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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Any fitness tracker recommendations from europe?
  • Withings looks insane, and it has good reviews, at least the ones that I saw.

    But I feel like something like that will look out of place on me, for my style, but that is a me issue.

    I think I might get one later after I get a but more fit 😅

  • Any fitness tracker recommendations from europe?

    I was thinking of getting something I wear 24/7 for monitoring my heart rate etc. and since I have a samsung phone the default choice was a samsung smartwatch. The other alternatives I found recommended were American (garmin, fitbit, apple...) but are there any European alternatives? I kinda expected europe to lead with this kind of health related things tbo.

    what is your alternative to Gillete for shaving ?
  • I was the same Tbo for some I thought Gillette was also german, then I saw the p&g on the packaging... Then I thought I would switch to Braun just to find out they are also under p&g...

    That is why I come here to ask people's opinions 😊

  • what is your alternative to Gillete for shaving ?

    cross-posted from:

    > I have been looking into some stuff and for now the Philips oneblade looks like the most interesting option to me, does someone maybe have experience with it? How long do the blades last? > Or are there any other alternatives you would recommend?


    what is your alternative to Gillete for shaving ?

    I have been looking into some stuff and for now the Philips oneblade looks like the most interesting option to me, does someone maybe have experience with it? How long do the blades last? Or are there any other alternatives you would recommend?
