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biff BIFF


  • B1FF
  • C4PTA1N B1FF
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Comments 98
do itn't
  • Okay, I won’t.

  • medication rule
  • if you’re comfortable lying under 1,100kg.

    I’ve sat under much more than that, but I was in a vehicle moving through a tunnel. The seats were comfortable enough.

  • Heartwarming
  • Is this… Loss?

  • Heartwarming
  • Whoa… (blushes)

  • Heartwarming
  • OP just casually taking us to the brink like that. Good on them.

  • Heartwarming
  • Better check your punctionary, you just said you plan open a time-frosted radio pipe with a kiwi-flavored stock market.

    …or maybe you intended to say that.

  • medication rule
  • Yep. All because Bart tried to resurrect Snowball I.

  • medication rule
  • To be fair, a civic del sol is a step away from being a mountain bike with extra wheels and doors, so I recommend that it be exempted from the “heavy machinery” category.

  • medication rule
  • John.


  • Heartwarming
  • Had me up until the last sentence, then faith restored.

  • Heartwarming
  • If you think that’ll be awesome, wait till words are reduced to punctuation marks, and none of them mean what we’d expect.

  • What are your best budgeting tips you wish you learned sooner?
  • Stop eating junk food and fast food.

  • Reddit Migrants Request
  • Relax, that’ll happen in due time. We just got here to our new diggs, so it’ll take some time. So chill out and watch the community grow its own identity, that most certainly will have some reddit DNA in it.

  • [FFXVI] Final Fantasy 16’s Review Bombing Stems From an Ages Old Argument
  • Reviews as they’re currently implemented are going to become obsolete once other players are tired enough of seeing review bombing happen. Maybe platforms need to make trialing games more widely available and mainstream so that a person can decide (with relative ease) for themselves whether or not the game is good for them.

  • Welcome! Put your feet up and relax!
  • Hello! I got my start as a young gamer when my mom got me FFIII (US) for the snes, and I got the launch edition of VII when it came bundled with a t-shirt. I’ve been slowly working my way through Square’s older FF titles and other franchises, like SaGa Frontier.

    If I had to pick one franchise, I guess it would be VII, if only because of the radical storyline, and things like the Golden Saucer.

    VII also has one of my favorite pieces of music, that being the main battle theme, followed by the opera music in III.

    The moments that most immediately come to mind are probably casting Knights of the Round for the first time, and playing in an opera in III.

    Good times!

  • My Cartridge Display Stand for the Switch Dock
  • Yeah I thought it was some kind of convention display that’s 25 feet tall.

  • Mystery Human Relative Appears to Have Been Butchered And Eaten 1.45 Million Years Ago
  • To be somewhat fair, I’m in the privileged position of being able to be sarcastic about a branch of science that I have no practical experience with whatsoever, all from the comfort of an app I type into using just my thumb. This is the kind of advancement that, a hundred years ago, would have been seen as merely impossible, and five hundred years ago or more would’ve gotten a person burned at a stake.

    I can criticize anything I want, but my criticism (all things being equal) is very probably flawed and unwarranted. If I’m going to be sarcastic, I’d better be aware of how insignificant I am relative to the universe I find myself in.