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  • As people said, you can backup your private keys to a flash drive. You can put them in a safe deposit box. You can give them to your lawyer or other fiduciary with a legal responsibility to act in your best interests (who also knows how to protect digital property if they keep digital copy). You could write it with lemon juice onto the back of the Declaration of Independence at the National Archives. You could have a laser thingie that displays it on a wall surgically implanted into your arm. Pretty much all the ways people protect gold or cash in the real world you can do with a piece of paper with your private key.

  • Please Stop
  • Well, if those licenses are entries on the blockchain, they could be transferred on the blockchain. You could sell your game used when you’re bored of playing it. You can’t play it after you sell it but someone else can. Publishers hate resale markets though, when people buy used games they don’t make any money. So they’ll probably never go for this.

  • Swiss vote to give themselves a bigger pension
  • As someone from the USA, don’t you know how this works? Congress votes for stuff without worrying about how to pay for it all the time. When there are hard years, you issue more debt. When there are easy years, you issue less debt but still don’t really reign in debt because your constituents demand more stuff and less taxes.

  • What exotic science fiction technology would you finance research into, if you had billions of dollars?
  • If we controlled the world government, then what are all these politicians who run on a platform of exposing the secret government that already controls the world going to do?

  • Ticket closed: resolved
  • Why would being a good leader be easy?

  • Ticket closed: resolved
  • I don’t know whether that would help as much as you think it will. I just got out of the military, and there are definitely certain people who started out taking a lot of shit from people just like you did at that rank, but their motivation to rank up was because they couldn’t wait to become the people giving people shit.

  • HDMI Forum to AMD: No, you can’t make an open source HDMI 2.1 driver | Linux users can't hit the same resolutions and speeds as Windows—or DisplayPort.
  • Last year I could cast episodes of DS9 I get from Paramount+ through Amazon Prime to my parents’ TV. This year I can’t, likely as an anti-piracy measure. So I hooked my device up via HDMI. Still couldn’t watch it on the TV. You know what? I’m gonna go complain to them before I stop subscribing.

  • Ticket closed: resolved
  • Usually when a customer talks to a customer service agent, that’s the only customer service agent they’re going to interact with that week. So they treat the customer service agent as though the converse is true, that they are the only customer the customer service agent will interact with that week, forgetting that they are actually the 10,000th.

  • Gov. Abbott Enlists Texas National Guard to Shoot at Wildfires
  • The headline about the mayor of New York ordering the NYPD to shoot floodwater if it doesn’t disperse was funnier.

  • Looking to build my first PC in almost 30 years; What should I be on the look out for?
  • Compared to those pain points building a modern PC should be a breeze. CPUs go in Zero Insertion Force sockets so as long as you remember to lift the little lever you won’t bend any pins. People don’t even wear static discharge wrist bands anymore (all though it couldn’t hurt) or worry about shorting things out. And power connectors only fit one way unlike the AT power connector.

    Speaking of breeze your only pain point might be making sure you have enough air circulation for cooling all that gear.

  • CNN reporter: Biden camp focusing on ‘crazy shit that Trump says’
  • 1980: “God Cowboy Actor” guy won

    2000: “Misunderestimated nuculer” guy won

    2016: “Person woman man camera TV” guy won

  • Julian Assange: Wikileaks founder in last-ditch bid to avoid US extradition
  • AFAIK the only reason one would rather fight extradition to the U.S. in the UK than fight extradition to the U.S. in Sweden is because one committed a heinous crime in Sweden.

  • Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • Also recruiters can’t or don’t want to recruit teens on ADHD or mood meds. If you can’t be an effective fighter without medicine they don’t want to find that out in the middle of a fight.

  • Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • When I was in high school our home phone number was published in the phone book and military recruiters called it a few times when I was getting close to finishing high school.

    I’m not giving my kid a cell phone if I think them having it would endanger them. If unsolicited phone calls endanger them they shouldn’t have a cell phone. They should know what information shouldn’t be given out to strangers over the phone, on a call or via message. They should know how to block numbers and recognize calls that are best left to voicemail, &c.

  • Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • At least you can’t get drafted before you’re old enough to vote anymore.

  • Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • I guess they probably do now because like 90% of high school grads have or did something that makes them ineligible to join and if they want more recruits they need to get students to not do things that make them ineligible and that might mean reaching out more than six months before they’re old enough to join.

  • Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • Spent 14 years in the Navy, and they don’t care much for their people either, just in a different way from the Army and the Marines. Imagine the Air Force but like 1/3rd as much money to spend on its people because they spent the rest on ships.

  • Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • So they’re old enough to decide to join the military but not old enough to handle receiving an unsolicited message on social media?

  • Julian Assange: Wikileaks founder in last-ditch bid to avoid US extradition
  • He ran out the clock for the rape charge against him in Sweden? What a scumbag.

  • US admiral says the fight against the Houthis in the Red Sea is the largest battle the Navy's fought since World War Ii
  • Sounds like something a person with a shipping interest near Cape Agulhas would say.