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top ten loopholes
  • What?

  • Study reveals "widespread, bipartisan aversion" to neighbors owning AR-15 rifles
  • I'm fine with it as long as they're properly trained and respect it.

  • New government spending bill bans U.S. embassies from flying Pride flag
  • Everything before that states the funds allocated by the act can't be used to fly or display a flag other than a government flag.

    A public employee couldn't spend embassy or facility money on a non-government flag, but I haven't read anything about them spending their own money and still flying the flag.

  • What do you miss from the old internet?
  • The creativity people were willing to share. Forums, DIY guides, blogs, neat yet crappy animations on Youtube. It's all kind of still there, but it's hard to find with how the internet is today.

    It was full of passionate people who made things because they enjoyed it. Now, it's either how-to sites written by bots/keyboard monkeys, or you're fast-tracked to the #1 video. You have to really go looking for the human now.

  • NSFW
  • Sounds like easy lawsuit money if you start recording it

  • New government spending bill bans U.S. embassies from flying Pride flag
  • Clickbait. The actual resolution prohibits the use of the funds being allocated from the new budget to be used on anything other than government related flags. This is just funding for flags, there's no outright ban on pride flags.

    Resolution Sauce (pg. 1000)

    (b) None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be obligated or expended to fly or display a flag over a facility of the United States Department of State-

  • Mike Pence will not endorse Donald Trump’s presidential campaign
  • Say what you will, but at the end of Trump's presidency Pence grew a spine and told him to fuck off.

    Trump was hanging onto the idea that Pence would magically solve his problem by denying the certification. Of course, Trump's cult went to the capitol to try and hang him. I hope he endorses the other candidates, or Biden when it comes to it. It'd be a massive middle finger to the entire cult.

  • TIL the Apollo 11 astronauts had to go through immigration in Hawaii when they splashed down because they had left U.S. borders.
  • I have this image of astronauts in their suits standing in line at an airport now.

  • Diablo 4's new mount costs more than the actual game
  • And I'm sure several whales have already bought it

  • Joe Biden criticises snack makers for ‘shrinkflation rip-off’
  • Did he say anything about actually doing something about it? Some-sort of shrinkflation law or something?

  • Algorithm [elder cactus]
  • I've been using ReVanced for awhile now, but LibreTube sounds pretty good to get off the algorithms wild ride

  • ditch discord!
  • The transition to Discord for communities really sucks. It's impossible to find information now that everything is gated to unsearchable servers.

  • Yes, please!
  • ITT: Doomer posting

  • How can it be so bad?
  • The Epic Games store is so fucking behind I actually can't understand it. Is there a single intern they rotate between semesters to build their client? It feels like yesterday they actually introduced a favoriting system to the library.

  • Riot Games Now Requires Kernel-Level Anti-Cheat Software for League of Legends, Following Valorant's Implementation
  • The only good thing to come out of RIOT are the animations. Those don't require exposing myself to the CCP.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • brrrrrrt

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Is the girl in red holding a Thompson?

  • Smacks Smacks

    If you're here to snoop through my comment history, go back to Reddit.

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