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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 3
Comments 137
What law or rule exists because of you? What happened?
  • Where I work in software development, we were about to undertake writing a pretty large application from scratch. Mostly, the company was a Java plus Spring shop with a few exceptions. One team wrote almost exclusively Python, for instance. But as far as I knew, there wasn't any specific policy requiring the use of any particular language.

    So as a team, we pushed to write our new project in Python. It was originally my idea, but my team got on board with it pretty quickly. Plus there was precedent for Python projects and Python was definitely appropriate for our use case.

    The managers took it up the chain. The chain hemmed and hawed for months, but eventually made a more official policy that we had to use Java (and Spring).

  • Scanned Book Downloader Bookmarklet
  • That's interesting. I'd be a little concerned that widespread use of that might create more legal issues for that wouldn't be problems if it never caught on much. On that basis, I'd probably not use it.

    But I'd imagine ideological opposition to such a thing wouldn't be enough to keep it from catching on either.

  • Tips on fitting two parts together?
  • It depends on your specific case, of course. That 0.4mm is indeed a good rule of thumb. But also, assuming you're dealing with FFF-printed parts, generally if the two parts slide together along the layer lines, it'll feel just a little looser than if they slide together perpendicular to layer lines. That's just due to the ribbed texture inherent to FFF printing. Though printing at smaller layer heights will reduce that effect and also make the parts fit just a little looser over all.

    Aside from that, probably the best advice I can give is:

    1. Measure/calibrate for dimensional accuracy. [Here]'s a random article on the topic that looks pretty good to me.
    2. Prototype. Print once, if it doesn't fit right, adjust the model(s) and print again. Filament is pretty cheap, really. Also, depending on your situation, you might benefit from doing quick test prints just to see how well it fits. If the whole print is going to take 8 hours but by spending 30 minutes printing just part of the final product you can prove you've got the dimensions right, it's probably worth it to do the 30 minute print.
    3. Use elasticity to your advantage. Make latches or attachments that snap into place. That's useful whether the parts are meant to go together once and never come apart or connect and disconnect repeatedly. Another use for elasticity is if you need two arms of one piece to friction-grip another rectangulat piece, angle the arms inward just a degree or two. One word of caution, though. It can be really easy to overestimate the flexibility of PLA. I've ended up once or twice with some pretty hard to open latches.
  • NFTs are scams
  • Look, I right-clicked $1.2 million.

    Chromie Squiggle #1468 - an NFT

    (Full disclosure, it took a little more than right-clicking to download that image. OpenSea apparently purposefully makes it hard to download images. Not terribly hard, though. Only took me a couple of minutes to figure out.)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I don't think the admins have been coy about it.

    If you go to the home page, at the bottom of the right column is a list of admins.

    The first admin's profile banner is a picture of Mao. And the second's profile pic is a photo of Fidel Castro. The other two don't have profile pics that are explicitly authoritarian communist and I haven't had the patience to look through a whole lot of their posts or anything.

    Just a couple of Reddit threads (via on the topic: one and two. Unfortunately what they link do doesn't appear to be in the wayback machine as far as I've been able to tell.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • We might be able to answer the question better if you named the "other platforms" you're referring to. It doesn't seem like an unusual amount compared to, for instance, how much communist/transgender content Reddit had back when Reddit wasn't as evil as it is now. (Who knows what Reddit's like now. I haven't been back since the two-day boycott over the API pricing.)

    All that said, some of the communist content here is tankies. (That is, authoritarian communists who spout CCP or other authoritarian communist regimes' propaganda.) Some of the Lemmy instances (like latte.isnot.coffe and are run by tankies.

    That said, a lot of the communist content here is grass-roots anarcho-communist advocacy by people like me who ideologically lean that way.

  • What are some of your ideas on how to best use AI (specifically those like LLMs) to benefit humanity as a whole?
  • I will admit I've never used them. I'm not keen on providing my email address to huxters for purposes of signing up and they won't accept a disposable email address. At least not one I've been able to find.

    I'll be honest, though. Running into someone extolling the benefits of LLM's, I wonder if they have ulterior motives. A lot of the cryptobros are now jumping ship from the blockchain bandwagon to the AI bandwagon. (Because the blockchain bubble has partially burst now and the AI bubble is still going strong.)

    With cryptocurrencies or NFT's, anyone telling you it was the best thing ever was always misrepresenting their own gains and telling lies about the capabilities of blockchain. Maybe they were themselves deluded, but the ultimate motivation to extoll the benefits of blockchain was not actual benefits, but rather that the extoller was invested. If they could be convinging enough and their audience believed them and invested, the value of the extoller's investment would go up.

