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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Roe vs Wade: aftermath?
  • Me either. People around me when the news leaked said both that I was completely overreacting and that the court would never, ever renege on the precedent set. I told them they were wrong. Even my therapist (an old lady) was like "it's just not possible and I think you might be far too anxious about this." Hoo boy. She at least apologized later after every single thing I predicted would happen, happened.

    Because truly, the people who have been involved in this activism for decades have always known this right to abortion was tenuous. My state has caught wind of how screwy SCOTUS is right now and has been pushing through many many laws to codify them outside of the supreme court. We just codified the Miranda rights provision as a law. It's crazy so much of our legal protections exist within a structure that's basically been blown apart over the last year. People's right to marry outside of their race and to people of the same sex are in a similar place. States need to get moving to protect their citizens.

  • AITA for telling my friend she can’t stay here if she’s gonna be at her boyfriend’s all of the time?
  • I'm not sure what the problem is. If she is effectively your roommate, is paying rent, cooks her own meals, and keeps up with her side of chores, etc. she can be there as often as she wishes. If she's staying there for free you might have some ground to stand on but at the same time, she's an adult with her own life. You can request that you guys have some time together but I don't know that it's fair or realistic to expect her to do anything she isn't interested in doing. If you don't like how she lives her life maybe she isn't compatible with you as a roommate. But expecting people around...isn't really a thing. What boundary exactly is she breaking?

    This is why lots of people choose not to have friends as roommates. It doesn't look how you expect it to and can tarnish the relationship.

  • Roe vs Wade: aftermath?
  • I live in a state that agreed to be a sanctuary state to people coming here for treatment. Border towns' Planned Parenthoods are overrun with people seeking care and in-town waits for routine care are pushed farther out than usual due to the increase in patients. Colleges are having less students attend in red states and entire hospitals have shut down their birthing and NICU departments in some places that have banned abortion. Even in my safe state I fear that nothing is truly protected from federal interference. Fortunately my state government has a background of saying "fuck you" to some federal policies like marijuana legalization and immigrant reforms that were put into place by Trump. But like many people in a blue state I'm getting priced out of where I live, and the options for affordable alternatives has shrunk considerably.

  • YSK a free, lightweight alternative to Spotify
  • 2FA and ad free links for podcasts. I already pay for an ad free experience on Spotify, and sometimes I'll pay to support someone on Patreon, but I can't use their link to even just remove the ads the podcast itself issues. I'm not sure where the ads come from every time but it feels like I'm being had.

    But ad free music is worth the price, which I was buying before they even hosted pods so it's hard to complain too much.

  • Does dog fur build up in my lungs (if I cuddle often with my dogs as I sleep)?
  • My dogs sleep with us in bed too. Fur itself isn't going to make it into your lungs but since you're allergic, washing and brushing the dog quite often (maybe with a mask on) and washing your sheets and pillowcases more often might just make you more comfortable.

  • AITA for buying my wife chocolate?
  • Well it sounds like most of us really can't! She's probably just having a moment of irrationality as we all do from time to time. There's probably something else going on but I doubt it's worth it to try to figure it out.

  • AITA for buying my wife chocolate?
  • Did she say why she was upset? Is she worried she's eating too many? Just that she thought it was a prank and not nice?

    I don't think you're an AH, but it does sound like your wife might be insecure about how much chocolate she's been eating. I'm picturing her telling herself "I'll let myself eat this much but then I'm back on a diet!" Or something to that effect. Then come to learn you've been foiling her plan in the background. Which is also something someone who is insecure about stuff might not want to say: that they are on a diet or worried about eating too much.

    All just a bunch of assuming.

  • What can be done for fun while indoors? and very bored too!
  • Those are pretty huge things, that actually cost a ton of money to do in the first place. Learning how to code can be fun, free, and can help you earn money down the line in hundreds of ways. After you have built up some skills you could tutor your friends for cash.

    Figuring out the individual steps for your end goals is really the first step. If you want to make a movie, how will you earn the cash for the budget? Who will write it? Where will you rent the equipment and props, and hire actors? Then where will you show it, and advertise? Each of those things individually could be a place you focus your energy on learning.

  • A Wizard of Earthsea
  • I already got duped by the BBC radio version because I thought it was one of those book bundles--is it worth listening? I have to read the rest of the series before starting so I'm curious if it's worth it.

  • What field do you work in?
  • I have a masters in psychometry and general research methods but if I ever get around to my Ph.D. I would hope to conduct a PPD meta-analysis and validate the EPDS because it's a load of hot garbage being used by doctors all over the country.

  • How did you discover TST?
  • I live in Denver and in 2020 there was a proposed bill to limit abortion access. I had a vague idea of what TST did so my desperate googling landed me on their membership page. Now I keep my religious abortion ritual card in my pocket, just in case.

  • Witching Hour Sweater for a friend

    This was so super fun to make and was really impressive to show off when I was done, but I worry that the swoncho style is a little impractical for actually wearing. My recipient was in another state so if I make something in this style for myself I might bring up the sleeve separation. I made it in KP comfy for washability.

    The Witching Hour by Hannah Mann

    Books Ozma_of_Oz

    A Wizard of Earthsea

    I wasted my youth not reading this beautiful series by Ursula K. LeGuin and I thought it deserved to be the first post here. Having read so much fantasy over the years, I can see so much of it in the books that have come out more recently. It's the type of book that is written so that every single word has a purpose, and doesn't languish in one place or another. I highly recommend the audiobook version as well.
