaller size

  • What do you use to light your bowl?
  • For the bong i have a butane zippo. I really only use the hemp string with my electric arc lighter (cant light candles or bowls with it easily).

    We've mostly transitioned to wax/extracts tho.

  • ICQ messenger shuts down after almost 28 years
  • Damn i still say that like that sometimes, and i totally forgot where it came from

  • New Teslas might lose Steam
  • As someone without an electric car, i always assumed it was for something to do while charging.

  • Yes, it is all Unix
  • Im using freebsd on my nas because it has better zfs support than linux does. Or at least was the case as of a couple years ago.

    Originally i just threw a few extra drives into my old Arch machine, but i noticed my package upgrades were being held back because zfs on linux (or whatever they called it) was dependant on older kernels or something. I cant remember the exact details.

  • Yes, it is all Unix
  • Yeah, reading these comments, it looks like they are not legally able to call it unix, despite having direct lineage. Linux however is a complete re-write, making it more obviously not proper unix by most definitions.

  • Yes, it is all Unix
  • Linux is unix-like, and not from the same family really. ChromeOS is based on linux, so similarly unix-like. Mac is Darwin, which is actually unix. Also all BSDs are unix

  • They lied to us
  • A coffee bean is a seed from the Coffea plant and the source for coffee. It is the pip inside the red or purple fruit. This fruit is often referred to as a coffee cherry, and like the cherry, it is a fruit with a pip. Even though the coffee beans are not technically beans, they are referred to as such because of their resemblance to true beans.


  • They lied to us
  • Coffee and vanilla aren't actually beans. Soy is though.

  • Finally, a push to end the practice of killing games when a dev decides they don't wanna support them
  • Yes, but hiring some devs to modify the code to be run on a home server could be seen as an investment towards saving the cost of running the servers themselves.

    If a company is going broke and cant afford to port the code to a home market, they could simply open source it, and let the fans do the work.

    And as i mentioned to the other guy, i think this should be the law.

  • Finally, a push to end the practice of killing games when a dev decides they don't wanna support them
  • Don't misunderstand me, I absolutely think there should be regulation over this. I'm saying ultimately if a company wants to discontinue a service they should be forced by law to release the server software. That way the player base can still use the product they paid money for.

  • Finally, a push to end the practice of killing games when a dev decides they don't wanna support them
  • Didnt watch this specific video, but the solution seems simple to me. Just release the server software. Bonus points to open source it.

  • Help with VIA macros?
  • Dang, ok. Using Linux, so i guess i gotta learn the weird qmk programming stuff ive been seeing. Ill probably throw in a feature request with VIA too. Thanks for the info.

  • Help with VIA macros?

    I just got a cidooo v21 numpad, and was very excited to use macros for OBS.

    I have been using alt-z for tap-to-talk in obs, and i set up layer 3 to be obs macros. I want "enter" to be tap to talk ie alt-z. When i press the enter key and keep it held, it only registers as a short tap. I even made sure the macro is set for keydown on both keys.

    Whats the simplest way to have the macro report as held for the duration of me holding the enter key?

    Edit: potential alternate solution: whats the best way to have different macros for the press and release of the enter key? That way i could simply unmute on press and mute on release

    wth, that was really annoying
  • sudo flatpak upgrade

  • Tunnelling a port from a separate computer

    I have a client with locally hosted security cameras. There is a DVR box that has a port open and a 3rd party app you can view the cameras from. Traditionally we have been forwarding the port to the WAN via the router there. Its a restaraunt btw.

    When the ISP upgrades the router every few years there's a huge headache trying to get the ports back open and bridging the modem and router blah blah blah. Not only this, even though they are supposed to have a static wan ip, it does change from time to time.

    What i would like to do is plug in a raspberry pi on the network and forward the DVR's ports somewhere accessable.

    Im thinking of something along the lines of wireguard, but just for a single ip/port that i can tunnel over ngrok. Seems doable but i'm having trouble finding the proper terms to google. Port forwarding generally brings up router config, and tunnelling seems to expect you to be on the device who's ports you wish to access.

    Any advice?


    Beth Gibbons - Sand River

    Beth Gibbons has announced a new solo record, so I gave this album a listen


    wireguard on freebsd

    I am trying to setup a wireguard server on freebsd using this guide. the only thing i've done different is make the AllowedIPs

    I seem to have messed something up because when I have wireguard running, i cannot ping or curl anything from the server. It doesn't take down the machine though, I am still able to ssh into the server.

    I still have yet to get the client to actually connect, but i assume this networking issue is a potential cause. googling doesn't seem to help me find anyone with my same issue.

    my wg0.conf is as follows

    >[Interface] >Address = # address the server will bind to

    >ListenPort = 51820 # listener port

    >PrivateKey = [redacted] > >[Peer] #phone

    >AllowedIPs =

    >PreSharedKey = [redacted]

    >PublicKey = [redacted]
