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Veraxus Veraxus
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The crackdown on pro-Palestinian students is a disaster for free speech
  • Right-wingers are masters of both escalation and creating long-term, multi-generational consequences.

    What is so hard to understand about “murder bad, apartheid bad”?

  • Appeals court rules Louisiana must enact new congressional map by mid-January
  • And they won’t, because there are no consequences.

  • Ohio Republicans Say It's Their 'God Given Right' to Restrict Abortion Access
  • "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." - David Frum

  • abandonware empires
  • That sort of thing already happens in the enterprise world. If it gets maintained because a customer wants to pay for that entirely, it happens.

    But if they abandon it, even unintentionally, then it needs to become public domain.

  • Where else on the web does everyone hang out?
  • There are a lot of game development communities there. It’s basically a cheap, more public alternative to Slack.

  • Child psychiatrist jailed after using AI to make pornographic deep-fakes of kids
  • Wow, how do the rest of us get to your timeline?

  • Brace yourself, a report suggests that Copilot is coming to Windows 10
  • Makes sense, since Microsoft explicitly won’t allow a massive number of computers to install Windows 11.

  • Child psychiatrist jailed after using AI to make pornographic deep-fakes of kids
  • You realise the AI is being trained on pictures of real children, right?

    Disingenuous and misleading statement. No readily available AI is trained on CP.

    So it’s wrong for it to be based on one child, but according to you the AI “art” (as you keep calling it) is okay as long as there are thousands of victims instead?

    Disingenuous and misleading statement. I’m guessing you don’t understand how AI works. As for AI output, a randomly generated nonexistent person is nonexistent. Simple as that.

    Sidenote: I disapprove of nonconsensual Photoshop and AI illustrations of real people, except for fair use cases such as satire. AI is just another illustrative tool, and the choice of tool is beside the point.

    So you’re cool with images of 6 year olds being penetrated by a 40 year old as long as “tHe Ai DrEw iT sO nObOdY gOt HuRt”?

    No, I am not. And that is still utterly unimportant. It doesn’t matter how I feel about someone’s fictitious illustrations, sculptures, writings, or anything else created by a person or AI that is wholly fictitious.

    That’s literally the whole point I am making: It doesn’t matter how I feel about it, it doesn’t matter how YOU feel about it. It’s not real. Neither you nor I nor anyone else has the right to judge someone else’s art.

  • All Those 23andMe Spit Tests Were Part of a Bigger Plan
  • it wouldn’t be crazy for the 8.8 million 23andMe customers who once absently checked a box saying yeah, sure, use my data for whatever, to feel like they’ve been bait-and-switched now that their genes are laying the groundwork for potential cancer cures.

    Yes, it would be crazy. And stupid. As a 23andMe customer this is EXACTLY the kind of thing I expected them to do with the information.

  • Child psychiatrist jailed after using AI to make pornographic deep-fakes of kids
  • Careful, any time I point this out, the fascists come out of the woodwork to call me a pedo.

    Criminalizing the creation, possession, or viewing of entirely artificial artwork is beyond unethical; it's extraordinarily evil. I don't care if you find someone's artwork gross, troubling, distasteful, immoral, etc... that's art. Victimizing real people is not "art" or "speech" or "expression"... so as long as that isn't happening there is no ethical grounds whatsoever for restricting a persons exercise of expression, especially in private.

    Social consequences for creating, sharing, viewing certain artwork is one thing... but the government or law punishing someone for it is a different thing entirely.

    That said, this specific case is different in that the doctor DID in fact victimize real children by using secret photos and recordings of them to create the images. That crosses way across the line that I laid out above. Additionally, he possessed actual CSAM (which he may have made himself), and so is absolutely guilty of sexually victimizing real children. That guy deserves everything he gets in prison.

  • Where else on the web does everyone hang out?
  • Ever since Reddit killed itself, the only places I really lurk are Kbin (and therefore Lemmy by proxy) and Discord. That's pretty much it.

  • The GOP should consider that its opponents aren’t simply brainwashed
  • According to my family, I've been brainwashed by "the mainstream media". When I asked what that even means, they listed all these conservative news outlets that I don't follow AT ALL. All I could do was laugh. "Where did you hear this?" I asked. You can guess at the answer. You'll probably get it on your first try.

  • Hollywood’s Dual Strike Is Over, and the Studios Lost
  • Mostly. Actors will now get residuals based on performance metrics of their shows, rather than based on the subscriber counts of the service itself (which is what the guild was originally fighting for). I think that's fair and good for everyone - actors, studios/services, and customers. Actors get rewarded for successful shows, studios will not have to choose between deleting an existing show from existence or cover residuals that are more than the show is worth, and customers lose less content as a result.

    Once of the reasons so many shows have disappeared lately is because a "royalties based on service subscribers" provision existed since the last strike, meaning even shows that aren't successful can cost a service a lot of money to keep around. So instead, they just remove them from existence.

  • Joe Manchin Will NOT Run for Reelection
  • Is there any chance WV can elect a senator that isn’t a far-right fascist, regardless of the letter next to their name?

  • Republican presidential candidate proposes border wall with Canada
  • To people who feel deprived of a clear social identity, Ur-Fascism says that their only privilege is the most common one, to be born in the same country. This is the origin of nationalism. Besides, the only ones who can provide an identity to the nation are its enemies. Thus at the root of the Ur-Fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one. The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia. But the plot must also come from the inside: Jews are usually the best target because they have the advantage of being at the same time inside and outside. In the U.S., a prominent instance of the plot obsession is to be found in Pat Robertson’s The New World Order, but, as we have recently seen, there are many others.

    Umberto Eco, "Ur-Fascism"

  • This is why I care
  • Are you confusing me with a different conversation?

  • This is why I care
  • Not only do we clearly know the context, I explained it.

    If you want to talk about how morally and ethically repugnant that context is by our modern standards, be my guest. I agree with you.

    But Jewish and Christian scripture is not nearly as ambiguous as it’s portrayed to be by those who want to twist it for their own ends.

  • This is why I care
  • I am not defending the ethics of the context, as I said before.

    Consent has no place in Levitical law. It simply not a variable. Rape your daughter-in-law or consensual sex… doesn’t matter, death to both. Rape or consensual sex with an aunt? Death to both. Screw an animal? Also death to both. Force one of your male slaves (of any age) to have sex with you the way you would freely do with a female slave (which would be your right)… death to both of you. These are “household” crimes and the household pays the price.

    None of this is based on your modern morality, ethics, or sense or fairness or justice. It was written for you.

    The framework for all this is actually clarified earlier, in Lev 19:20… in which crimes against someone else’s household (i.e. slaves) does NOT result in death.

    I also already addressed Paul in my previous comment. Your assertion is incorrect.

  • abandonware empires
  • I would. Not only would I do so voluntarily, but I also support STRONG consumer protection laws that would force any product or software or copyright or patent into public domain the instant it’s been unavailable for sale for 3 or more years or has gone without update for 5 years.

    Our public domain and consumer protections are pathetic, and should be vigorously bolstered and defended.

  • Xiaomi won't give Android updates if you unlock your bootloader
  • Whatever happened to Android being FOSS?