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Quintus Quintus

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Posts 22
Comments 115

How to use radio/radio modems to communicate with random people?

You know how sometimes in a show or a movie there is a character that has a "radio friend" that they talk to? Yeah that's what I want to do.

But I do not know how to so I came to ask you! Cheap, preferably.

Out of curiosity, I found this app on IzzyOnDroid, (which gave me the idea in the first place) Codec2Talkie that seems to be what I'm looking for but I'm unsure due to my ignorance.

A radio modem seems to be required as the app description dictates. I can find one somewhere no issue. But is this the correct approach? Is there a better way that I don't know of?

Thoughts on parental controls?
  • What do you mean by that?

    Literally teach them how to! When I deem them mature enough, of course.

    Of course, there's the chance that they don't like tech.

    I'm pretty confident that they will. If I get to raise the kid as I see fit. But you know I'm not expecting them to be a hobbyist or anything. Knowing small things like circumventing network blocks might be important in the future weather that would in a school enviroment or an oppresive regime. The latter of which is getting closer in my country to reality each passing day.

  • YouTube Premium is getting a big price hike internationally
  • Newpipe, Revanced and adblockers my beloved

  • Thoughts on parental controls?
  • I think watching over kids without them knowing is the key. Time limit is stupid in my opinion. Obviously porn sites and other appropriate sites will be blocked network wide and when the time comes I'll slowly teach the child how to circumvent the measures and even create their own.

    As you have pointed out, feeling under pressure will definitely detrimental for the child development so it's best to avoid that.

  • tried to read a Tom's Hardware article
  • No problem mate! Happens to the best of us.

  • tried to read a Tom's Hardware article
  • Read the community's name.

  • tried to read a Tom's Hardware article
  • Way to miss the point

  • Mozilla has fired Chief Product Officer Steve Teixeira after cancer diagnosis
  • It's almost like they are intentionally trying to get in trouble.

  • Alibaba releases 100+ open-source AI models and new text-to-video generator - SiliconANGLE
  • Unrelated but does anyone else think that Alibaba is a stupid ass name?

    Related, this model sucks balls. Trained by CCP propaganda. Enough said.

  • Project for people leaving Google Maps.
  • I don't think this is a malicious act by Google, yet alone intentional at all. (English is not my native language and I'm unsure of how this sentence turned out. Is my grammar correct?)

    Google uses a shit ton of automation on it's services. Youtube being the biggest example with all the unfair bans and copyright strikes. I believe this to be simply a case of those.

  • Huawei's new smartphone has more than 3 million preorders as Apple launches its new iPhone
  • I find both bad. There. Take your presumptions away.

  • A little piano track that I made. Sorry for the faults and low quality I'm a beginner in music.

    best linux terminal emulator
  • I don't know I never felt the need to customize the terminal. I just like what it comes with. It feels wrong to change that. Black background and colored text is fine. The rest of the OS though damn it's like a fucking birthday party! Nothing's at default ffs

  • Huawei's new smartphone has more than 3 million preorders as Apple launches its new iPhone
  • I think that's pretty reasonable? If there are good offers for pre-ordering, why not?

    Way better than pre-ordering video games. But that's a pretty low bar anyways.

  • "In The Beginning Was The Command Line" An essay by Neal Stephenson that talks about proprietary operating systems and FOSS operating systems. Written in 1999.
  • I agree with all you've said. Especially the monopoly part is where I disagreed the most. This is a good document to inform people about the ideology behind computers. Well, would be if not for those mistakes you have mentioned.

    Other than those, as you have said, it's a thought-provoking essay.

  • What are the best (free) math resources out there?

    EDIT: Thanks everybody for the suggestions! You've been great help to me.

    I'm getting prepared for my computer science degree in college but pretty behind in the related classes. What are the best resources out there? Preferably in English as my native language resources are shit at explaining the basics.

    I'm currently studying in Khan Academy but was wondering if there are somethings I'm missing out.

    NOTE: I am NOT in college yet. I'm trying to get in college now. So the stuff I'm looking for is high school stuff.

    Google is preparing a major overhaul to notifications and Quick Settings in Android 16
  • I like this menu. Seems like they target larger screens with this as it doesn't take up the whole screen anymore. It's like a return to the old design but with a new coat of paint.

