Are we trying to say Trump’s the Hindenberg of our time now? Pretty sure he still counts as a nazi too.
(homeopathy) n. a complementary therapy based on the theory that ‘like cures like’. It involves treating a condition with a tiny dose of a substance that in larger doses would normally cause or aggravate that condition.
No, I think they mean actual medicine my guy, based on science. If it’s “homeopathic” and it works, we just call it medicine.
I appreciate all of these super in depth responses, but man does it validate my decision to never invest any time into chess lmao.
What’s the benefit to the game of this being a draw instead of an obvious loss to white?
Nuremberg Trials
One of the most interesting details about the Nuremberg trials, which I only learned from the ever excellent Robert Evans on a podcast, is the controversy over how many of the crimes Nazis were executed weren’t really “crimes” - international law wasn’t really a thing, and they weren’t really illegal under German law.
Yet we hung the Nazis anyways, because they were the fuckin’ Nazis. I find this a comforting thought in these times.
If you’re in need of additional fortification, the article on John Clarence Woods might help, the hangman who very incompetently and thus painfully executed nazi leadership - there is also a Behind the Bastards on him, possibly the one that discusses the trials iirc.
Being a prick isn’t making anyone eat less meat. Ensuring others have easy access and knowledge of lower meat diet options does. Sounds to me like the clown is doing a better job of helping animals than you are 🤷🏻♂️.
Thank you for making me curious about the realization I wasn’t aware of a “silver bullet” for Wendigos. Silver comes up, but it seems fire is a more commonly accepted weakness - whether simply chucking a molotov or tricking it into eating salt, which apparently causes it to hack up its still beating heart, which must then be burned (feels overkill but better safe than sorry)
Oh, or just feeding it and treating it like a person, since its origins are a myth warning against cannibalism. Bear tallow is a supposed inoculation, which makes sense given eating animal fat would provide quick nutrition.
TL;DR burn that sucker.
Using the rig from five years ago that has to play all those games on “high” instead of “ultra”, the humanity!
Americans aren’t going to do anything
- Japan, 1941
Sometimes it just takes us a bit.
Gotta love you throwing shade at people “going on social media doing nothing” while you sit, on social media, doing nothing lmao.
There is no obligation at any specific time to have sex from either party. That being said, if either party is unhappy with the frequency of intimacy, it is perfectly reasonable to work together to resolve the issue, as with any relationship challenges.
Getting upset and frustrated is not helpful. Being tired is not “an excuse”. His approach to resolving the challenge is inherently flawed and inconsiderate, and your mindset worrying about “meeting your husbands needs” is a little concerning - it seems like you don’t have the ability to set healthy boundaries in the relationship.
None of this should make you feel like the relationship is “doomed” or that your husband is an ass. It sounds like you’re both young, and it’s perfectly natural to not be great at conflict resolution - plenty of old couples still suck at it.
Take the time to discuss the issue again - it should not be a you vs. him conversation, but the two of you working to solve the challenges of a difficult time. If either of you is clearly not working as part of that team, you won’t get anywhere.
Make it clear you have “needs” too - if you can’t rest after a long and stressful shift, it might challenge your ability to work. If he wants intimacy more often, perhaps you could better plan around the free time you do have - if it’s clear the overtime is severely limiting the opportunities, he needs to understand that he can make the sacrifice of using his hand every once in a while while you work your butt off to help pay for his sister’s treatment - often putting situations into clearer terms helps people understand when they’re not being very reasonable.
It is entirely possible he will be unreceptive to all of this, at which point the other commenters bloodlust will be a little more justified. But you gotta have a little more optimism in relationships you barely know anything about.
Occasionally, there will be a game I want to play as soon as it releases - even then, I’ll maybe wait until the last hour before release to “pre order”, just as one last fuck you to the concept.
🥱 cope and seethe, your downvotes mean nothing.
I think their point is you can’t just commit for only 10 days. It might take less than 10 days, but if that’s your limit, they might try and tough it out.
🥱 it must be exhausting being you.
If you want overtly lefty stuff without the chinese government ball fondling, solarpunk is a pretty good instance, or .blahaj if you’re more interested in social/gender issues.
It is fucking hilarious for the tankieverse to blame somewhere else for being too hard on censorship lmao y’all really are something
Uh huh, Denmark is a myth i suppose.
This person unwittingly provides an excellent example of why many dislike .ml users.
that is able to
Have you and I been reading the same /r/changemyview?
More seriously, the article says nothing of actual efficacy. I don’t think most people are particularly receptive to having their mind changed through direct rhetoric on the internet, it absolutely happens but it’s not nearly as concerning as other polarizing social media behaviors.
196 instance on hexbear
There’s just no limits to human stupidity eh
I would accept a placard explaining that microwave popcorn does in fact require monitoring. The amount of times you get woken up at 3am by a fire alarm cuz some fuckwit set it for 5 minutes and walked away.. I get the ban.