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Valhaitham Valhaitham
Posts 33
Comments 20
More strongbox artifacts & new artifact sets [HutaoLover77]
  • It's, I mean, it's +60% DMG bonus for her elemental skill. That's akin to an elemental artifact 2p + elemental DMG goblet. If you run Stringless that's 60%+48%+46.6% for a total of 154.6% dmg bonus on her elemental skill. I wonder at what point it would be better to simply run an EM/ATK goblet/sands on her instead of an elemental DMG bonus goblet with this 4p.

    If you run EM/Atk sands/goblet with Stringless, she will have a minimum of 108% DMG bonus and 352 em with no sacrifice on the atk department. Sand and goblet main stat would be interchangable too so it would be easier to build for.

    In a double Dendro comp, her em also has the possibility to go up to 452. I wonder if this would beat 4p electro set for quicken teams.

  • Lynette will be obtainable for free after AR 25

    > > > Every player AR25 or above will get a Lynette for free. > >


    Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet gameplay [Dimbreath]
  • Oh for sure, barring Freminet cause his atk animations look kinda basic too imo. I'm loving Lyney and Lynette though.

    For traveller, they're reusing animations. The elemental skill animation is the same as when using the wildlife catcher I believe, but tbf it's just them holding their hand out

  • Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet gameplay [Dimbreath]
  • Are you having an issue seeing the videos? They're hosted on streamable and shared by the source itself so there shouldn't be any issues. I can't give an alternative to the Twitter link though because that's the direct source for the leak:(.

  • Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet gameplay [Dimbreath]
  • Traveller go pew pew pew pew pew

  • 4.0 character banners


    New character animations


    Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet gameplay

    Source: the videos are likely to be DMCA'd on Twitter soon.


    More strongbox artifacts & new artifact sets

    Under review, STC

    Artifact sets descriptions

    > > > 4.0New Relics > > > > ② Elemental skill damage +20% > ④ Elemental skill damage +20%, In addition, when in the party's reserve, elemental skill damage +20%, this effect is canceled 2 seconds after appearance > > > > ② normal attack, heavy attack damage +15% > ④ When HP fluctuates, hit rate +11%, lasts 5 seconds, up to 3 layers > > > > Via Uncle 🐏 > >

    source via celestia\_ge


    Images of Fontaine


    Fontaine glider


    Lyney's Bow


    New craftable weapons


    Weekly boss splash art


    New Battle Pass weapons


    Fontaine map


    Freminet Kit


    Lyney Kitt


    Lynette Kit


    Characters will have additional team joining animations

    > > > 4.0 leak > > > > Characters will have additional Team joining animations. > >

    Via HoyoverseJapan

    Ver 4.1 will have Neuvillette and Wriothesley banners [celestia_ge via keikakutori]
  • It makes sense, although I do hope they give us a selector with all 5 stars in Standard now. I've wanted Diluc ever since I started playing in 1.2 but I've yet to get him:( I've got all the originals with multiple constellations each and even recently got Tighnari and Dehya. It doesn't feel very fair :'(

  • How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"?
  • Absolutely yes. There are parts of those religions that can be prejudiced and hurtful so I would challenge a friend that would fall into them. Of course, if no harm is being done I would be supportive, which is the new position I've taken from the advice here. I recognize there are also benefits from practicing an organized religion for a person that might need it.

  • How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"?
  • It sounds like you may just not be knowledgeable about it, so it may help you (and your friendship) to take an open and academic view and educate yourself on the stuff your friend believes.

    Absolutely! I know very little about it and expressed interesting in being educated on the topic. I have no problem with witchcraft in itself. I would not be against participating but I told him that it would be, of course, for leisure and entertainment. My issue was him taking this into delusion, which is why I told him it to talk to his therapist about this interest. This is where his biggest issue with my statements came from. He's been through a lot. He's currently transitioning from F to M and it's been putting him through a lot of stress right now too, so I don't want to him to bear more from what circumstance it may bring from the prejudice around this. Sadly enough, I think that's what I did with my initial reaction so I made a big mistake in handling this situation.

  • How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"?
  • I think you are mistaking my initial disdain with his decision to explore witchcraft. It isn't about believing in science, I don't think I mention science once in my post but I see how it can be mistaken since I mention I come from an academic background. I have no qualms with practicing witchcraft and actually would like to participate myself, all knowing that it is just for leisure and entertainment, and it isn't harmful. Similar to how playing a Ouija board might be. Others may believe there are actual beings controlling the position of the planchette, but we know that isn't true.

