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PyroNeurosis PyroNeurosis
Posts 2
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Comedy posting
  • Tragically in this case, ignorance is not bliss, but an IV drip of manufactured rage.

  • Democrats' dilemma: Biden's agenda is popular, but he is not
  • I mean, even if he was 40 he wouldn't understand your life. He belongs to a more rarified political class than we plebs.

  • Get out the vote! The vote:
  • Eh, global thermonuclear warfare might do in a pinch.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It may work for you now, but what if you need a bottleopener? All's I'm saying is that we have the technology.

  • Welcome To Aftermath - Worker-owned video game journalism
  • Aren't those called indie establishments?

  • It's gone
  • Now i'm ace.

    Thanks Oba- er boys.

  • Do yourself a favor
  • Huh. Never considered a cabbage-wich before. Gonna have me a fun weekend now!

  • The USS Every State In The Country
  • And the away boats are Guam, Puerto Rico, DC. Et al.

  • meow_irl
  • Uncle Fester!

  • finally
  • Kids are all jacked- very few can throw plates of any consequence that high in the air.

  • Should loud cars be banned?
  • That may work to a point, people who get off on their noisy shits are more than willing to put in the work themselves.

  • Wordle #860 - Fri 27 October 2023
  • Wordle 860 3/6




  • Study Finds Cyclists Are Better People Than Drivers | Jalopnik
  • As an individual who walks to most of my destinations, I am a shutin, and by these metrics, a literal monster.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Sometimes, yeah. Sometimes I actively leave my phone at home and go outside too. Experience the breadth of what is offered!

  • 23% of Americans support political violence ahead of the 2024 election, survey shows
  • Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't seem to find evidence of OP's trepidation of the Left.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The font and color/shading make me think this is pebbleyeet.

    Im in a mood to be mad, wanna share the source?

  • Wanting to kill people (and/or going through with it) isn't indicative of a mental illness
  • Sure, but then so is policing and excommunication. Using the broadest possible brush is an express-ticket to uselessness.

  • rule
  • Kinda redundant? Never met a cat that did not have a intent to kill everything it met.

  • Lewiston, Maine shootings leave at least 16 dead
  • Militaries need to consider more than combat effectiveness for servive weapons: namely low cost and availability, which AR patterns have in spades.

  • Obama criticizes Israel’s decision to cut off food and water to Gaza
  • While it is easier to armchair govern, at least he didn't start an international conflict. Continue it, sure, but he didn't start it.

  • custom ads Low Quality Facts (@[email protected])

    Since there are no ads on Mastodon, I am offering to advertise for any companies on here. My only requirements are: 1. I get to write the ad. 2. The ad will in no way accurately portray your company and might state that you were responsible for the Cuban Missile Crisis. 3. For each post you must ...

    Reminds me of our favorite host.


    Sophie host when?

    Working my way through the backlog, there are several instances of Robert being the 'guest', but Sophie never hosts? This I'd like to hear.
