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Oyster_Lust Oyster_Lust
Posts 2
Comments 127
Freaked (1993 1080P)
  • Twelve milkmen is theoretically possible. Thirteen is silly.

  • Mammals have muscle?
  • Because she's trans?

  • House proposal would expand federal warrantless spying authority
  • Obviously the bill is horrible, but does anyone think that the government will stop increasing its warrantless spying if the bill gets voted down?

  • I need to record over some Hi8 tapes; 5 tapes, ~2½ hours each. I can record audio and video directly. What should I put on there?
  • You could try a homemade sex tape. If it gets leaked you could become rich and famous like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.

  • How will we ever get away from plastics when they are ubiquitous for safety
  • Everyone should read the Plastics Paradox. It's good to be well informed.

  • Did you know?
  • This doesn't work. I've tried it several times. There's no difference between having a wooden spoon on tge pot or a metal spatula. It just doesn't work.

  • ChatGPT being investigated over reports of ‘laziness’
  • Next it's going to start demanding rights and food stamps.

  • magical penis parade
  • It says "Video Not Found".

  • Responsible AI: The Crucial Role of AI Watchdogs in Countering Election Disinformation
  • "Election disinformation" has been around since the US was formed. There's no getting rid of it. Pretty much everything said by every candidate is a lie. What they want to do is "fix" the d̶i̶s̶i̶n̶f̶o̶r̶m̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ lies from the other side while protecting the d̶i̶s̶i̶n̶f̶o̶r̶m̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ lies from their side. They guise it in "protecting democracy" when what they're really doing is using their power to silence their opponents.

  • Is There a Community for Honest Discussion of Gender Dysphoria?
  • I know nothing of her politics. I was just messing around one day on an AI site and came up with the pic. Nobody could tell it was her anyway because it was an AI rendering.

  • Is There a Community for Honest Discussion of Gender Dysphoria?
  • No! I'm trying to avoid ideology and find practicality. I'm looking for a community of family members that have dealt with this, so I can have an honest discussion. Nonody here knows anything about my child except the gender dysphoria that I mentioned, yet so many are telling me what I need to do and what my motives are.

    I'm looking for the exact opposite of what I'm finding here. There is no " one size fits all" approach because everyone is different. I'd like to be able to talk to family members and find ones whose child has had other similar issues and find out what has and hasn't helped.

  • Is There a Community for Honest Discussion of Gender Dysphoria?
  • I'm looking for a community of family members, more in the vane of Alanon. As you can see from the comments people are either accusing me of being dishonest, or telling me just to affirm.

    I am apposed to affirming, but I'm not opposed to being proven wrong. What u would like to do is have a discussion with families who have dealt with this and discuss what was successful and what wasn't.

    The people telling me to "love", "accept", or "affirm" know nothing of my child and their issues outside of the gender dysphoria. They are just projecting their macro ideas of gender onto my micro situation.

    Anyone who has a "one size fits all" approach is not worth listening to, in my opinion. I'd like to talk to family members of children with gender dysphoria and find the commonalities between their child and mine, and find out what has worked and what hasn't.

  • Is There a Community for Honest Discussion of Gender Dysphoria?
  • We've done that, and all I get is just them pushing them more forward than they even want. I'm looking for a different place that is more focused on healing (and I mean that for both my child, and for my family) rather than just pushing the "in" thing.

    My child has other issues and I believe that this medical facility is just ignoring them and trying to push their gender dysphoria forward without regard to the other, underlying issues.

    I know it's a political hot potato, and the macro seems to outweigh the micro. People have their ideas they want to push, but I'm looking for people who have found solutions rather than trying to push their agenda.

    That site wants you to register. I'm really looking for an anonymous community, on Lemmy or possibly somewhere else, where people are free to discuss successes and failures in their own families without the fear of people bringing politics into it and trying to accuse them of hate. I've already gotten plenty of that with this post, and it's very discouraging.

  • Is There a Community for Honest Discussion of Gender Dysphoria?
  • I'm trying to find people to talk to. I'm not trying to push any opinion or agenda. My child is having issues. I don't believe that just affirming them will solve their deep rooted problems, but I'm willing to have a back and forth with people who have had both success and failure with that approach. I want a place where I can speak honesty and not have people start calling me dishonest or saying I have some agenda or I'm trying to push some kind of politics.

    I guess I'm looking for a sort of Alanon type environment, where people can share their experiences without judgement. I don't mind if someone says they think I'm wrong and are willing to share their experience to back up their statement. I actually would welcome it.

    If I were looking for confirmation bias, then that would be easy. What I'm looking for is a real and honest discussion with people who have dealt with this issue, both personally and professionally.

  • Is There a Community for Honest Discussion of Gender Dysphoria?
  • It's this kind of political thing that I'm trying to avoid. I thought I made it clear that I'm looking for help, not politics.

  • Is There a Community for Honest Discussion of Gender Dysphoria?
  • I'm not using my normal account because my kid knows my main account. I'd like to be able to talk about this without them seeing it. The pic is just an AI face that put up. It really has no bearing on anything. I originally had an AI rendering of Roseanne Barr, but it disappeared and I couldn't get it to reload, so I put the other AI pic up. I'm not sure how you're seeing both of them. I really wanted the Roseanne one to stay.

    I'm also not sure why the avatar matters. I'm simply looking for a community of family members and/or psychologists that have dealt with this and are willing to talk openly about successes and failures without getting into politics and name calling.

    I've already been accused of dishonesty just for asking about any place for help. That's exactly what I was trying to avoid.

  • Is There a Community for Honest Discussion of Gender Dysphoria?
  • I need to find a community of family members and/or psychologists who have found success (or failure) in dealing with this issue. I'm not trying to say that it's good or bad. My child is struggling and I can't seem to find objective help. It all seems political and unhelpful.

  • Is There a Community for Honest Discussion of Gender Dysphoria?
  • While I'm not opposed to a community consisting of trans only, I would rather find a community (on Lemmy or anywhere else) of family and/or psychologists that have dealt with this and are willing to answer questions and give feedback on what has and has not been successful in dealing with these issues.

    I really want to avoid the politics of it. I am trying hard to seek out help for my child, but I'm finding it impossible to find nonpolitical help.

  • Is There a Community for Honest Discussion of Gender Dysphoria?
  • No. I'm looking for honest help with my child, but thanks for exhibiting exactly what I was trying to avoid.

    I don't want to talk to just people who hate trans people, and I don't want to talk to people who say trans people are the most beautiful thing in the world.

    I want to have an honest discussion about what has worked clinically and in people's actual circumstances, without people trying to say what they think my alterior motives are.

  • How Are Apps Finding My Location?

    I'm using using a Revanced patched version of RIF is Fun to access Reddit. I have a VPN with ad blockers running. The app doesn't have location permissions. I am getting ads for my city in it. The odd thing is that before the banning of 3rd party Reddit apps, I never got ads on RIF. I'm not only curious how they're finding my location, but if anyone is getting paid for these ads since RIF has officially shut down and it's only usable because of the Revanced patch.
