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Tinawebmom tinawebmom

Cats, kids, nurse

Posts 3
Comments 39
  • Have a GOP family member.

    I said, "immigrants pick our food. Do you want that job?"

    His response? (55 year old fat man) "I picked fruit when I was in my 20s!"

    I said two things, 1 then go pick fruit now! 2 ever drive by the fields (very rural area)

    His response? 1 nah I'm too fat and lazy 2 well yeah but only because they won't hire whites 🤣🤣🤣

    Trumps significant decrease in work visas (California) did indeed have non immigrants step in...... And quit within a few weeks. The jobs are too hard, demanding and difficult.

    Our economy functions and always will function simply because we do need immigrants.

    PS he's gotten so much better at not being a GOP these last 3 years!

  • Do neurotypicals really not have to do this? I'm seriously asking.
  • For me it is this. When I was married he didn't understand when I would request reminders to go to the bathroom, shower, eat, do laundry. He laughed. He thought I had dementia.

    Nope just adhd with a swiss cheese memory.

  • One of Reddit’s biggest communities is suggesting users move to Discord
  • I wad on a discord with 20 people. After ten minutes I left. How anyone had a conversation is beyond me

  • BlueCross BlueShield rejects my claim for missing info, then references my claim form using the same info that was supposedly "missing"
  • I'm a case manager in rest homes/rehabs/skilled nursing facility.

    I made sure my staff was charting to what the blue cross/shield book demanded.

    I then fought to get our money from them for 2 years! They finally paid but Holy shit they didn't want to cover what they were supposed to.

    If a health care facility has to fight that hard with knowledgeable people doing the fighting what chance do laymen have?

  • Southwest flyers’ wheelchair ‘pre-boarding scam’ leaves fellow passengers fuming
  • As someone partially paralyzed this ticks me right off

  • I stay because of one subreddit I'm canceling my premium anyway but this.....

    Reddit Gives Final Warning to Subreddits Using NSFW Protest Tactic
  • This has been my biggest complaint. Wanna read the discussion? Be prepared to dig for it. It's awful.

    The largest thing I've noticed right now is there's almost no new content. Like at all. There was some repeating but not like right now.

    I'm a mod and almost none of the small subs I mod for are transitioning off of reddit as yet.

    I do need to learn to mod here....

  • I present to you Sir Alfred Pendragon III (aka Kiki) wanting demanding all the loves

    YSK: How to embed images accessibly on Lemmy
  • Wait. So this is only if you post a image based comment?

  • Napa View from Hot Air Balloon
  • The valley runs east to west. The mountains in either side are the north (st Helena side) and south. The airport is at the east end slightly north of the valley.

    I grew up there and delighted in the balloons overhead in the morning. I'm terrified of falling but love the balloons from the ground!

  • Napa View from Hot Air Balloon
  • Oh that makes sense. That's the very front of the valley. Did your balloon float into the rest of the valley, over the city?

  • Napa View from Hot Air Balloon
  • I don't recognize this area of Napa valley. Where is it? (pretty great photo)

  • important message to google, samsung, all android phone manufactures
  • 20 years ago these were great. Now? Ye gods I'm too old for that tiny stuff.

  • Join us if you love libraries!
  • Hoopla! That's what I found. Great reviews and easy to use! I love it

  • What's your favorite thing about Sac?
  • KP mart is amazing

  • Join us if you love libraries!
  • I have never used audio books. Turns out my library totally lends them and I'm having a great time listening!

  • r/Canning's response to u/ModCodeOfConduct
  • Yeah they think the users will just back down and keep coming online. Eventually they won't.

    It makes me sad they killed reddit. I'm glad I found lemmy

  • Reminder: Reddit is gone. Your community *is* official. If you're a mod, you're just as good as a reddit mod.
  • I have several subs that I mod that the other mods want to remain open. I get it. I really do. So I keep notifications on and mod as needed but spend my time here.

  • How to Jump from Inbox Comment to Comment in Post
  • I cannot believe it's that easy. Sheesh. Thank you so much!

  • YSK you can block Lemmy communities
  • I had to learn quick. All I kept seeing were a bunch of nakey young women and nakey anime!!

  • Christian Selig: I want to debunk Reddit's claims, and talk about their unwillingness to work with developers, moderators, and the larger community, as well as say thank you for all the support
  • Read the whole thing. Can't financially help right now but did take a look at pixel pals. Omg is frigging adorable! Thank you

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals tinawebmom

    Finding him was easier than finding cute animal photos

    And he took 8 hours to find!
