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Comments 109 Thousands of realistic but fake AI child sex images found online, report says

Fake AI child sex images moving from dark web to social media, researcher says.

Finding victims depicted in child sexual abuse materials is already a "needle in a haystack problem," Rebecca Portnoff, the director of data science at the nonprofit child-safety group Thorn, told the Post. Now, law enforcement will be further delayed in investigations by efforts to determine if materials are real or not.

0 Attractive Women Were More Likely To Be "Right-Wing" While "Left-Wing" Women Showed More Contempt, According To Study

According to a new study published by Scientific Reports, attractive women were more likely to be "right-wing," while women whose faces displayed contempt…

Got the brains and the looks

1 Trans-Identified Woman Says She Is Lonelier Than Ever In Emotional Video: "I Understand Why The Suicide Rate Is Higher In Men"

A woman who transitioned and appears to be a man sheds tears and shares an emotional video about how difficult life has been for her since she came out as…


Biden Regime Heavily Funding "Subversive" Midwest Group Scheming to Transition Innocent Children Without Their Parents' Consent

The website viewed a video showing the so-called educators offering ideas on how to help transition children at school without parental knowledge or consent.

The educators harshly criticized efforts by GOP lawmakers to protect children and discussed ways to circumvent these laws. They also used their meeting to push gender ideology garbage and discuss how increase bathroom and sports team access for trans kids.

The teachers belong to a group called the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP). Guess who is funding this evil group that wants to mutilate your children behind your back?

0 DeSantis’s Plan To Rein In The Deep State

The Florida governor and presidential hopeful is consulting think tank experts and two Republican congressmen on how to reform the federal bureaucracy.

cross-posted from:

> Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is reportedly making detailed plans for how he, as president, would reform federal agencies that conservatives increasingly see as unaccountable and politicized. He is especially targeting the Department of Justice and the intelligence community for trying to influence elections, investigating political opponents, and telling Big Tech platforms to censor speech. > > The GOP presidential candidate wants to relocate the FBI and other “problematic” parts of the DOJ out of Washington, D.C. He also wants to make sure its Civil Rights Division is “actually policing discrimination” based on colorblind standards because “discrimination is discrimination,” no matter the race of the victim. DeSantis would also order federal agents not to participate in censoring “so-called misinformation” on social media and revoke security clearances from former intelligence officials who use their credentials for partisan ends.

0 “Stick to Prescribed Messaging”: Mayo Clinic Suspends Professor for Comments on Trans-Athletes

The Mayo Clinic College of Medicine has joined the growing crackdown on free speech in higher education after suspending Professor Michael Joyner for comments in a 2022 New York Times story. In the…

cross-posted from:

> Ordering faculty to ” stick to prescribed messaging” raises serious questions of academic freedom and free speech. Yet, while conservative sites have raised concerns, faculty members (including his colleagues at Mayo) are again conspicuously silent. The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) should be pursuing this matter with vigor. The 1915 AAUP Declaration called for the protection of both free speech and academic privilege. The Declaration stressed the guarantee of “unfettered discussion” free of the “prescribed inculcation of a particular opinion upon a controverted question.”

0 “Stick to Prescribed Messaging”: Mayo Clinic Suspends Professor for Comments on Trans-Athletes

The Mayo Clinic College of Medicine has joined the growing crackdown on free speech in higher education after suspending Professor Michael Joyner for comments in a 2022 New York Times story. In the…

Ordering faculty to ” stick to prescribed messaging” raises serious questions of academic freedom and free speech. Yet, while conservative sites have raised concerns, faculty members (including his colleagues at Mayo) are again conspicuously silent. The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) should be pursuing this matter with vigor. The 1915 AAUP Declaration called for the protection of both free speech and academic privilege. The Declaration stressed the guarantee of “unfettered discussion” free of the “prescribed inculcation of a particular opinion upon a controverted question.”


Female student alleges she was raped in trans-inclusive bathroom at New Mexico middle school

Maggie now believes the main reason a male student was alone with her daughter that day, and had the opportunity to rape her, is because the school had fully embraced gender ideology. Upon reading through school documents and talking with her daughter and fellow parents, Maggie learned that, without her knowledge or consent, ASK Academy had fully embraced radical gender theory into its policies and classrooms.