    Now, LLM's are known to hallucinate. And very confidently and convincingly. None of the content of what LLM's produce can be trusted for factual accuracy. LLM's as a technology are just not suitable for producing factual output and will always be inferior to platforms like StackOverflow or... what Reddit used to be.

    So, what you've claimed GhatGPT has helped you with: Software development, language aquisition, and learning how to use software (Excel specifically). I really hope you're not just copying programs out of ChatGPT and using those programs at work without auditing them first. If you have the skills to vet code, then what do you need ChatGPT for? And would plain-old Google not do a better job? And for learning Excel as well?

    And as others have said, I wouldn't trust any language learning I got from ChatGPT.

    Just imagine what it could do in the hands of innumerable virtuous and malicious individuals.

    So, when Beanie Babies were at the height of their economic bubble, people were robbing stores and engaging in fist fights to get them. I very much believe that the hype around AI lately is causing a lot of terrible things. Big companies are publicly announcing they're "replacing jobs" with AI. I think some of those cases are just big corporations finding dumb ways to put positive PR spins on "we're laying off a lot of people" without actually intending to replace them with AI. I think some big businesses are actually swept up in the hype and think "replacing people with AI" is actually going to work out for them. Maybe some companies are somewhere in the middle: laying people off with the intention of getting them back on a part-time contracting basis for lower pay as "editors" of content output by ChatGPT. But really they'll be doing the same job, just less efficiently and for lower pay.

    Again, look at the effect Beanie Babies had on the world. And that proved to have been a worthless nothing burger all along. The effects the AI hype is having on the world is no proof that it's anything other than worthless lie-generating machines.

  • What is the definition of capitalism? Is it compatible with people owning the things they produce?
  • I didn't realize people were advocating philosophies that bowed to the idea that "needs" should take priority over personal possessions.

    Yeah, I tend to work Maslow's work into my take on political systems. Maybe I should call myself an anarcho-Maslowist or something. Heh.

    I do really think that society is best that best fulfills people's needs. And by "needs," I mean something very like the way Maslow used the term. I'm not sure what higher purpose one could give for a society than the fulfillment of needs, really.

    (Mind you, I do know that there have been other psychologists who have built on Maslow's work as well as some with different models of needs. I don't necessarily mean to exclude those other definitions of needs. I don't think it would serve us well to be dogmatic about one person's take. But even if Maslow can be improved on, I do think the broad strokes of his take are on to something.)

    To be fair, just about any purpose a society might have can be shoehorned into the language of "needs" and that paradigm may be better for some things than others.

    Also, of course, more basic needs are more important. If you're trying to improve things and you have one option that will address society's unfulfilled need for basic sustinence and another option that will improve society's access to aesthetic fulfillment, let's fill people's bellies first and put up murals later.

    Now, I do largely believe in "usership," but the idea can definitely go too far. If in the revolution, Ted takes possession of a mansion and uses it daily for a private indoor jogging track, that's fine with me so long as others are not deprived of some sufficiently basic need. Under a strict usership system, one could say that Ted uses all of that mansion daily and that there is no "surplus" of space there. And, again if others are not deprived, I have no issue with it. But if homelessness exists in that area, Ted's claim to that mansion for his comparatively frivolous use of the structure is superceded by other people's right to not have to live in a tent under a bridge.

    But this is all mostly my own take. I don't think I've seen anyone else take quite the same stance on things. But then, I haven't really read that much anarchist theory either. Just Conquest of Bread and /r/Anarchism, pretty much. (Oh, and some random guy on a first person shooter I used to play a lot that was my introduction to anarchism.)

    Edit: Oh! Also, there is the whole "to each according to need" thing. Maybe Marx would've been a fan of Maslow's ideas. Who knows.

  • What is the definition of capitalism? Is it compatible with people owning the things they produce?
  • So, first off, let me say that if it'll help us move toward something better than we have now, even if in my head I call it anarcho-communism, I'll happily call it "capitalism."

    For reference, there's an author named Charles Eisenstein who in his book "Sacred Economics" advocates for taking steps that he intends to move us (the world, I guess) eventually to a gift-based economy without money or barter. And he calls it capitalism. With a straight face. Now, I don't know if deep down in his heart he believes it actually qualifies as capitalism or if he's calling it capitalism because he feels like his aims are more likely to be well received by pro-capitalists if he calls it "capitalism."

    One can IMO go too far with that. Case in point: ecofascism. But I digress.

