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andrew andrew
Posts 5
Comments 47
My children will refer to me as father.
  • Saltburn has entered the chat

  • Carbon Capture...
  • Out of curiosity, how long can we inject captured carbon underground for? Do we have a good estimation of the long-term ramifications?

  • What Film Are You Surprised Didn't Get A Sequel?
  • Man I wanted this so much.

  • Searchers for Titanic Tourist Sub Heard ‘Banging’ From Area, Internal Comms Reveal
  • No matter how rich or stupid these people are they don't deserve to die, but I'll have a difficult time feeling sorry for them after seeing the state of the submersible.

  • EU wants “readily removable” batteries in devices soon—but what does that mean?
  • I mean even if it's back to the old iPhone levels of repair that would be fine, I used to enjoy replacing a battery in a phone and now I just know I'll break something.

  • Submarine missing near Titanic used a $30 Logitech gamepad for steering
  • Everyone is saying that it's stupid they're bolted in from the outside, even if they weren't it's not like they could open the door.

    Also apparently a Canadian aircraft has picked up the sound of banging so there's still hope.

  • nachrichten leicht — easy to read German news website
  • Yeah after looking at Language Reactor, I think I'll just use that w/ Netflix instead of paying for Lingopie 🤷

  • Solar Hosting on a Rasberry Pi
  • This is exactly like what I've been looking for — thanks for sharing.

  • Sustainable self-hosting services?
  • Ah thanks for linking through to the other community — I'll definitely check it out, currently I'm mentally preparing to undertake such a thing.

  • Looking to move later this year.
  • Thank you for insights @[email protected] I really appreciate it — ich werde auf jeden fall es erwägen — yeah I would like to be somewhat close to the center or at least not too far out, honestly I'm just looking forward to being in a big city.

  • What tools/methods have you found the most helpful?
  • This is awesome! How have you found Clozemaster? I ended up uninstalling it yesterday, it presented itself as something different but really it's just a very simple version of some of the other apps I'm using.

    The DW videos are great, so well produced for a language learning 'show' — i'd definitely say stick with it because listening to Germans talk IRL is soooo much harder.

    I need to book my next iTalki, it's the hardest thing to do but there's nothing quite like putting all the vocab you've learnt to use and being somewhat articulate!

  • Sustainable self-hosting services?
  • Yeah a few people have linked through to it, such a neat idea! Thinking I might give it a go with a Raspberry 🥧

  • nachrichten leicht — easy to read German news website
  • I've just started a free trial on Lingopie that's quite helpful but their selection of German shows is limited unless you hook it into Netflix :(

  • Sustainable self-hosting services?
  • The ease of use is definitely tempting, being truly self-hosted is also tempting too.

  • Sustainable self-hosting services?
  • I am well and truly down the rabbit hole — why shouldn't I build a raspberry pi cluster and learn k3s? ☠

  • Sustainable self-hosting services?
  • This is the one! Such a neat execution, thank you.

  • Sustainable self-hosting services?

    Hey everyone, I'm looking to get into self-hosting as a bit of a hobby, host some websites and learn a bit more about sys-admin stuff.

    I just wondered if anyone had any recommendations on or experiences with green/sustainable hosting services?

    It's a bit far-fetched but I remember a website I found a while back that was fully hosted using solar energy (yes it went down at times).

    Thanks for any help!

    Looking to move later this year.
  • This is very helpful, thanks so much. I did think about going further out just to get my foot in the door so to speak — I'll take a look and see what the east has to offer. I can't drive either way so I'll be getting a bike when I'm there. Also great to hear about tech jobs — I'm hoping to find something that combines the two in some way. Really appreciate it!

  • Looking to move later this year.
  • This is good to know, I don't really have a problem with any of that — I just know that in London for instance there are places you really wouldn't want to be on an evening.

  • What tools/methods have you found the most helpful?
  • That's a great recommendation — I've just downloaded Edge to use it and check my grammar on some things. GPT-4 is way better than the current ChatGPT free model.

  • Looking to move later this year.

    Hallo Leute! Ich heiße Andrew und ich komme aus England. I'll spare you the A1 level Deutsch.

    I apologise if this isn't the right place to talk about this but I thought whoever is here are the people I want to be talking to — I'm a graphic designer/web developer and I'm wanting to take the plunge and move to Berlin later this year.

    I guess I'm just looking for general advice and to get a feeling of what to be aware of when I'm doing so, are some places better to live than others now? What's the feeling for tech/design jobs currently?

    It would be great to have discussions with people currently living in Berlin and hopefully make some new friends — I'm looking to visit next month for a week so will be looking to visit design studios and make general connections too.

    Vielen dank, andrew


    Who are your favourite directors?

    First things first, obviously very happy to find this place. I thought it'd be good to have an initial director discussion thread.

    Personally David Fincher and Darren Aaronofsky — I can watch their films time and time again. I'm currently watching The Whale for the second time and I think it's one of the most powerful movies I've ever seen.

    Looking forward to hearing from the community.


    nachrichten leicht — easy to read German news website Nachrichtenleicht Startseite

    Unser Wochen-Rückblick in Einfacher Sprache. Von der Nachrichten-Redaktion vom Deutschland-Funk.

    I've found this really helpful for reading comprehension and vocabulary, definitely a good resource.


    What tools/methods have you found the most helpful?

    Hallo und willkommen zu meiner Frage!

    Title says it all, I've been taking my Deutsch seriously for just under a year and have found some good tools that I find helpful for learning, I'm sure everyone will have encountered these before but hey — we're a new community and it's good to get discussions started.

    A book that I'm going through at the minute is called: German Grammar Drills by Ed Swick — recommended by elyssespeaks auf YouTube.

    I've been using LingQ for a few weeks now and I think it's such a simple yet useful tool for boosting vocabulary, it makes it enjoyable to read in another language.

    Anymore for anymore, currently I'm trying to escape being on three different language apps (looking at you Duolingo, Memrise, Speakly).