  • What is an achievement in life that you're proud of?
  • Honestly I am really proud of everything in my life. I have learned English all by myself and I have always helped people around school with it which made me (plus being good looking and an interesting person) made me "the popular kid" in the school. In high school I was in a boys only school which really made me anxious when I speak with a girl my age. Guess that's what happens when you don't talk to a single girl of your age for 4 years. I'm not joking. I really have no female friends.

    Another thing I'm proud of is my knowledge on computers. Which I assume is the majority here so I'll skip that.

    I have befriended people of many types. Some were confident, outgoing people. And some were anxious, shy, insecure people. The kind of people that are afraid of making eye contact with you when speaking. I have seen those people change around me. I learned that simply listening engaging in conversation with them opens them up. And now those people are not shy anymore! They engage in activities with other people and are happy. My companionship helped them navigate through their issues and they realized that if a person such as me listens and cares about them, there are people out there that will. And I'm really proud of myself for changing their lives.

  • In This Beautiful Library, Bats Guard the Books
  • It's very lovely that they preserved the gaps in the doors!

  • Can you judge the tech bros by their bookshelves? | John Naughton
  • (Which makes one ask why there’s a biography of Elon Musk there, but not one of Steve Jobs?)

    That's funny.

  • The origins
  • Linux is a community driven project.

    So if I was told this is where Arch got it's logo I would absolutely believe it.

  • What is the most painless and minimal way to dual boot these days?
  • I would recommend going for the IoT LTSC versions of Windows.

  • Feature idea: Cookie sharing/relaying

    EDIT: Yeah... bad idea. Got it.

    I've been thinking about this for while. Sometimes there are situations where I have to log into one of my accounts temporarily to look at or take something and logging in is usually a pain in the ass or straight up uncomfortable.

    So my idea is that this feature will allow to temporarily share/relay the cookies stored in the mobile browser that are used to remember logged in accounts (login credentials?) over a secure wireless or wired USB connection to use with the desktop browser (in a temporary container/session to not conflict with other users' data) in order to do whatever I do and then wipe out all data upon mobile device removal.

    So... what do you think?


    "In The Beginning Was The Command Line" An essay by Neal Stephenson that talks about proprietary operating systems and FOSS operating systems. Written in 1999.


    How to deal with being bald?

    Until yesterday I used to have long hair. Due to unusually high tempetures I started having problems with the skin on my head. So, to avoid problems. I shaved it clean and it will remain that way until the skin in treated.

    Now that I'm bald, I now know what's it's like. It sucks. My old hair suited me perfectly. It was messy just the right amount, perfect length, made me look different than the rest and handsome as hell. Every girl would look at me where ever I went to. Compliments floating over the air, jealous looks from other men etc. etc. It made me feel powerful.

    But most importantly, it suited my personality and clothing. It was perfect! But now it's gone. I hate bald me. I will never look back at this bald version of myself.

    It feels weird. I don't feel that bad but still it's disheartening.


    Firefox 127.0.2 (Windows 10) update fails when I try to update it via Winget. Reason? "Dependency missing"

    I can't exactly make out what it says after the error code thanks to the mystery unicode characters but I will try my best.

    "The package couldn't pass the updating, <something> or <something again> verification."


    Firefox Android: Make the openning screen a web address

    Recently I installed Firefox on my parents' phones (uBlock Origin too) in order to make them surf the web more securely as we've had a few cases in the past with malware. (Google Chrome, the advertisement company's browser, does not like ad blockers. Wonder why?)

    All they care about it is it openning and apparently they don't like Firefox's home screen. There are only options for "the last tab", "home screen" and "home screen after few hours of inactivity" but no option to go to a specific web address. In this case,

    So... how do?


    What's the greatest scheme of all time?


    Votes are not visible

    Version: 0.4.0

    Votes don't show up in both posts and comments. Issue began upon updating to 0.4.0

    Logged out and in. Nothing changed.


    How do you see yourself in your imagination?

    What's your position in your imaginary world? What do you see yourself as? As a person that you want to be or as a perfect version of your current self? Or do you not imagine yourself as yourself at all? In some other form? Not as a human but rather some sort of an idea?

    Are you always on the top in your imaginations or do you imagine yourself to be not the most important person?

    Chiptunes Quintus

    Sky Palace (Demo 3)

    This is one of the tracks that I made for the video game project I'm working on. I'm still a beginner in music though. So I believe it might sound bad. I think volume balancing could use some polish.


    Sky Palace (Demo 3)

    This is one of the tracks that I made for the video game project I'm working on. I'm still a beginner in music though. So I believe it might sound bad. I think volume balancing could use some polish.