“We learned that kids were pledging allegiance to the pride flag instead of the American flag,” Maggie said. “We learned that some teachers were discussing daily, the normalcy of transgender people and gender dysphoria, and that this school had a higher population than anyone would expect for such a small school of kids saying they were trans and parents not knowing.”

Ray, who is now 13, said the school fostered an ideologically far-left culture, which left little room for dissent. She said she felt pressured by teachers and faculty to accept the presence of men in women’s spaces, to keep her mouth shut about any feelings of discomfort, and to avoid doing anything that would be construed as “judging” someone who might identify as transgender.


More Than Just Sex Trafficking: Epstein Influence Peddling Revealed in New Court Filing - Bankers, Royals, Politicians and Businessmen in His Web of Contacts - Musk Reacts To Recent Documents More Than Just Sex Trafficking: Epstein Influence Peddling Revealed in New Court Filing - Bankers, Royals, Politicians and Businessmen in His Web of Contacts - Musk Reacts To Recent Documents | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran | 176

An internal investigation by JPMorgan Chase, undertaken in 2019, after Jeffrey Epstein was arrested, reveals the disturbing reach of his influence peddling and helps explain why the bank ‘ignored the evidence of Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes and traded victims’ public safety for its own profits’, as per ...

Federal Court against JPMorgan, reveals multiple instances of the convicted pedophile acting to steer business the bank’s way, even arranging for meetings between a top bank executive (and personal friend) Jes Staley, and members of the UK government at that time, such as chancellor Alistair Darling, and business secretary Peter Mandelson.


Only Parents Can Solve America’s Education Crisis PETER ROFF: Only Parents Can Solve America’s Education Crisis

America is losing faith in its system of free public education. Test scores are down. Violence in schools is up. There’s a growing perception that things are out of control.

What’s odd about it all is how no one, seemingly, is interested in exploring why.

  • State legislators don’t want to do it.

  • Local school boards have other things on their minds.

  • And the press is too busy covering real problems, like Donald Trump’s refusal to return classified documents to the National Archives,

to spend any time exploring the reason kids are still being allowed to graduate from public schools without anything close to the mastery they need to get ahead in life.___

0 Arizona State University Will Allegedly ‘Dismantle’ Personal Development Center Over Hosting Conservative Speakers

Arizona State University (ASU) is allegedly dismantling its personal development center over hosting conservative speakers back in February.

cross-posted from:

> “Thirty-nine of its 47 faculty signed a letter to the dean condemning the event on grounds that the speakers are ‘purveyors of hate who have publicly attacked women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, [and] institutions of our democracy,'” Atkinson wrote. > > The signers allegedly described the conservative speakers as “white nationalist provocateurs.”

0 Arizona State University Will Allegedly ‘Dismantle’ Personal Development Center Over Hosting Conservative Speakers

Arizona State University (ASU) is allegedly dismantling its personal development center over hosting conservative speakers back in February.

“Thirty-nine of its 47 faculty signed a letter to the dean condemning the event on grounds that the speakers are ‘purveyors of hate who have publicly attacked women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, [and] institutions of our democracy,'” Atkinson wrote.

The signers allegedly described the conservative speakers as “white nationalist provocateurs.”

0 Army’s Top Enlisted Leader Engaged In Hours-Long Twitter Battle Over Pride Post

The Army's top enlisted leader shot back at criticisms of a post from the 82nd Airborne celebrating LGBTQ+ members in a two-day Twitter battle, tweets show.

The 82nd Airborne’s tweet recommended Army families check out a book called a “Survival Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Teens,” as well as another that describes how parents can learn to “support” their LGBGQ+ child, from the on-base library. The titles are “intended for ages 13 and up,”

Federation temporarily turned off - turned back on
  • "You can use the PGTune tool to tune your postgres to meet your server memory and CPU."


    It was configured to a much larger machine. So I plugged in the specs for my linode and updated it.

    I also upgraded to V17.4 even though that breaks images for some reason.

    I figured better to be up and running smoothly with no images, then up and down all the time.