    On to the definition of capitalism. At least in my head, capitalism is characterized by:

    • The profit motive. The incentive to amass. (Typically money, but a barter-based system could well be the same in every way that matters.)
    • Quid pro quo. The whole system is based on it.
    • Private property. A particular set of rules for who has ownership rights over what.
    • The institution of employment.

    My answer didn't include the word "capital", so I'll skip that second question.

    As to your third question, let me take exception with the question itself. I don't believe "control over what you produce" is necesssarily a good thing per se. I believe in having something roughly like ownership rights over what one uses. But if one produce a surplus, I don't believe they should be able to deprive others in need of said surplus.

    I think capitalism coerces people into producing surplus for others to sell for a profit that the producer (employee) doesn't get a fair share in if that goes more to the spirit of your question.

    Bonus questions:

    1. I... don't know or care? "Capitalist" can mean someone who supports the institution of capitalism. Or it can mean something like an owner of a company that employs people. I think plenty of people participate in capitalism (by selling things they make, by accepting an employment position, etc) out of necessity while disapproving of the system as a whole. Hell, I'm one of them. I'm not sure I understand why you ask.
    2. If I'm the person who sells things I make? Again, anticapitalists participate in capitalism because capitalism doesn't give them a choice. Does that answer your question?
    3. The word "sell" here has some baggage I don't like. I'm not for a system in which anybody "sells" anything. But to answer how one might expand an operation that produces things, worker cooperatives are probably the most obvious answer.
    4. Anyway, worker cooperatives are owned and run by the workers. Corporations are owned by shareholders and run by boards of directors. Worker cooperatives don't have incentives and power to fuck their workers over. They do have incentive and power to take care of their workers.

    Maybe I should have read the first thread you referenced before answering these. Maybe it would have given more context. But hopefully this response gives you what you were looking for.

  • Lemmy Support TootSweet

    Why (and how) does Lemmy-UI disable refresh?

    I didn't know that was something a website could do. But on the main page (that is, '/'), I can't seem to refresh. The refresh button in Firefox doesn't work. Ctrl+r, ctrl+shift+r, and f5 all do not work. Selecting the url and hitting enter doesn't work. I haven't tried in any other browsers. Is this supposed to be a feature?

    I'm guessing some folks are going to wonder why I'd ever want or need to refresh. Sometimes, one server or community seems to get "stuck". I'll load my main page (I default to "subscribed/new"), scroll for a bit, and then suddenly the one community gets "unstuck" and starts flooding my feed with (all?) posts from that one community. When it does that, it makes the feed basically unusable. I can't expand out images during that time (and even the thumbnails usually go away on posts for some reason.) The posts move down the page fast enough that I can't read titles or click comment links. It's... a problem.

    If I could refresh, I'd have an easy workaround. But right now, the best workaround I've found is to copy the url, open a new tab, paste the url into the new tab, and close the original malfunctioning tab. (Ctrl+l, ctrl+c, ctrl+n, ctrl+v, enter, ctrl+pageup, ctrl+w.)

    And, yes, if the issue I describe above would be resolved, that would go a long way toward making it less necessary to allow refreshing. But it's the principle of the thing, you know? Is a web app breaking basic browser functionality considered acceptable? Is being unable to refresh the main page intended?

    Now, the instance I'm on is still on an older version. (Specifically 0.17.4.) If any of this is addressed in later versions, that would be awesome news.

    Edit: In retrospect, it seems I should have done more experimentation before posting this. Now that I'm trying things, refreshing is working. It takes a second or three to start refreshing, though. I guess my theory at this point is that when I'm experiencing the issue mentioned above, that few seconds turns into a much longer amount of time. (Minutes, I think.) And I just never waited long enough to see that refresh eventually does work. I guess that kindof invalidates much of what I said here, but in case others have insight, I'll leave this post up.


    My First Encounter With A Cryptobro On The Fediverse North Carolina soon a broke state - vote on a bill to study "potential benefits" of holding Bitcoin among other assets - Coffee


    North Carolina soon a broke state - vote on a bill to study "potential benefits" of holding Bitcoin among other assets - Coffee

    First, let me say please don't be harassing this person or anything.

    But it just seems like nothing remains untainted by cryptobros.


    Top 5 quotes

    1. "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    2. "All secrets become deep. All secrets become dark. That's in the nature of secrets." - Cory Doctorow, Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
    3. "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." - Heraclitus
    4. "Property is theft!" - Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
    5. "One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code." - Ken Thompson

    That last one makes it clear what I do for a living, but in software engineering, it's a good one to keep in mind.
