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TiredSpider TiredSpider


Posts 9
Comments 13
Found this little fella on my water bottle
  • cool! some sort of harlequin bug nymph?

  • Beehaw* defederated us?
  • problem is you don't have to start slinging slurs to troll people. People can still be nuisances and say bigoted things.

  • Beehaw* defederated us?
  • liked beehaw but didn't join because they seemed overloaded and now I cant interact :/ shame on anyone from here that was heading into their communities and being assholes.

  • Why is the mod of conservative also the mod for LGBTQ ?
  • I think this is the most likely answer, just another power mod.

  • Why is the mod of conservative also the mod for LGBTQ ?
  • beehaws LGBTQ+ community seems pretty good if anyone is looking for an alternative

  • Giraffe Weevil for wednesday!

    What are YOUR niche hobbies?
  • I really hope the sewing communities take off on here.

  • Created an LGBTQIA+ humor community: ElgibbityMemes @ BlĂ„haj Lemmy
  • noice, I cant seem to sub to it from my instance yet but I will be there once it works 👍

  • After the blackout...
  • staying as long as the community doesnt fizzle out. I'll probably check back on reddit on rare occasion but only to quickly lurk with adblock on. I wont be contributing to it anymore.

  • Hanging fly, it lies in wait for prey by hanging and catches food with it's lower limbs


    Blue Banded bee, Australian native species that bite onto sticks and twigs to sleep


    Velvet Spider, many spiders in this family are social


    Trilobite Beetle

    Two toned wolf spider
  • I'm gonna add more bug pics to this community to help get some momentum going now. If it's too spammy lemme know.

  • Two toned wolf spider


    grub rule



    De-federate from instances with loli
  • I'd like that shit gone too. I understand not wanting to close ourselves off too much but I think things like avoiding groups that are ok with shit like loli is a no brainer.

  • Hey Lemmy, what is your favorite kind of music?
  • goth and dungeon synth. I like to close my eyes and pretend I'm a low level enemy in a classic rpg.

  • What projects are you working on right now?

    I'm trying to create a bodice block/sloper. I feel bad going through so much calico but I know it will save time and fabric in the long run.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I didn't even know there was a fediverse reddit alternative until the blackout, so that's why I'm here. But if I had known lemmy was a thing before now I would have moved earlier. If the communities here that interest me don't fizzle out I'll stay, I would guess a lot of others are in the same boat.