I dont understand this… why would Iran bomb it? its full of muslims and in their scuffle with israel they were just returning the favor. Israel bombed them 1st, if any country is a danger to the area its Israel.
This would actually bring peace to the region. Move the Palestinians back to their homes make it so they live in a part of the USA. Now let’s see Israel try and bomb the hand that feeds them. It’s actually brilliant!
Good putting america 1st. Just like he said he would!
I wanna see its insides… I bet it was delicious.
Thats because they have a union. They dont think we should have unions tho! Smh
Deploy them to Ukraine, if you think the US is actually going to attack greenland. You need to chill out, the US most likely will build naval/military bases in the country but that deal needs to be made.
Can you imagine getting up from your bed and doing your morning routine. Only to leave the house and fuck with people that live on the streets in tents.
Hell yeah download arma reforger and join an op. Great time if you are into military simulators.
Canada dont believe the lie!
Im Dead…..lol
Why you think we are here! I should have made the move much earlier.
You are here because a woman got pregnant by mans semen. Did you guys like close your eyes and ears during health class in highschool? It’s as frustrating as the global warming denial people. We are seeing the effects and they still believe it’s normal.
The insurrectionist and Bidens family are criminals.
Well he pardoned his whole family soooo….
Thats fucked up! The rules dont apply to the rule makers.
It worked dodge is up 10%
It is on topic … forgiving criminals.
“hook, line, and sinker” This guy is the biggest troll.. you dont think he did that on purpose to get this much attention…
Ground Turkey Tacos with red onions, tomatoes and cilantro

This has been my go to lately. I think it cost me like 3-4 bucks to make this at home!
They say we can't travel back in time.

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I wasn't even born yet but I wish I had been.