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baggachipz baggachipz
Posts 2
Comments 34
The new world's hottest pepper, Pepper X, is 3 times spicier than its predecessor
  • Exactly right. Funny thing is he’s had Pepper X waiting for just such an event, but decided to release it anyway because nobody could beat the reaper. But they were getting close, so time to pull ahead again.

  • The new world's hottest pepper, Pepper X, is 3 times spicier than its predecessor
  • I know Ed Currie personally. He's a great dude, gives back to the community, and is a total mad scientist. He has peppers waiting in the wings which put this one to shame!

  • [DALLE] An unforgettable luncheon
  • This needs to be on a t-shirt and I need to wear it.

  • Are there any kbin instances which are up to date with the source code?
  • That's a shame, because I much prefer the interface to Lemmy's.

  • Supreme Court likely to side with South Carolina GOP in racial gerrymandering case
  • "Circumstantial Evidence"... yeah. The circumstance is that South Carolina is extremely racist (I live here) and the congresswoman who drew this map is extremely racist. The same shit was just proven racist in ALABAMA of all places... but not here? Unreal.

  • What popular quote are you tired of hearing?
  • Yeah the genie is already waaaay out of the bottle in the US. It would be logistically impossible to get rid of guns, nice as that would be. This is something both extremes refuse to accept, because they wouldn't have a cause or solution to rally around. No, Bubba, nobody's going to take your guns. No Stewart, we can't just ban guns and wash our hands of it. Other countries have indeed mostly eradicated firearms in normal society, but nowhere near on the scale that the US has.

  • What popular quote are you tired of hearing?
  • To be fair I've been abusing with alcohol since my late teens. So I guess we're even now.

  • What popular quote are you tired of hearing?
  • Hmmmm I do love to eat bananas 🤔 BRB, off to sue Chiquita

  • What popular quote are you tired of hearing?
  • In my case, it was through no action of my own and merely bad luck. So the only "reason" would be bad luck or a shitty all-powerful deity.

  • Megapost: House Speaker vote:
  • Oh sweet summer child

  • What popular quote are you tired of hearing?
  • "Everything happens for a reason"

    The cancer disagrees.

  • Please, do not use Brave.
  • If you're on MacOS, Orion is really good. Zero telemetry, built-in ad blocker, supports both Firefox AND Chrome extensions.

  • The Lemmy Developers are now personally blocking and banning users and communities critical of Tankies and the Developers.
  • Hey internet, can we just not go fash or tankie for like 5 minutes? kthxbye

  • #justfediversethings
  • Oh wow this is great

  • I would not mind having a third eye, would you?
  • More eyes means more flavor!

  • What kind of stew do you have today?
  • I just think they're heat!

  • What do people use to start a blog nowadays?
  • Enshittification. They've turned the corner of chasing profits by being user-hostile.

  • What do people use to start a blog nowadays?

    Now that Medium has fully enshittified, and Substack is well on its way, where can I publish for free with good discoverability and no paywall? I've considered starting my own blog site using a static site generator, but I figured I'd get people's thoughts prior to doing that. Thanks!

    The three types of Android users.
  • Nobody hates computers more than programmers. I speak from experience.