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actionjbone actionjbone
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Have you ever had a phone call interrupted by a 3rd party voice saying "this call is being recorded"?
  • Don't try to reason with someone who puts their wants over others' consent.

  • The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate?
  • You're not missing anything. Based on the ruling, the president may now murder anyone they want - just so long as they claim it's an official act.

  • Have you ever had a phone call interrupted by a 3rd party voice saying "this call is being recorded"?
  • No, being the asshole is expecting other people to be recorded for your benefit - without first telling them so that they can consent. And then blaming Google for it.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • Asking us is so questionpunk.

  • Pineapple update. She is finished flowering and starting to look more like a proper pineapple. (Sorry for the potato quality, the upload seems to lower the quality)
  • Ahh, the modem world: a person says "the potato quality," and it's hard to tell if it's a meme or an autocorrect error.

  • Has Elon Musk made any sexist remarks?
  • Maybe we just have less tolerance for bullshit here?

  • What would you name your Communist inspired Fantasy Football League?
  • I'd name it "In Communist Russia, fantasy football team name you!"

  • Hobbies Wednesday - what have you been up to?
  • Thanks! Took a lot of practice to get good at saving shoes.

  • Smol
  • Your sister has a tiny car

    With ears

  • how does this piece move?
  • Considering what it's on: either forwards or backwards.

  • Was Michael Jackson guilty?
  • The public will never know for sure.

    He was a very broken person, in many ways. That doesn't prove or disprove that he did anything illegal or immoral.

    Some of the ways he acted? They seem questionable to most folks, myself included. But through the lens of his emotional and psychological issues? They could have appeared harmful but actually been harmless.

    For example: Is it weird for an adult celebrity to have pajama parties with kids? Yes. Is it harmful if it was, in fact, only a pajama party? Probably not.

    Michael Jackson is a complex figure with huge cultural import. That doesn't change the fact that he may have been a problematic individual.

    In some ways, he may have been less harmful than other historic figures. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't question the possible bad things he did.

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • Living wages in exchange for work.

  • MMXIII by Motor Mammoth
  • Yes, that fits my expectations. I believe you now.

  • MMXIII by Motor Mammoth
  • I'm not sure I believe you, simply because that seems way too short for a German word.

  • What do you do with Nazi memorabilia?
  • If it's not of historic significance? Modify it.

    Know anyone who does metal work? Ask them to change it to something interesting.

    Got a Dremel? Buff away the Nazi bits until it's smooth metal.

    There are lots of different ways to change it!

    And if you know anyone who does leather work, they can remove or replace the nasty bits on the scabbard.

  • LXLE still good for older devices?

    A few years ago, LXLE was my distro of choice for older hardware.

    I haven't used it in a while, and now I'm trying to revive an HP Stream (AMD/4GB RAM/32GB SSD).

    Anything else I might want to try first, or is LXLE still considered good for lightweight/feature rich?
