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arizz Ari [she/her]

Hi, I'm Ari!

I'm a trans woman from west Tennessee who loves technology and reading textdumps/stories about things I have never heard of! Very new to talking to people online and the queer community in general so please be gentle. :3

Posts 1
Comments 18
Yeah yeah yeah, we get it
  • This is literally just an ally right? I don't really get what's wrong here, just sounds like they're really into pride stuff.

  • That just means it's working
  • Just thought it would be fun, it was only $3 at goodwill so there wasn't much reason not to.

  • That just means it's working
  • ok maybe the sheer size and weight.

    that's what makes them fun :>

  • That just means it's working
  • Only true gamers use cheap CRTs from 2006

  • That just means it's working
  • Basically the CRT I still use on my computer. Pops at least once a week and wakes me up.

  • ADHD and being trans
  • I was involved in a car accident in 2017 that I blame on spiro fog.”

    Spiro fog huh? Now that I think about it I guess spironolactone had those sorts of effects on me too, I've just gotten used to them by now.

  • ADHD and being trans
  • I was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD inattentive when I was a child. I guess when someone has one "disorders" they are more likely to have others. Transitioning medically might have worsened the effects of ADHD for me aswell, staying focused while on progesterone specifically has made me forget what I was doing/saying more often than before.

    Anyone else notice changes with ADHD when on specific medications?

  • Y'all got any tips for dealing with the bad feels? (e.g. transphobia or dysphoria)
  • Oh yes, a support network. I would love to talk it out with them

    All joking aside, I do have supportive friends that I talk to pretty much every day. Its just that, y'know, life loves to get in the way of things. It's either a college paper they need to write last minute, or a family gatherings, or even just a depression nap. I don't really know where I was going with this, but I guess all I am saying is that I can't always be with loved ones. You are right though, they help immensely.

    Oh and about partners, i'll get back to you on that one.

  • Y'all got any tips for dealing with the bad feels? (e.g. transphobia or dysphoria)
  • Yeah, I would also like to see how others have planned now that you mention it. At the moment the only things I have thought about are, "da da da Canada" or "da da da Sweden."

  • Y'all got any tips for dealing with the bad feels? (e.g. transphobia or dysphoria)
  • If I am being honest, at the moment I don't have the stomach to try and act in really any form. Just looking at everything going on is overwhelming. I guess I just need to build more of a tolerance to this over time, kinda like how with working out you have to take it slow at first. Thanks Ada.

  • Y'all got any tips for dealing with the bad feels? (e.g. transphobia or dysphoria)
  • This one makes me feel kinda silly, like part of me wants to scream obviously but then i realize that is exactly what I don't do. I'll try to take a break tomorrow and try to not look at Lemmy like the internet addict that I am (well maybe just my subscribed communities here and there, lol)

  • Y'all got any tips for dealing with the bad feels? (e.g. transphobia or dysphoria)

    Been seeing a lot of content on Lemmy and google that has me feeling sad, y'all have any tips for distracting yourself when this happens?

    My mom finally told me why our crazy Christian grandparents don't talk to me anymore
  • Welcome to the party, would you like a drink?

    At least that is what I would say if op was the one posting this here. Glad I saw that this time, usually miss it.

  • Unbiased AI Rule
  • i read that as genshin impact at first... looks like I need more caffeine :/

  • When did you first start feeling gender dysphoria?
  • I was like that up until recently too. The sudden flashes of a girl I've never seen in the mirror then suddenly seeing my "guy self" again, that kinda stuff. Although I have never really had a beard, my mustache hair was super dark for a long time but has thinned with hrt. Its not super visible now, but still bugs the sugar honey ice tea out of me!

  • When did you first start feeling gender dysphoria?
  • Can relate, I never really hated the way I looked, but I definitely did not like the way I looked. Just always felt like I was looking at a thing in the mirror, not really myself.

    Those days are more or less over for me, hope you feel the same way.

  • When did you first start feeling gender dysphoria?
  • Yeah, I can kinda relate. For me, playing as a girl in games was really one of the few coping mechanisms I had before I started transitioning. Just made me feel correct, y'know? Aside from that pretty much just gender bender anime, couldn't get enough of that stuff.

  • When did you first start feeling gender dysphoria?
  • Weird story, I think I started feeling it after watching a cartoon where a boy and an girl switched bodies for an episode. I would just watch that episode over and over again for a while not understanding why. (I was like maybe 10 in the deep south with no internet, makes sense i wouldn't know what it was)

    Aside from that, I guess during puberty I just kinda started feeling a strong desire to wake up a girl, not sure if anything specific set that off just kinda started happening.

  • What would you tell your younger, pre transition self?
    1. Stop listening to that bitchy creationist teacher, she wants nothing but to brainwash you.
    2. Stop praying to wake up a girl, Jesus won't save you.