    I will watch the server today and see if it performs better and let you know.

    Fingers crossed.

  • Images will not be displaying for a few days

    Still trying to get to the bottom of the server issues.

    You will see from my earlier note I have turned Federation back on.

    But images are down while we work on stuff.

    Sorry this is trial and error, but we will get there.

    I expect t update this post with the latest later this evening.

    Stay tuned.

    0 YouTube Censors Presidential Candidate RFK Jr Interview With Jordan Peterson

    YouTube, a popular video platform, confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation that it removed an interview with Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    The 95-minute and wide-ranging interview, called “Rekindling the Spirit of the Classic Democrat,” was published on June 5 but is no longer available on YouTube. Peterson and Kennedy discussed topics such as COVID-19 vaccines, and YouTube cited vaccine misinformation as the justification for censoring the interview in its response to the DCNF.

    0 Parents Running Against Race-Based Admissions Policies Sweep Local School Board Races

    Candidates backed by an organization focused on promoting merit-based admissions notched victories in recent school elections, according to the New York Post.

    Of 147 candidates endorsed by Parent Leaders for Accelerated Curriculum and Education (PLACE NYC), a group focused on improving academic rigor within K-12 schools, 115 won a seat on their local school district board for the 2023-2025 term, according to the New York Post. The endorsed candidates now make up 40% of elected officials on Citywide & Community Education Councils, which is New York City’s version of school boards.

    0 Texas Children’s Hospital Caught Secretly Transitioning Underaged Patients

    Whistleblower documents show the hospital continued secretly administering sex-change procedures to minors after publicly announcing it wouldn’t anymore.

    0 Possible Answers to the Plunge in Global Birthrates

    A renowned data scientist says the issue is "unplanned childlessness."

    The issue is what he calls "unplanned childlessness." It is estimated that 30-40 percent of the total population of developed countries is now childless, with only 5 percent of these individuals choosing this path voluntarily. Shaw attributes the decline to societal and cultural changes, such as delayed childbearing due to career and educational pursuits, difficulties in finding the right partner, and overreliance on assisted reproductive technologies. This makes it a societal issue as women are choosing other things over having children.

    0 Transgender Surgeries Don't Improve Mental Health, Peer-Reviewed Studies Show

    The research serves as yet another blow to the popular narrative that “gender-affirming care” has solid scientific backing.

    People with gender dysphoria who underwent surgical transition reported “higher loneliness levels” than gender-dysphoric people who didn’t. Those with gender dysphoria, especially children, tend to have lower life satisfaction than the general population, and it doesn’t get any better after transgender surgery.

    The research serves as yet another blow to the popular narrative that transgender treatments have solid scientific backing and are beneficial to mental health. In fact, studies used to justify these procedures are often deeply flawed, and insiders of the sex-change industry acknowledge the dangers associated with this form of “care.”

    Federation temporarily turned off - turned back on
  • Me too.

    V16 was very very stable for us.

    V17 has been a disaster. This could in part be caused by active Lemmyverse users increasing by a factor of 20 in the last month. It could also be some of the new instances we federated with trying some funky stuff.

    In any case I know the devs are working very hard. I have never seen do many different people contributing to the development effort.

    So despite these scaling problems, the future looks bright.

    Bring on V18

  • Is anyone having trouble with the website today? It seems like it’s going in and out.
  • I had a look at github and it seems the sheer increase in volume of users has exposed problems/bottlenecks that were previously not apparent.

    They are fixing as many as they can for v18 which some people are estimating is a couple of weeks, but there are a lot of issues to be fixed, do it could be longer.

    My plan is to upgrade a couple of weeks after v18 is released to make sure any new issues are not introduced.

  • Defederation
  • I think it is the most I can do to try and make them happy.

    Even if their instance did defederate Exploding Heads, they could still see Exploding Heads content if they visited another instance that is federated.

  • Why is there such a big thing about prescription opioids when the addiction rate in less than 1% for those who have been prescribed for pain?
  • I 100% support this position:

    Personally I’m of the mind that all drugs should be decriminalized and we should have a more practical approach to medicine. We need the education to be there though to turn people off, and the Healthcare to be there for easily avaliable treatment.