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Ori Ori

こんにちは! 👋 I'm Ori, and I'm a hobbyist developer who works in IT Security and Systems Administration.

GitHub | Currently working on: kbin-scripts, eso-RandomMount Mastodon

Check out some of my Ready or Not mods here.

Posts 3
Comments 28
Anyone else out there who actually really loved Discovery's S1 style of Klingons?
  • I feel like it was too much. It 💯 fits Klingon style, but they're almost too foreign.

  • Many of Kbin terms dont make sense.. Why not replace them?
  • Some of these things are being discussed at the Codeberg. There's some issues opened like #406 - Rename "Microblog" in header to "Posts" for consistency., or other ones requesting feedback like #680 - Rename 'posts' to 'microposts' everywhere. Truly, the best place to put these ideas or thoughts is on the Codeberg. That's where the action is - but it never hurts to discuss here too, just may not be passed along.

  • This
  • Meh. Let them have their fun. Plenty of other things to be infuriated at.

  • What got you into selfhosting and what was the first thing that you hosted?
  • Some friends from high school and I were in an Cisco A+ class together. One night we ordered pizza, and after finishing it - we took the larger of the boxes, cleaned it out, and turned it into a server. We ended up running a few different game servers on there with the first being CS:Source, I believe. When that died, I started a 1&1 VPS that ran a Dark Age of Camelot freeshard for a while.

  • Just redirects me to homepage. I do recall seeing this before (in Matrix, I believe?) and it had worked then, or rather it gave me the "us news" magazine.

  • Saw this from DailyFaceoff - not sure who they are, but the rating is nice.

    do you say it as kay-bin or k'bin?
  • I switch between kay-bin and kebin (like Kevin with a b).

  • What is the difference between Lemmy and kbin?
  • There's one in alpha over @ArtemisApp , but as for a publicly available one, I'm not aware of one - no. Most people are happy with the PWA though.

  • What is the difference between Lemmy and kbin?
  • A good visualization of this can be found on FediDB. Active users on kbin has recently surpassed those on Lemmy.

  • Reddit > Kbin migration script
  • For users: Please do not blindly enter credentials in scripts that ask for them. I haven't had a chance to go through this script, but just do your own due diligence!

  • What is the kbin logo? Just a visually appealing logo or something more?
  • There's a lot of good discussion around the logo, it's origin and how it's evolving, going on in the codeberg.

  • Individual script modification and updates
  • I'd be happy for someone to correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel as though you're pretty much right with your last statement. Generally a project becomes forked and when the source is updated, you integrate the new changes into your now separate fork.

  • Cockpit or alternative?

    I'm looking for a self hosted dashboard to monitor various services and logs for multiple servers. A quick search turned up cockpit, but I was curious if anyone had thoughts about it, or if there were better alternatives.

    /kbin project management costs, financing, future plans
  • As always, you're so considerate and thorough. Looking forward to seeing what becomes of /kbin.

  • kbin-mod-options; v0.3.0 - Now with observers!

    Creating a new thread as I've moved instances and can no longer update the old one. Sorry about that!

    kbin-mod-options ==========

    Description ----------

    The purpose of this script is to allow mod authors to more easily implement settings and features. Only new feature notes will be included in this document. To view usage, please refer to the README.

    Patch Notes ----------

    • 0.1.0 - Initial Release

    • 0.2.0 - Breaking change. By default, settings will be collapsed as a drawer.

      • 0.2.2 - Compatibility fix for KUP (Kbin Usability Pack) 0.2.1+.
      • 0.2.3 - Style changes + animations.
      • 0.2.4 - Bug-fix for Kbin/kbin-core#666.
    • 0.3.0 - New feature: Observers!

    Observer ----------

    This is for making infinite scroll support easier for mod creators and not an actual setting module.

    ``` kmoCreateObserver({<funcToCall: yourFunctionNameHere>[, nodeType: 'id'][, nodeToWatch: 'content'][, watchSubtree: false]});


    NOTE: You're passing an object here that allows for named arguments. Please review example closely.

    • funcToCall - required
    • nodeType - optional
    • nodeToWatch - optional
    • watchSubtree - optional


    ``` // Create observer for main content feed. cont myObserver = kmoCreateObserver({funcToCall: updateNewContent}); // Example function function updateNewContent() { // Do stuff here } // Stop observing, maybe your addon is toggled off? function shutdown() { myObserver.disconnect(); }


    ``` // Maybe you want to watch's subscription panel list const mySubObserver = kmoCreateObserver({funcToCall: subUpdate, nodeType: 'class', nodeToWatch: 'subscription-list'}); // Example function function subUpdate() { // Do stuff here } // Stop observering - doesn't have to be in a function, but it makes life easier. function shutdown() { mySubObserver.disconnect(); }


    Kbin Notifications Panel
  • @blobcat
    I love this - definitely something that should be in native kbin, albeit supported natively without a frame. I do have a couple notes.

    The first is that I noticed you match multiple instances - which is great! However, you've hard-coded the notification path for To fix this, I've change the following:

    // Line 60 in the original script. Change the following:
    iframe.src = '';
    // To this:
    iframe.src = 'https://' + window.location.hostname + '/settings/notifications';

    The second is more a note for any instance admins who would like to support this...
    The default config for kbin, at least the bare metal (I haven't dug into the docker setup at all), is to set add_header X-Frame-Options DENY; in nginx. First is that X-Frame-Options is obsolete anyway, and the second is that the frame won't work with DENY being the setting.
    More reading: X-Frame-Options | MDN
    More reading: Content-Security-Policy | MDN

    Below are the steps you should take to enable functionality for this and to update away from X-Frame-Options:

    # I'm assuming you followed either the current or the soon-to-be bare-metal configuration.
    # First, login to your instance as a user with sudo.
    sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/kbin.conf
    # Locate the following line near the bottom: add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
    # Comment it out by adding a # in front. Create a new line under it and enter the following (replace domain.tld with your domain):
    add_header Content-Security-Policy "from-ancestors 'self' https://domain.tld https://www.domain.tld";
    # Save and exit, <CTRL>+x, y, <ENTER>
    # Restart nginx
    sudo systemctl restart nginx
  • kbin Federation Awareness script
  • @Rhaedas

    Figured out a solution for kbin-federation-awareness, will take longer for KCH. New link here.

  • [Userscript] kbin Feed Curator
  • @gabriell - Thanks for sharing. I'm going to share my full edit of the script, replace your local version with the one below and see if your issues resolve.

    pastebin - kbin Feed Curator

  • kbin Federation Awareness script
  • Ah! That's why. The specs for gm_info are different for ViolentMonkey and TamperMonkey. That's insane to me, but I've got a fix! Again, really sorry for the hijack CodingAndCoffee.

    Updated kbin-code-highlighting
    Updated kbin-federation-awareness

  • kbin Federation Awareness script
  • Do you use TamperMonkey, or something else?

  • kbin Federation Awareness script
  • Weird - I'm using LibreWolf, for all intents and purposes - Firefox. Example

  • kbin Federation Awareness script
  • I don't want to hijack @CodingAndCoffee 's thread, but... look here. And if you choose to use that, check your options menu out. Though, I only allow it on the left side for articles in the options because I don't like overwriting the waterfall on the left (probably one of my extensions if you don't know what I'm talking about).