Oof, yeah, that's not ideal and I certainly get your frustration. This part of life sucks, but you're going to spend your twenties figuring out who you want to be and finding people who want to be a part of that journey with you. It's hard, and it's really tempting to fall into cynicism or retreat into online fluff, and sometimes you have to do those things to stay sane. However, I'm 35 and having the worst year of my life, and I still wake up with a smile on my face because I have built my tribe. The world might be burning around us, but we're going to enjoy our time together while the ship sinks.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take my coffee and walk my dog while the sun is out and the birds are singing. All the best to you ❤️
Followed you from MI. Sorry this happened and double sorry that instead of giving you a little dopamine to take the edge off MI decided to shit all over this.
Hope you're okay, please find some real people in your life to help you process this. Online is okay if everyone around you sucks, but it really isn't the same, and shit like this does eat at your soul over time. I might not know anything about you, but odds are pretty good that you deserve love and support. Find the people who give that to you and hold on tight.
On a lighter note, your professor is the worst piece of shit I've seen this morning, and I just cleaned up my dog's vomit after he got into the cat's litterbox last night.
That's the key, you just have to get her to stop ingesting the poison.
My father in law watches Fox news. Whenever he comes to visit us in Europe he spends the whole time oo'ing and ah'ing about life here and swears he understands that Fox news is propaganda.
Then he goes back home and two weeks later my mother in law is complaining that he's got brain worms again because he started watching Fox to get Both Sides™.
That was just a shitty negotiating tactic. From day one he's rolled out the red carpet for Trump. Twitter was just his foot in the door so that he's already on Trump's good side and can get his company town going in Texas.
Oh, you meant move funds, I thought you meant countries 😂
Yeah, started the process in 2017 when this shit show started. I've been getting so tired of saying "I told you so".
Typically if you have ADHD then stimulants just make you feel "normal". Like, when I take my meds it just helps me stay on task and focus on what I want to focus on.
My non-ADHD friends who have taken the same meds recreationally have said they feel euphoric when they take them, which I do not get at all. For me it's just like... Strong coffee? (Then again, maybe lots of people are euphoric when they have their morning coffee?)
All this to say, get a real diagnosis, because there's a real chance that you don't have ADHD. Lots of other disorders can cause similar symptoms (e.g. chronic stress, generalized anxiety). Stimulants really fuck with your sleeping patterns which is absolutely terrible for yor health.
If I could hold a job without my meds I would probably stop taking them. I recently had to stop them temporarily due to another health issue and within 2 days my insomnia was gone and I was feeling healthier than I had in years. Yeah, it's been a lot harder to live my life, but I had forgotten how good a nice, deep sleep feels
See, I've always maintained that he bought Twitter with the specific intention of earning his spot as the Goebbels in the upcoming Reich. It was never about money, it's always been a power play.
Started looking for places to move to in 2017 because we lived in a red state and the writing was on the wall. Settled on the Netherlands and moved in 2019. Getting through covid was a bitch and I'd feel a lot better if the Dutch hadn't also just elected a right wing nut job, but my mental and physical health are noticeably better. Once you get out you really realize how toxic American culture is. It's like swimming downstream from a mine your whole life and then suddenly getting air lifted to some Icelandic spring.
Yeah, good fucking luck boycotting AWS. I'd wager a non-trivial percentage of the fediverse is hosted on it too.
Even if they are legitimately pissed-- ignore them. Fusing the singular and plural second person pronouns was a mistake and "y'all" has come to deliver us from misery and confusion.
You can't look at switching costs in a vacuum. The real metric is the Expected Return. When the original app is going to remain open, there is a very high risk that, ultimately, most of the users you care about aren't going to make the switch. Even if the switching costs are low, the ER is negative because the most likely outcome is that you waste your time trying to migrate to a new platform that doesn't really take off.
When the original app might stop existing then the calculus switches and even a high cost option is worth it because the odds are much higher that your efforts will pay off.
We absolutely can, but it's still a lot harder to pick these skills up as adults vs internalizing them as a kid, and a lot of men don't even realize the cause of their suffering.
Like, I'm not trying to give men an excuse not to change-- you asked why men are bad at planning and I'm just giving you an answer.
A lot of men were never taught to do this. We raise young girls to be incredibly social, but boys are not socialized to nearly the same extent. You can see this in Autism diagnoses. Girls are diagnosed as a much lower rate and the ones that do receive the diagnosis tend to be really severe cases. The leading theory as to why is that society places so many social expectations on girls that the more mild cases quickly learn to mask and pass themselves off as neurotypical.
Hell, I'm 35 and I just started a group chat with some of my bros in order to help with motivation to get things done (it's basically a stand up meeting but for our personal lives/goals). NONE of them even know each other, they were just doing this to help me out because I'm burned out. 2 weeks in and they had all thanked me privately for giving them a social outlet and improving their mood. None of us usually text people unless we need to, and now we'll routinely get roped into conversations because someone shares an interesting update.
Meanwhile my wife is juggling 3 different group chats in addition to half a dozen friends she keeps in touch with 1-1.
There might be some biological mechanism too, but I think a lot of it boils down to boys have "productive labor" modelled for them as ideal behavior while girls are taught how to be considerate friends.
Most of Northern Europe (Netherlands and Denmark are especially bad)
I'd go to 2000 with a full report on how Bush stole the election so that the Gore campaign would be prepared to stop it.
If the 9/11 blank check had gone to Gore, then we might've jumped years ahead on the fight against climate change.
Fuck me, this is the first Lemmy comment that actually made me laugh out loud.
Honestly, I think it's more of a practical matter. Even if they didn't have explicit pardon power, whoever's in charge of the executive has effective pardon powers by simply denying to carry out the orders of the court (see Jackson's behavior which lead to the trail of tears).
At least by making it official it's a lot more clear what's going on, and maybe they had hoped this would lead to electoral consequences for those who abused it?
No worries, I've also become super sensitive to this ever since the discourse started spilling out into actual healthcare legislation here. Before it was easy to give people the benefit of the doubt, or to shrug it off as strangers online who don't know what they're talking about, but now I feel obligated to speak up just in case. Thanks for your understanding and for having a calm discussion about it.