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Waluigi Waluigi

Hello Friend.

Posts 33
Comments 68
all my homies love phosphenes.
  • I did that on purpose as a kid, I liked the weird colours and shapes °-°

  • Euphorbia lactea cristata

    I bought it for relatively cheap at a grocery store but it wasn't kept well; the graft was very squishy and slumped over. It didn't regain posture at all, became worse even. Eventually, I used rubber bands and a chopstick to improvise a support and it actually worked! It is now way firmer and if I remove the chopstick it doesn't slump forward too far. !

    Please, lets all make shittier posts
  • Yes, on my way

  • Mayonnaise Rule
  • That escalated quickly

  • Dark universe King Of The Hill
  • He has his HAND on the GRILL. This really is the dark universe

  • Shout-out to that one time Doretta oneshotted a golden bulk detonator and nearly killed the mission if we hadn't had iron will
  • Yes, it's KDE on Garuda Linux ^^. I'm not sure how well it compares to running on Windows, but I'd say that it runs quite well on my somewhat bad PC, given that it is an unholy amalgamation of spare parts from my friends PC's, hehe. It runs at approx 60FPS on mid settings

  • My Monvillea spegazzinii f. cristata
  • My favourite domesticated Eldrich horror so far

  • Love it
  • Shit hits the fan when our friend group is in public because we are all like this ◉‿◉

  • science and memes, unite!
  • I also made a community called BiologyMemes, in case anyone's interested ^^

    Edit: Imma add [email protected] as a link, although this seems to be non-clickable on Boost for Lemmy :(

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • How do people even function? I certainly don't, just too fn much godamnit

  • ***
  • I use the same and got the popup yesterday

  • rule
  • Damn, you made me take my 3DS with me for the train ride today

  • My Anoectochilus Roxburghii Red
  • It does need higher humidity and it grows very slowly. So far it's been doing great in my self made terrarium. It doesn't bloom easily I think but that's fine since most people keep them it for their leaves. (I want mine to bloom tho, they remind me of little scorpions).

  • Origami Velociraptor
  • Ich habe es von diesem YouTube Video: :)

  • Out of control
  • What are the odds that I wanted to write exactly the same?

  • That's some good shit
  • Hello why are you inside of my brain

  • ich☠️iel
  • Ich weiß selber nicht woher das Meme kommt aber im Prinzip sind es alles nur Wortwitze mit Stör. Aus irgendeinem Grund klingen viele Wörter und Wortteile ähnlich wie Stör und man kann sehr einfach sehr schlechte Wortwitze machen. Im Grunde ist es so was ähnliches wie die Beef Stroganoff Phase

  • I did NOT have inner core!
  • PLEASE tell me there is a community for this specific genre of memes (unrelated text circled with a picture of something that sounds similar). I require more °-°

  • ich_iel
  • Ich schon :)

  • What;s your use case?
  • As a student I use Obsidian on my Arch Linux Convertible. It's great for taking general notes during class and I use Excalidraw for doing Chemistry and quick Math notes :). Also good for annotating pdfs. Furthermore I use it for Art ideas, Recipes, Short Notes and all kinds of stuff I want to remember

  • Orchids Waluigi

    My Anoectochilus Roxburghii Red


    Libretube Android App crashes when importing any cvs file

    I've exported my YouTube subscriptions and wanted to import them into my Libretube app but I either get an error message or the app crashes entirely. The same happens when trying to import Playlists. Importing the files into the browser application works flawlessly tho. This is the Error code:

    ``` java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No interface method toList()Ljava/util/List; in class Lj$/util/stream/Stream; or its super classes (declaration of 'j$' appears in /data/app/~~X1qaQlhfc9JkZkcTaoameg==/com.github.libretube-p9t_x1HW3bAWaxML57rr8A==/base.apk!classes2.dex) at okio.Path$Companion.getChannelsFromUri(SourceFile:79) at okio.Path$Companion.importSubscriptions(SourceFile:2) at com.github.libretube.ui.preferences.BackupRestoreSettings$getSubscriptionsFile$1$1.invokeSuspend(SourceFile:39) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(SourceFile:9) at at$ at at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$ Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@1b31de, Dispatchers.IO]

