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andrew Andrew


Software Engineer by day

Things I like: \- #P2P/#opensource \- #History (esp Rome/Greece/Egypt) \- #Transit/#urbanplanning \- #EVs/#SolarPower \- #Space \- #VideoGames

Things I've Built: \- Agora: Follow your favorite topics across Mastodon, Bluesky, Nostr, and Threads \- Primus News: Actionable news, directly from the source

“Egyptians are twisted and bitter people with a sense of humor" \- Roman poet Theocritus

Posts 60
Comments 3
New York City Andrew

NYC launches $3.2B ‘Vital Parks’ plan to improve green spaces

NYC launches $3.2B ‘Vital Parks’ plan to improve green spaces


NYC Andrew

NYC Launches "Ur in Luck," a new effort to expand New Yorkers’ access to public restrooms across all five boroughs, including in Flushing. A new Google Maps layer is also being added that New Yorkers

NYC Launches "Ur in Luck," a new effort to expand New Yorkers’ access to public restrooms across all five boroughs, including in Flushing. A new Google Maps layer is also being added that New Yorkers can activate on their phones to easily find the locations of every public restroom.


Open Source Andrew

iSH: An open source terminal for iOS/iPadOS

iSH: An open source terminal for iOS/iPadOS


NYC Andrew

New Renderings Revealed For 'The Coney': a casino, hotel, and entertainment complex proposed for Coney Island

New Renderings Revealed For 'The Coney': a casino, hotel, and entertainment complex proposed for Coney Island


NYC Andrew

MTA Reports Details of Nearly $300 Million in Capital Savings

MTA Reports Details of Nearly $300 Million in Capital Savings


Old School Cool Andrew

Lyndon Johnson post presidency with longer hair during an interview in August 1972

Lyndon Johnson post presidency with longer hair during an interview in August 1972


NYC Andrew

New York State’s largest solar + storage carport breaks ground at JFK airport

New York State’s largest solar + storage carport breaks ground at JFK airport


Provenance emulator coming soon to the App Store, to bring PlayStation games to iOS
  • @willya Yeah Delta is awesome! Stoked to have all these emulators finally coming to iOS

  • Samsung plans to more than double its total semiconductor investment in Texas to roughly $44 billion
  • @technology FYI: I used the link because it's a paywall-free archive of the WSJ article