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&udm=14 - Google search free of AI crap, open source
  • Oho, that's so simple, too! I know there's tons of google alternatives out there, but this extension takes the cake! I am adding this right away :)

    Brave, Qwant, etc. just weren't as effective for me. Marginalia gives interesting results, but since they specifically prioritize small sites, what you get won't always be approachable (For the example "The History of the Internet", you mostly get blog posts, niche wiki projects, and stackoverflow pages- though admittedly they are all relevant)

  • Piped is a privacy friendly alternative YouTube frontend
  • Oof, I'm already getting the "Got error: "Sign in to confirm that you're not a bot"" errors :(

    I really like these kinds of things in principal, but so long as uBlock's still able to keep up with YT's nonsense, I still prefer accessing YT with that versus a separate site.

    In a perfect world, something like a PeerTube instance or maybe an alternative like Odysee would take off

  • Hoopla, Overdrive/Libby Now Banned for Those Under 18 in Mississippi
  • This is true, and I'm not against "alternative" sources for ebooks (having used them myself), but it's always better for the libraries and authors if there's foot traffic to the libraries, since that drives tax dollars which in turn makes its way back to the authors. It's less than pennies on the dollar, but it's important.

  • What game will you choose to show someone who's new to vr, and why?
  • I Expect You to Die, the first game has a really good tutorial for someone completely new to the controls. Since it's stationary, they don't have to worry about movement/motion sickness as much

  • I am looking for some text books that I can use to teach English.
  • I can't find a scan anywhere of anything 4a or higher, but if you are willing to pay for a physical copy there are a few sellers on AbeBooks selling "Reach Higher Student's Book 4A".

    For free textbooks outside of that series:

    BCcampus Open Publishing: They provide a ton of free courses and textbooks on a variety of topics. This isn't really piracy, but it's got a ton of good information.

    I did find one site that seems to have all the PDFs for sale, but I can't tell if it's a scam or not. I would recommend looking at some of the free resources available on BCcampus before attempting this.

  • Hoopla, Overdrive/Libby Now Banned for Those Under 18 in Mississippi
  • I think it's important to provide children with a variety of potential careers ;)

  • Hoopla, Overdrive/Libby Now Banned for Those Under 18 in Mississippi
  • Because everyone knows if a 14 year old reads Nora Roberts (or that one penguin children's book) society will fall apart.

  • Hoopla, Overdrive/Libby Now Banned for Those Under 18 in Mississippi
  • Because everyone knows if a 17 year old reads Nora Roberts (or that one penguin children's book) society will fall apart.

  • Hoopla, Overdrive/Libby Now Banned for Those Under 18 in Mississippi

    Public libraries in Mississippi have cut off access to digital platforms like Overdrive and Hoopla to those under 18.

    Hoopla, Overdrive/Libby Now Banned for Those Under 18 in Mississippi

    Despite the age of consent in Mississippi being 16, no one under the age of 18 will have access to digital materials made available through public and school libraries without explicit parental/guardian permission.

    Mississippi has a new law on the books directly impacting access and use of digital resources like Hoopla and Overdrive for those under the age of 18 throughout the state. Even if granted parental permission, minors may not have materials available to them, if vendors do not ensure every item within their offerings meets the new, wide-reaching definition of “obscenity” per the state. Mississippi Code 39-3-25, part of House Bill 1315, went into effect July 1, 2023, and libraries across the state have scrambled for how to be in compliance.

    petition: Defederate any instances that federates with threads proactivly , add on blocklists everywhere.
  • You seem to be stretching the definition of the "paradox of tolerance" in new and amazing ways. How exactly does the "paradox of tolerance" relate to defederating from instances that haven't explicitly blocked Threads?

  • MOVEit Transfer customers warned to patch new critical flaw

    MOVEit Transfer, the software at the center of the recent massive spree of Clop ransomware breaches, has received an update that fixes a critical-severity SQL injection bug and two other less severe vulnerabilities.

    MOVEit Transfer customers warned to patch new critical flaw

    life is pain

    petition: Defederate any instances that federates with threads proactivly , add on blocklists everywhere.
  • This is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    Most of the activity on any given instance or community comes from outside of the instance. If you start cutting off instances because they are sharing their own stuff with Meta, then you will also be negatively impacting your own communities since the amount of active users will go down.

    Most users won't react to something like this by joining your instance or an instance that you approve of (or, at least, currently approve of). They'll either find another community on an instance they're federated with or they'll switch to another social media platform. The latter becomes more likely depending on how many instances end up on either "side" of the issue. Although most user accounts are relatively new, it's still a pain to switch over to something else once you've gotten used to something.

    The scale of defederation you propose, especially this early in the fediverse, would be enough to turn off a lot of folks from federation. If admins are just going to defederate from each other at the first sign of disagreement, that weakens my faith in the fediverse.

    I absolutely believe that instances should not federate with meta's stuff. The largest servers had enough issues when we were getting new users in the thousands. Meta will likely bring in users in the millions. However, it makes no difference to me if another instance federates with Meta.

