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Why is there such a big thing about prescription opioids when the addiction rate in less than 1% for those who have been prescribed for pain?

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Is it really just because of the fentanyl situation? I know there is a huge disagreement with how the strict rules for prescribing opioids are so tight even for chronic pain patients like myself who can’t participate in life without em struggle to find a provider who is willing to prescribe us them.

  • Its because how the drugs were pushed. Over prescribed. This pushed more drugs into the black market and made others, who likely wouldn't have otherwise, have these pills readily available. How they advertised these pills was extremely questionable and malicious, all for profit.

    I personally think this whole issue, least in u.s., is actually more systemic. Criminal justice, education, Healthcare are all broken to make a perfect storm.

    Personally I'm of the mind that all drugs should be decriminalized and we should have a more practical approach to medicine. We need the education to be there though to turn people off, and the Healthcare to be there for easily avaliable treatment.

    I'm on the opposite spectrum as you. I was addicted to fentanyl a long time. And our ideals sort of align. I don't think drugs are inherently bad. You need them for quality of life.

    Fwiw, have you heard of kratom? I'm kind of a big proponent of it for alternative pain relief, and as MAT for recovering addicts. Worth a look if your really having trouble getting the meds you need. It's still addictive, but it's legal(mostly) and works almost as good and in some respects better than the rX.