    Sky Palace (Demo 3)

    This is one of the tracks that I made for the video game project I'm working on. I'm still a beginner in music though. So I believe it might sound bad. I think volume balancing could use some polish.


    What was your best decision in life?

    For me, it was learning English. Although I do make a few mistakes here and there, I'm mostly perfect on it.

    The amount of resources you have access to dramatically increases when you know a universal language. I say dramatically because it made me realize how much my native language lacks when it comes to certain topics. The most obvious one to me was tech and computers. Everybody knows how to use Windows but there are very few resources about stuff beyond Windows. It's actually sad. [insert sad face here]


    Why is it that we get nervous around our crushes?

    I hope you all are having a good day. I would like to start by saying that I'm the "can't take compliments" guy who posted a while back about how he "can't take compliments". I've been thinking about something for a while. That being the situation in the title.

    Now, there is a girl that I really like. Let's call her Cass. Cass and I are very similar. We both share similar interests. Reading books, discussions about philosophy etc. But we are also similar character wise. What I mean by that is that we both like to make jokes and are great at it too, etc. etc.

    I am comfortable around girls. No issues with that. But I've been just really, really, shy around her. To the point where I straight up leave the room if I see her. For a person such as myself, this is a pretty odd behavior. Because I give zero crap about what other people think of me.

    So instead of endlessly questioning myself, I decided to use this as an opportunity to think.

    Why do we humans do this? Cass is perfectly capable of getting along and understanding me. So why am I nervous around her? Is it because I sub-conciously put Cass on a pedestal? Even though it's kind of illogical considering she's a very pick-me girl with mental issues? (For clarification, I did not mean these parts of her character when I said that we were similar. But who's to say I'm perfect?)

    This has been bugging for a while. Low self-esteem? I have plenty of it. Fear of being judged? Might be if I really am putting her on a pedestal.

    So... what's your opinion? I might make a post about her situation one day. Because she's certainly an interesting person. It's interesting how depression can destroy someone.


    I don't enjoy it when people compliment me. Why could it be?

    Not to brag but I'm a pretty confident person in my social circle. I'm funny, make people laugh etc. etc.

    Basically, I am adored by everybody.

    But there is something that I noticed about myself lately. Regularly people come up to me to chat and sometimes they compliment me. Now, complimenting isn't a bad thing, obviously. But I just don't feel anything when I receive them.

    However I enjoy it when people talk good things about me when I'm not present. I, again, don't feel anything when people talk shit about me when I'm not present. BUT I really enjoy it when people straight up come at me and say something bad at me. My mood increases and I spend the rest of my day happier.

    Is this some kind of a defense/coping mechanism that I have unintentionally developed? I don't see anything bad about this.

    It's also worthy to say that I spent the majority of my life isolated up until a few years ago. No compliments at all but nobody to say bad things either. Is this why I fail to appreciate compliments?


    Copilot doesn't like it when it's questioned about Microsoft's certain actions?

    This might also be an automatic response to prevent discussion. Although I'm not sure since it's MS' AI.


    Need help on a challenging situation: How to get data out of a phone with a broken screen?

    A few months ago I dropped my phone (Samsung Galaxy A70) and the screen broke. Got a new phone, problem solved. But there is some data on it that I forgot to include in my backups. Very small files but important for achive purposes.

    Screen (touch input too) and the speaker are dead. I know the password (obviously) but how will I go around doing this? First thing that came to my mind is connecting the phone to a computer via USB. But there are some obstacles.

    The phone is rooted and has LineageOS 20 (and Lineage Recovery) installed. The phone is on vibration or muted mode. Therefore an external speaker isn't of much use. The OS is most likely fully functional. I can tell when the screen is on and not by holding the power button. If it's on, it will vibrate which indicates the power menu has openned. If it's off, the flashlight will turn on.

    Phone has a USB-C 2.0 port and the wireless cast doesn't work due to Google Services being absent (apparently) so no video output. First thing I tried doing is just straight up connecting it to a computer. Obviously it didn't work because I didn't unlock the phone and a security feature that only uses USB for power unless otherwise is told is active. That setting can be changed via a notification. So I tried connecting a mouse and keyboard. I couldn't if anything was happening or if the peripherals were connected at all.

    So what do I do? I'm thinking of booting into Lineage Recovery and see if I can do anything with ADB or fastboot. But probably not since the data is encrypted.


    Steam mobile website could use some polish y'know.
