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aidnic aidnic



🇲🇾 living in 🇺🇸 :(

Chin Peng should've won.

Posts 30
Comments 92
heated arguments with my dad
  • When I was a social democrat, I discussed about my politics to my parents, and, it didn't go well. Since then, I don't even bother discussing about politics, because if they didn't like me being a social democrat, it's only gonna be worse if I tell them I'm a Communist.

  • Br*tish (🤮) Tabloids feel like an Onion article at this point when they report anything related to The War, Oh Boy...
  • Remember the Kim Jong Un bonanza when everyone (even including my lib ass back in the day) thought he was dead? Clown times.

  • Uphold Marxism-Leninism-Sylveonism!
  • Honestly the cutest and best Pokémon of all.

  • Who is Jordan Peterson, what does he say and why is he bad (or is he good)?
  • Why are humans curious creatures? Why did I feel the natural urge to search this up? I’m traumatized now. Wtf was that?

  • Xi as Winnie the Pooh is racist
  • The libs downvoting this post en masse 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • PSA
  • Worst of all, it was made in communist Russia!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 The communists are after us! 😡😡😡😡😡😡

  • China bad, USA good
  • but... but... the chinese were indoctrinated 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

  • So-called socialist Bernie Sanders urges left to back President Biden for reelection
  • This example of democracy is so good that we feel the need to spread it to other countries even if their citizens strongly oppose it

  • The Evolution of Humanity
  • Says the guy whose account is from an instance based on r/PCM 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    Sit down, man. Go back to reddit. We don't want any of this shit here.

  • Who knew 1989 was an uneventful year in China
  • Students fighting for democracy

  • You! Join the Communist Party!
  • Ooh, Communist Party 🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳??? Sounds fun!!!

  • “Socialist Genocidal BRICS”
  • Partitioning Brazil is a new one I’ve seen from the libs

  • Bike lane
  • Bike lanes in the US are such a sham lol, I use the sidewalk as much as possible, rarely use the bike lanes. In those bike lanes there really is no separating between you and death, and as people continue to drive around with their big trucks and whatnot, you might as well just die. Biking in the US is a total nightmare.

  • happy federation day!
  • but castro imprisoned 24 gorbillion gay people...

  • Liberal wet dream
  • 1.68 regions per country (84 regions/50 European counties)? Not enough, has to be at least 5 per country.

  • Daily reminder
  • Jesus truly granted me my fancy private jet of course.

  • Just happy to be here
  • Good to have more content creators like you guys, especially with the rise of right wing influencers it’s very good to have a counter to them. And, of course, there is the whole opportunity to make high quality leftist content to push to the many. Very excited to see the product of this. And to answer your question, just like with the others, there is a breadtube community here and in world you can post your content to.

  • What are your opinions on this Not Just Bikes comments on "fixing" North America?
  • People (Infrared in particular) thought that Hakim was white because he spoke good English lol.

  • What are your opinions on Just Stop Oil?

    Been seeing a lot of outrage thrown at them recently their protests and been seeing a lot of people trying to disrupt these protesters for “disrupting” them and that they could cause inconvenience to emergency services but at the same time,I feel as though these actions are necessary sort of to better spread the message since the bourgeois media is going to turn a blind eye to it. So, since I’m not really familiar with the whole thing, I want to see what you think of them.


    What are some non-Communist symbols that you think can work well with Communism?

    Kinda curious because a lot of our heraldry and vexillology, although it looks great, it always include the same 2 or 3 symbols, like the hammer and sickle, red star, etc., and there isn't much variations in the symbols used. So, staying away from stuff already used by Socialist states and movements, what are some non-Communist symbols do you think are a good fit for it?

    Socialist FanFiction aidnic

    Writing a Communist Hunger Games fanfic (I need a lot of help)

    In its very early stages, but basically, Katniss discovers her dad's past as a worker's advocate when he was alive and discovers of his execution which was framed as a mining accident through searching through his many letters and other belongings in her own house. Along with this, she finds numerous socialist books (Das Kapital and others) preserved through these times in a battered condition (I don't know how it's gonna be preserved, but it will be preserved somehow), while reading these books, she gets radicalized which then spreads onto Gale, who gets radicalized himself. We converge back into the canon as Katniss's sister gets selected for the Hunger Games and Katniss volunteers, but after that, I'm not so sure how the story would go and if Katniss would do any different during the Games, if she wins with Peeta or wins alone. Along with that, I'm not so sure how the story would go after the Games and her victory, although I do know that all of this would culminate into the people of Panem rising up against the Capitol in a revolution and eventually establishing a socialist state. So, I do need a lot of help in regards to the plot and to how Katniss would really try to set up a socialist state with the little amount of books that were preserved and a lot of socialist texts being lost in time.


    Milk allergies rant

    I’m extremely allergic to milk so I have to avoid it at all times, and in the United States, there is milk in so much things and in random places that shouldn’t be there like in bread. What does milk even contribute to it? Asides that, milk is in cheese, and cheese is in many places, as well as the many milk products like whey and buttermilk, limiting me heavily in what I can eat. Besides that, whatever alternatives there are to replace foods with milk is way more expensive than its milk counterpart, making me spend way more money because of my damn allergies. Like, why???? Besides, I’m literally the only one in my family with these allergies, so talk about shitty genetics. To add to that, not many parties and restaurants couldn’t give a single fuck about my allergies, putting me at way more risk, as most restaurant menus don’t have indicators for if it has dairy or not, like I could die if I literally eat those, incompetency. And besides, consuming dairy is literally culture over there, leaving me alone. I wish I could live in denial about it.

    I’m also allergic to peanuts but, peanuts aren’t used in much, so I’m alright about that, but dairy allergies really suck.

    I’m also considering maybe becoming vegan, it probably wouldn’t be that hard to adjust to it.
