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Yes, I'm this old
  • I thought that you meant that your computer doesn't have autocorrect as a good thing as opposed to the phone. That's certainly the first thing I turn off on my phone because it's shit.

  • Yes, I'm this old
  • I'm redoing my roof, so I'm more in need for hot shingles in my area.

  • Yes, I'm this old

  • Yes, I'm this old
  • My phone also doesn't, because it can be turned off.

  • xkcd #2898: Orbital Argument
  • A not too heavy cone.

  • Google apologizes for ‘missing the mark’ after Gemini generated racially diverse Nazis
  • That's why I hate that they started to call them artificial intelligence. There is nothing intelligent in them at all. They work on probability based on a shit ton of data, that's all. That's not intelligence, that's basically brute force. But there is no going back at this point, I know.

  • Why do some languages use gendered nouns?
  • Okay, thank you. Anyway: is here somebody who actually knows WHY this happened? What was the underlying cause for our ansestors to start using it? What were they trying to achieve or solve? (UNINTENTIONALLY, okay, we got it.)

  • People using 'less' when they should be using 'fewer'
  • I also need to think it through every time I use it, because in my native language there is only 1 word for both. (Hungarian)

  • Do you have a “Third Place”? And if you do, where is it?
  • I don't go very often, about once a month, but it's the bar with my friends.

  • separator collision
  • We solved it in Hungary by absolutely not having a thousands separator. At least not officially. A couple of people and systems use space, but most of the people doesn't separate thousands at all. The decimal separator is a dot.

  • They had a paid break, right?
  • Put a refactor ticket in the backlog. We'll get to it eventually, right?

  • danny devito
  • In most vampire worlds they are stuck with the age they were bit. (IIRC.)