    My initial issue was him using this newfound interest to fall into delusion and have more mental health issues by ignoring the reality around him. His biggest issue with my challenge of these beliefs came when I told him to talk to his therapist about this. I wasn't trying to force my beliefs on him because I don't have any beliefs regarding it, although that might've been what I did since a lack of belief is a belief itself. I've apologised and we're okay now, I hope. It does not seem like this is harmful so I'll be supportive of this, just as I've been supportive of his other personal troubles.

    Neither of us are in our teens or early twenties.

  • Lyney takes off his hat with his elemental skill or ultimate

    How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"?
  • You are correct, although the tone of your reply doesn't sound very friendly but more condescending. That was his last reply to me because I didn't reply after, instead I sought advice here. No boundaries were crossed. I apologised and let him know I would be there if he wanted to share with me, we're on good terms.

  • How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"?
  • This is what I did. I apologized for trying to impose by beliefs (or lack thereof) and showed interest in learning about it if he wanted to share. Thank you.

  • How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"?
  • Thank you for this perspective I hadn't considered. No harm is being done as far as I know, to himself or others. He does have a history of self harm but he's beyond that now, and is thankfully in a much better place emotionally.

  • How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"?
  • This is good advice, thank you. He is not a bigot at all, I only worry for his mental health but as a friend I can choose to be supportive if no harm is done.

  • How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"?
  • I am starting to believe this is the best way forward. I care for N and his health, but this is ultimately out of my control.

  • Ver 4.1 will have Neuvillette and Wriothesley banners

    According to celestia\_ge, version 4.1 will feature both Neuvillette and Wriothesley with one being a permanent banner character.


    Google translate

    > > > ☆ 5PU of ver4.1 is Nuvillet ( ☆ 5 water method) and Rio Sesuri ( ☆ 5 ice long handle). > ・ Either of the two characters is a permanent entry > > > > Please use it as a reference because it is a little early information. > >


    Overture Teaser: The Final Feast | Genshin Impact


    How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"?

    I have this friend, N, that has recently started believing things very out of the ordinary. He said that he's been getting into paganism and studying runes and candles. I told him that was very interesting, it sounded like a fun time and a good hobby to have. N let me know that it wasn't just a hobby, but that it had a function and purpose, a sort of witchcraft.

    I come from an academic background; it doesn't seem healthy to me to actually believe and try to practice witchcraft, not because it might be real, but because of the mental health associations with it. So I told my concerns to N but he brushed them off, saying that people have the right to believe in what they want. I respect that, but I do not want N to fall into delusion. I let him know, as respectful as I could, that believing in witchcraft does not make it real and that it wasn't healthy to believe otherwise. He got really bothered when I told him he should talk to his therapist about this stuff. N has a history of mental health issues and was in a deeply abusive relationship for a few years which cause him a lot of grief. I was accused of being rude and trying to impose my beliefs. His last message to me was him asking me to stop and that anyone has a right to believe what they want.

    I cherish N a lot as a friend, I do not wish them any harm. I respect that anyone has a right to believe what they want, but I really don't think this is healthy for my friend. Is there any way I can help him? Is the best way forward to just stop and let him be?

    Future playable character sheet [HutaoLover77]
  • I really hope Neuvillete isn't meant for 4.1. I want to go C0R1 for both Wriothesley and Neuvillette >_<

  • Spiral Abyss Configuration 3.8 v5 Floor 12-3 [homdgcat]
  • Oh man, waves of single mobs appearing is not fun for AOE but at least this Abyss cycle looks plenty more fun than the current one. No more consecrated beasts :D

  • New character Dahlia may have been mentioned in Rosaria's introduction
  • You're right! He does look like a bat. Huh, I never though of it. Upon closer inspection he has a church motif too with a big cross across his chest.

  • Is there a way to improve Federation rate?
  • It appears there's some truth to this. Threads from Kbin after the Magazine started appearing in Lemmy are now showing up there correctly, if after a bit. Even one I posted a day before the Magazine was available there. However, there are still posts from Lemmy to the Magazine I moderate that are not showing in Kbin, I have no way of moderating them. This is creating issues since there are duplicate posts (it seems to be a bot reposting threads from Reddit).

  • Is there a way to improve Federation rate?
  • Thank you! I can see it now. Not sure what the problem was, I'll try this strategy now. Still, threads are not syncing up correctly.

  • Is there a way to improve Federation rate?
  • I did, the Magazine now shows up but posts aren't syncing completely. Yesterday, no posts were showing up over at Today, there's a few, but there are also posts on the Mag from Lemmy that aren't here in Kbin. Not sure how to moderate those.