  • Looking for spy novel recommendations

    I've been on a spy fiction kick recently- I really enjoyed the recent The Man from UNCLE movie and I Expect You to Die video game. I'm looking for some novels that are in a similar vein (classic 60s spy versus an egomaniac villain out to take over the world). However, I cannot stand the sexism in Ian Fleming's books. He's got good prose and worldbuilding, but it bugs me too much to enjoy the books.

    Are there any recent spy novels that fall into this genre?

    11 has been preemptively blocked
  • I imagine that it could also get pretty data-heavy if someone subscribed to a large server on threads (assuming it doesn't become another metaverse).

  • Gibbys Guide to Quest
  • I don't mind the actual download being a PDF, to be clear. Just the front-end website

  • Can we settle this: how many holes does a straw have?
  • It usually does, however, there are cases where a hole can have two openings. For example, there's a saying/idiom about digging a hole through the earth and ending up in china/australia/etc. It would be confusing to say that you "dug two holes" to China, you would only say that you "dug a hole" to China. "Tunnel" is definitely more precise here, though it would be odd to refer to the openings in a drinking straw as a "tunnel"

  • Wonder how long it will take for the "Average Joe" to care about these things
  • In fairness, privacy issues have been a bit like a "frog in boiling water". Unless you pay a lot of attention to these things or are completely out of the loop, the average person won't see the issue.

    At least my grandmother's vindicated now for not wanting to get on Facebook and share those sorts of things

  • Gibbys Guide to Quest
  • The website setup makes it look like a phishing link (the weird embedded PDF in the PDF). They should probably consider not having the website be a PDF.

  • Have you tried using you Quest as a “computer”
  • I don't think I'd be able to do it w/o a keyboard. I'm too used to working in an environment where I can type at 60 wpm. Speech-to-text is an option, but it has its own difficulties.

    An alternate path for this is sign language. Tacoma, a sci-fi game, had an interesting idea where in the future, folks use finger-spelling (sign language alphabet, but not all of the signs) to interact with computers. I think there's already been some research into using finger-spelling in VR that looks promising, but the entire ASL lexicon may be too complex for something like the quest. A lot of ASL relies on position of hand in relation to head, chest, etc. Additionally, although I think you'd be able to get buy-in to memorize the 26 sign language letters, ASL is an entire language and it would be difficult to get everyone on-board with it. Finger-spelling may not be quick enough to get to 60wpm, but it is better than using the virtual keyboard.

  • What's your favorite source of caffeine?
  • For the sake of my stomach, I won't look at that link XD My older sister works in the restaurant business... it's enough to turn me off of just about anything prepped "fast." Apparently ice and soda machines are almost never cleaned, either, since it's a pain.

  • I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine 🎶 Opening Credits

    Just played through the first two games after seeing RT Game's playthrough. I am looking forward to this one!


    Internet Archive of /r/LearnJapanese Resources index/resources - LearnJapanese

    r/LearnJapanese: Welcome to r/LearnJapanese, *the* hub on Reddit for learners of the Japanese Language.

    I don't know if the mods of /r/LearnJapanese planned on migrating their stuff over to a lemmy instance. They seem to be permanently private as of right now, so I just wanted to link to the internet archive of the subreddit's language learning resource list.

    Keep in mind that the links on the internet archive lead to other archived sites. For example, archived google docs don't load properly, so after clicking on one, you will need to copy/paste the link into your address bar.

    Techniques in Formal Classes vs in Online Communities
  • Thank you, this is a lot of good information! What counts as "efficient learning" seems a lot more fluid than I thought. I guess everyone is going to assume that their favorite method is the best, perhaps that's why it seemed so polarized to me.

  • YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers
  • I guess this is the kick in the pants to go over to odysee or somewhere else, huh

  • Techniques in Formal Classes vs in Online Communities

    Why is there such a disparity between techniques used in formal language classes versus those recommended in online communities?

    For example, I've recently started tutoring ESL at my library (I have no credentials, this is just volunteer work), and the program runners have stressed repeatedly how important it is for learners to speak, and to start speaking early. I can see why this is practical: at least in the United States, it's very difficult to communicate with anyone if you don't speak English. So even a few memorized "tourist" phrases can help a lot.

    But in the long-term, this seems to run contrary to what I've seen different online communities talk about- be it Refold, Steve Kaufman, Steve Krashner, Dreaming Spanish, etc. Most online communities seem to stress immersion and natural methods, prioritizing input/comprehension over output/speaking. Some of these folks even say that you shouldn't talk at all in L2 until you reach a certain point (though others say that it doesn't matter).

    Is this a genuine difference in language-learning philosophy, or are the needs of "practical" learners just different than "hobbyist" learners?


    What's your favorite source of caffeine?

    Since this is a cafe and all that...

    I actually like the McDonald's ground coffee that you can make at home. For whatever reason, after you brew it, it doesn't go stale when you leave it sitting for a few hours. Maybe I should be more concerned about this.
